Thursday, January 14, 2016

Bums kicked out of LaGuardia

From the Queens Gazette:

Port Authority (PA) officials are chasing the homeless from LaGuardia Airport overnight, by enforcing strict closing times, installing window-ledge guards and traffic cones along walls at the Queens airport.

PA officials said workers are using “everything possible” to remove vagrants that give the airport a black eye.”

The enforcement started on January 2, when Port Authority police chased everyone without a plane ticket or a a job after 11 p.m. each night. The vagrants are not allowed back until 5 a.m., officials said.

Vagrants who manage to slip past the enforcement have to deal with rough metal posts that have been installed on window ledges, making it difficult, if not impossible to sleep there, officials said.

Port Authority workers have also lined walls with “hundreds” of large, bright orange cones to prevent vagrants from sleeping on the floors, PA officials said.

Officials say the enforcement has reduced the LaGuardia homeless population by 80 per cent.


(sarc) said...

Coming to a neighborhood neer you...

Anonymous said...

There's a new homeless shelter right across from the airport on 94 Street. It used to be a nice hotel with over 200 rooms. I don't understand how the PA allowed this situation to get so far out of hand. Why weren't they enforcing their security protocol?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Duhblaz will be right on this situation and solve it immediately. So lucky we have him for another 10 years, right?

Anonymous said...

Because the surrounding nabe is not considered to be a prime nabe so it is allowed to be dumped upon.
Now, imagine if this wre Douglaston. This kind of crap would never have been tolerated.

Anonymous said...

The PA is not a real police force i dont care what anybody says. They are highly paid security guards. Our airports should be secured by the NYPD ESU.

Anonymous said...

"Bums kicked out of LaGuardia"

Next goal? The city council!!!

Anonymous said...

Transport them to the steps of gracie mansion.

Anonymous said...

Why is it OK for them to be there during the day when people are around and they're in the way, but not at night when most people aren't around?

Anonymous said...

There is an empty townhome in Park Slope they can put them in.

Camel bladder said...

How insensitive to refer to these urine soaked sacks of shit as bums. Don't you know that they are "entitled" to affordable decent housing paid for by the Sheeple. And if they fuck up the affordable housing that we have bestowed upon them it the sheeple said responsibility to clean the place up. Got it everyone?

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Alas, the bums and vagrants are not the problem here, as compared to the intensely incompetent and failed political leadership, who refuse to work for a living (the phantoms of all city and state government, 'friends & family' plan payrolls---where merely 'clocking in' is a substitute for actual work), as they not only continue to be taxpayer rewarded for epic, humanitarian fail, but who also demand hefty raises for part-time work (that betrays all public trust), where the rest of the empty hourglass is lavished on lunch and a manicure (tantamount to a stressful day for all council dropouts, City Hall sycophants, Albany henchmen, and beyond)!

And, this daily loop of an openly practiced routine would make an even better sequel to the original 'Groundhog Day,' where even the groundhog himself had more purpose, function and civic work ethic to his credit!

Anonymous said...

All public space s...even Grand Central, being invaded by bums.

Anonymous said...

That home in park slope is gettig &4975 a month. You would think such a kind humle socialist wouold have put in for section 8 folk?
It's all about $$$ with our communist mayor. After all some people are more equal than others..........

Anonymous said...

True, Richard....BUMS on the taxpayers's payroll (politicians and officials) are the real problem.
Government does not work because it's employees (which include elected officials) do not put in a full day's work.
Your city council members are part time workers....yet get paid full time.
Isn't there something wrong with that sit on your ass system?
If a factory worker showed up for only four hours a day...he or she would be docked some pay!

Anonymous said...

Tax extortion racket, make us feel guilty about homeless to pay more tax

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

And, to further reinforce how the corrupt, drunk with power inmates are running the asylum that is better known as City Hall (at our expense, and to our own demise!), the false, fake, failed, ever hustling Socialist mayor just affirmed a 23% pay bump for all part-time, hardly working, derelict council members, on top of a 37% raise for his handpicked, City Council Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito, that ONLY could exist under the big tent, exclusionary country club of all unearned, undeserved power and privilege at City Hall (where higher ups like Mark-Viverito continue to be rewarded for OPENLY lying, cheating and stealing), and the public be damned (again, still and forevermore)!

Now, one would think that leadership would naturally lead by way of a program of human decency and accountability that engenders an enforceable mantra to 'comfort the afflicted,' and 'afflict the comfortable.' Not so with this recalcitrant administration of epic, humanitarian fail, where RIGHT is WRONG, and WRONG is clearly RIGHT.

Meanwhile, everyone else in the ever growing rank and file of human misery and utter disgust, are still waiting for their pay to catch up to 1979, for a paltry $15-an-hour raise (that is still decades behind ever climbing inflation), that should be closer to $28, while the big, rotting fish always get fed first, when they have clearly failed at earning their present, vastly overpaid, part-time pay---against all public referendum, as well as the voice of the people and constituents, whom they purportedly represent, with impunity!

And, when the deserving needs of the many are once again rejected for the undeserving wants and unjustified demands of the few, then automatic vigilantism and societal collapse successfully prevail (again and still), followed by a transition to full blown anarchy itself (currently in mid-level progress).

And, if THIS counterfeit mayor is a progressive socialist---then Bill Cosby is an advocate for women's rights!

And, I haven't even started to denounce the mayor's crony, handpicked, 'Friends & Family' administration, that only makes life worse for everyone else by the hour!

Anonymous said...

He's not communist or socialist. He is simply an ineffective phony!!

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

And, a counterfeit intellectual and impostor mayor, Anonymous, who now devalues all honesty itself (again, still and in perpetuity)!

Meanwhile, the purportedly 'free press' once again offer their unanimous, corporate obedient approval for his intensely incompetent, lethal (as in police blood-on-his-hands) leadership to pass the smell test, when there is a big, stinking elephant turd in the press room at City Hall (it was never removed since January, 2014!), where the nose blind mayor and his lawless pal and Council Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito say: "Smell? What smell? I don't smell anything!"

And, this, fellow New York City taxpayers' without representation (who, ironically continue to pay for all City Hall 'Crimes without criminals') is what government tyranny looks like.

Collectively, they make Tammany Hall's Boss Tweed very proud in purgatory, as societal collapse and all openly practiced, city government anarchy (currently in mid-level progress), only worsen by the hour---and the public be damned!

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