Sunday, January 17, 2016

DeBlasio's non-profit not doing as well

From the Daily News:

Mayor de Blasio’s efforts to be the national voice of the left — which resulted in his aborted attempt to stage an Iowa presidential forum — cost his political non-profit close to $400,000, according to records released Friday night.

The Campaign for One New York, which de Blasio formed shortly after being elected, spent a whopping $383,537.84 on the “Progressive Agenda,” which lobbies D.C. on liberal issues.

Much of that went to consultants, including a hefty $215,000 payout to the firm AKPD, which was founded by de Blasio campaign guru John Del Cecato.

Del Cecato famously created the ad that starred Dante de Blasio and his afro in the 2013 City Hall race.

The Progressive Agenda tried and failed to persuade the 2016 presidential candidates to attend a forum on income inequality that it planned in Iowa.

No one wanted to come, so it was canceled.

One New York, which as a non-profit operates outside the city’s strict campaign finance laws, raised a total of $485,009.49 over the filing period that just ended.

That’s considerably less than the $1.5 million it raised in the previous six months filing period.

From Capital New York:

The decline in donors also comes after POLITICO New York and other news outlets reported that a significant percentage of donors to the fund gave money even as they also had other business before City Hall.

A review by POLITICO New York of the fund’s donors found 62 percent of the businesses or individuals who gave to the campaign between January 2015 and July of 2015 also had either business or labor contracts with the city, or were seeking approval for specific projects at the time that they donated.


Anonymous said...

De Blasio, himself, ain't doin' so well.
He is one of the worst mayors in NYC's history.
Mentally challenged simplistic crusading dreamers, without a strong tie to reality, usually are.

(sarc) said...

Ideas so great that they must be mandated and forced by the heavy hand of the government...

Anonymous said...


JQ LLC said...

The main reason why donations are down is because of the convictions of Shelly, Dean and his dicknose son. Like all criminal conspirators, they surely told their benefactors to chill for a while as Preet was trying to charge Cuomo with all that dealing and patronage going on with Glenwood.

Now that Cuomo got lucky, the filthy lucre will start flowing again. Especially now that Mayor Big Slow and Mario's son are already starting their re-election campaigns.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

And, until Preet finally nabs the final Albany king, JQ ('Three Amigos,' as they appeared on the front page of the Daily News last year, and donning Mexican sombreros), then Albany henchmen are right back in business again, like nothing ever happened to disrupt the graft!

First, Joe Bruno got lucky (more likely, the jury was bought), and now Mario's son was spared the 'Perp Walk,' (for now), when he was right there with the other two in the back room, openly discussing the latest 'Dupe du Jour' that ended with the peculiar disbanding of the Moreland Commission, at the exact time that they were getting ready to investigate Kingpin Cuomo himself! Nothing ILLEGAL about THAT!

Alas, they must STILL think that we are stupid, ignorant and blind to their graft and lawlessness, JQ, (ironically, that is STILL openly practiced without censure and serious consequence!), as they continue to behave like they are clever, when they aren't even smart!

But, since I have long ago lost any pretense of journalistic integrity and investigative reporting that leads by example, indictment and conviction (where the Kardashians are a now modern day example of what hard hitting, probing news investigations look like---whom they treat as welcome and relevant---unlike everybody else!), what's left is vigilante justice that is once again upon the rank and file, as a 'Cause & Effect' of all government tyranny, lies, deniability, societal collapse, and soon full blown anarchy itself (currently in mid-level progress).

So, once again RIP, NYC & NYS---our tonsured, ravaged state, and nation's 'false start,' prosperity party ended for the erstwhile, egalitarian middle class, as soon as we all realized that 'Trickle Down' Economics was only a pathological, treasonous, traitorous, corporate shill like Ronald Reagan taking a steaming piss down America's hardworking legs---as wealth, prosperity and private splendor 'Trickled Up' for the 1%, and public squalor, beggary and obscurity awaited everyone else, whose lives and youth were robbed and ruined with impunity---and the public be duped, scammed and damned!

Strunk and White said...

So, once again RIP, NYC & NYS---our tonsured, ravaged state, and nation's 'false start,' prosperity party ended for the erstwhile, egalitarian middle class, as soon as we all realized that 'Trickle Down' Economics was only a pathological, treasonous, traitorous, corporate shill like Ronald Reagan taking a steaming piss down America's hardworking legs---as wealth, prosperity and private splendor 'Trickled Up' for the 1%, and public squalor, beggary and obscurity awaited everyone else, whose lives and youth were robbed and ruined with impunity---and the public be duped, scammed and damned!

See? Totally incomprehensible. MEGO. We defy ANYONE to diagram his latest blather.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

How sad that even basic education has failed you, 'Skunk and Blight,' where thankfully everyone else is up to speed, as you continue to 'run on empty!'

What's incomprehensible to me is how you keep digging your own ditch---to deepest effect!

Qui rem non judicant, et qui iudicant et non pertinet!

You know, there are classes in both remedial English and English as a second language. Sign up immediately for either or both, and maybe then you can finally seek your tailored place in the universe.

How's that for diagram analysis, Skunk?

Anonymous said...

You mean it ain't so profitable for Duh Blasio himself?
His ratings have long been down the toilet...floating somewhere in New York's rivers.
Banish Big Bill at the polling place. He's the worst train wreck that NYC has seen in recent years.

Anonymous said...

DecBlasio is doing very well for himself as things currently go.
We are the ones who are continually being screwed.
Bill lives in Gracie Mansion and when he's done go back to his nice Park Slope abode.
Where do you affordable housing? Not for long. It is a sin to be poor in NYC.
Soon it will become law! Let's bring back debtors prison!
If you cannot afford to live in Downton Abbey then you must move.

Anonymous said...

Bill can run it from his prison cell when Preet gets done with him.

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