Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Graffiti on the rise

From CBS:

Graffiti was an infamous symbol of the decline and decay of New York City in the 1970s and ’80s, and some now say it appears to be making a comeback.

As CBS2’s Scott Rapoport reported Monday, residents have noticed and they want it gone.

According to the NYPD, the number of graffiti complaints citywide in 2015 is up 15 percent from last year. Meanwhile, arrests for graffiti are down 10 percent compared with last year.

And while a far cry from the out-of-control graffiti craze some 40 years ago, the current graffiti is getting noticed.


(sarc) said...

That ONE PERCENT raise Is quite the incentive to work.

Especially when the council is looking at 76% for themselves...

Anonymous said...

Some call it graffiti. Others call it the ignored lower classes speaking out the only way crooked politicians can be reached to deal in a humane fashion with our growing underclass. Spend money on good education and less on wars that benefit oil companies with holdings in Saudi Arabia. If they want to protect their oil fields, why should they use our publicly funded Army, Navy and Air Force? Let them hire their own private security forces. The National Guard's business is to protect our home soil.
If you do not like this truthful statement, then fuck you in spades and wild duces up your ass!

georgetheatheist said...

Duces? I always knew dose Mussolini fellers were not to be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Lower calsses spending $25 a can for Montana brand paint? You have no clue on the types of people doing graffiti. Everytime you see graffiti call 311 and report it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.......

Anonymous said...

"If you do not like this truthful statement, then fuck you in spades and wild duces up your ass!"... Gee, what a profound comment. Certainly backs your argument for better education.

Anonymous said...

"Some call it graffiti. Others call it the ignored lower classes speaking out the only way crooked politicians can be reached to deal in a humane fashion with our growing underclass." I call it a crime. Want to vent against the Federal Government? Go spray paint the White House. Leave my private property alone.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and now again...


This will prevent most offenders from buying the product. Many who need to buy the paint will use a credit card for the purchase and it will not be an inconvenience.

Anonymous said...

Poster 2 is quite the d-bag. Since crapper allowed that crap, I sure hope none of my posts are ever denied again!

Camel bladder said...

A $25 dollar charge on a paint can? What a shit head. Don't you realize that would just be another government money grab? How about when these pieces of human debris get caught vandalizing property they get 6 months on a chain gang scraping chewing gum off the sidewalks in the neighborhood that they live in while wearing striped prison clothes? You see, in our modern society it has become a badge of honor to get arrested for things like graffiti. But I guarantee the six month sentence I am talking about will take the shine off that ghetto badge of honor real quick.

Anonymous said...

Camel Bladder you are exactly right! When gang members go to jail it becomes an anonymous situation. It also puts them in with others who are in the same situation -- then they brag about what they have done. HOWEVER if you publicly shame them in prison garb cleaning up graffiti in their own neighborhood it will impact the offenders AND embarrass their families. And, cleaning up their mess would not make them very happy. Well, you do the crime, you pay with time.

Anonymous said...


Why? Are the cans self spraying themselves on the walls, fences and doors?

Just like with guns, the focus is on objects. Like in a true nanny state.

Punish the people for their actions.

Then you'll see things change.

Objects are fine. The people are fucked up. Some of them.

JQ LLC said...

Graffiti has become a tool for gentrification. That's why the laws are barely enforced or not at all. And it's harder to enforce when certain groups can profit from it. It's become a free market strategy so it's acceptable and left alone.

With these standards,targeting your regular delinquent tagger will just look like discriminating selective enforcement. Besides art is in the eye of the beholder even if it's shit like someones nickname in scrawl or bubble letters or a poignant mural for deceased cops or firefighters.

But lots of graffiti can be revealatory and informative. Like this one.

Anon 2 takes Banksy too literally. And it's deuces.

Anonymous said...

Graffiti is gang/drug dealer advertising. They are marking their sales territory. Used to be about art, not any more.

It's property damage and criminal activity.

Make Graffiti a federal offense. Let them paint in federal lock up.

there should be a data base of people who buy spray paint. Let them give credible photo ID.

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