Thursday, December 24, 2015

Trib visits NYPD Mounted Unit

From the Queens Tribune:

The NYPD Mounted Unit, or police officers who ride on horses, could be called the NYPD’s secret weapon. As is the case with the canine unit, the animals enhance the officer’s ability to do their job. They help them see further down the block. (The officers call themselves “the ten-foot-cops.”) They prevent them from getting snuck up on. They allow them to get a job done faster.

But ‘weapon’ wouldn’t really be the right word. Because the peaceful giants that the officers ride inspire the opposite reaction from a “weapon.” Mostly, the faces of children and adults alike light up with wonder and excitement when they see the mounted unit clomping down their street. And that ability is more potent and beneficial than the horses’ keen senses and size could ever be. So call them the department’s secret “strategy.”

Citywide, there are about 50 officers that are part of the mounted unit. Eight of those officers belong to Troop F, based in Cunningham Park. Depending on where they’re needed, these officers will patrol Forest Park, Steinway Street in Astoria and Citifield, as well as in the Bronx, Manhattan and Coney Island.


(sarc) said...

Don't worry.

The animal rights activists will continue to do all that they can to end this...

JQ LLC said...

It's cool that these units work in parks. What's impractical and should end is the sight of mounted police in the city like in Times Square. Especially with the omniscience of hi-def cameras on every light fixture.

The biggest reason is the piles of shit they leave behind, especially in the bike lanes which have become a designated toilet for them.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Mayor Koch wanted the horses to wear diapers?

Anonymous said...

"What's impractical and should end is the sight of mounted police in the city like in Times Square." ...Not true, besides being a good PR tool for the NYPD (lots of photo ops with tourists) the Mounted Unit is in Times Square because nothing breaks up an unruly crowd like horses. Back in the Dinkins days when they finally decided to break up the Crown Heights riots they sent the Mounted Unit in first.

Anonymous said...

I worked in the 102 back iin 94 and 95. Troop had a barn and office there. Great guys and gals who took pride in their mounts and spent quite a bit of off duty time taking care of their "partners".And yes,nothing breaks up a potential riot more than 5 or 6 horses gallopig towards you!

JQ LLC said...

"And yes,nothing breaks up a potential riot more than 5 or 6 horses gallopig towards you!"

Or a peaceful protest against an unjust trillion dollar quagmire occupation and ensuing war responsible for an extremist religious media and tech savvy resurgent group that we have to worry about and sacrifice our basic freedoms for every day.

Anonymous said...

I've seen them do some real fast crowd control and that sight is almost as good as seeing a tank coming straight at ya.
just ONE horse as well.

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