Sunday, December 20, 2015

DeBlasio, Cuomo & Comrie want homeless at Creedmoor

From the Daily News:

The de Blasio administration said Saturday it is open to the idea of converting a near empty psychiatric center to house the homeless.

Sources say Gov. Cuomo is considering a proposal to use the Creedmore Psychiatric Center in Queens to help deal with the city’s homeless crisis.

City officials have not been briefed about the possibility of using the site’s empty buildings by the Cuomo administration, but on Saturday seemed receptive.

“Given the dimensions of the problem that has built up over many years, any additional state resources are welcome and we look forward to hearing more about the plan,” said de Blasio spokeswoman Karen Hinton.

From the NY Post:

Queens state Sen. Leroy Comrie, whose district includes Creedmoor, said providing homeless people with housing there is not such a crazy idea.

“The homeless individuals would have an excellent chance of being successful with a complement of services,” Comrie said. “I will be talking to the governor about it.”


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If they're gonna do this, at least utilize the psychiatric hospital to treat the psychiatric issues of street walkers. It shouldn't be a human warehouse.

JQ LLC said...

Where did they get this idea? From the show Gotham's Arkham Asylum? Is this where all those compiled by the creepy Orwell inspired nmenomic named database HOMESTAT be warehoused?

Good luck with this you stupid idiots.

Anonymous said...


Are you saying that all homeless are criminals?

Anonymous said...

Anon #1:
It's irritating, you know.

Anonymous said...

There goes Alley Pond Park . . .

Anonymous said...

Anon 1. Judging by the all caps I guess that's your neighborhood? Welcome to the rest of Queens.

Anonymous said...

For once a good idea from Der Bah-Blah. A lot of homeless are really mentally ill.

Anonymous said...

The new Roach Motel,you check in but you never check out.
It's all about the federal dollars,homeless generate revenue
The crime spike will be huge,mental illness and drug use drive homeless
Whats the difference at this point,just make sure you install voting booths

Anonymous said...

The circle is closing.

Years ago, they deinstitutionalized the low-level psychos and let them loose on the street. It didn't work out too well for either them or the general citizenry. So there is some logic--and not a little irony--in this solution.

And the lack of mass transit should not be a problem. If they're living here, they don't have to sleep in the subways any more.

Anonymous said...

We await the first bankruptcy in LIC towers and the announcement of the future of LIC: the city is taking it over and converting it into a human barracks.

Just a train ride away for menial labor for the 1%.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Alas, the only public parasites and derelicts who truly belong in totally padded cells at Creedmore, are the hyper-corrupt 'Third Albany King Cuomo' (and soon to be locked up by Preet Bharara), an intensely incompetent, 300% false, fake and failed leader like Bilious Bill di Blasio, and an irrelevant, Queens 'ghetto' political hack like Comrie themselves!

But, where was Papa Cuomo (and his big, oxygen-sucking honker), when the powers that be had the brilliant idea to close nearly every single New York State mental institution (during the bereft 1970s and early 1980s, ostensibly because New York was broke), that left some of the most vulnerable, mentally incompetent, confused and recklessly abandoned population to fend for themselves (without medication, and under stressful and dangerous conditions), which landed most, if not all in the public jail system, which ended up costing even more to accommodate these former patients, within facilities that were designed for criminals and detainees---not the mentally ill? Worse, many former inmates would devise a way to get themselves intentionally jailed, so they would have daily access to food, shelter and hygiene facilities that would otherwise not be available to their uncertain living conditions that were foisted upon them by heartless, Godless, depraved political thieves!

And, suddenly three vapid weasels (out of a whole, CRAZY-HOUSE-for-REAL!) of political scourges are just now awakening from a 30-year suspended animation, in order to grapple with the homeless fiasco, that our former billionaire, Emperor Bloomberg chose to simply ignore (for 12 staggering years, no less!), by his elitist, Neo-Fascist, handpicked regime of epic, humanitarian fail (who continually ignored the crisis, with impunity), and everyone is likewise, suddenly surprised that this whole preventable mess of a homeless/mentally ill population has now multiplied exponentially---and, STILL NOT ONE of the top levels of purported, six-figure, higher up leadership has the vaguest idea how to manage a mess that they themselves are responsible for creating (by ignorance, apathy, silence and complicity), for all of these unconscionable years???

Sadly, the REAL City Hall and Albany inmates are running the asylum again (and STILL), where the REAL and SADDEST padded cell is now occupied by a clueless, recalcitrant and utterly failed combination of all intensely incompetent leadership, by Albany and City Hall themselves---and the public be terminally duped, bilked and scammed!

Hence, it's no wonder why so many residents of our once great, proud and accountable city and state are now fleeing this massive, entrenched, uncontrollable mess of grinding corruption---faster than the speed of light!

Anonymous said...

All we need now if for Donald Trump to become Mayor and build a wall around this shithole so no one can get out!

Anonymous said...

Check if it's a brownfield first. Land sold to public entities such as prisons, hospitals, schools, homeless shelters, government agencies like the DMV, police & fire stations, welfare offices, court houses and mental hospitals are often built on top of unreclaimed brownfields.Could be full of dangerous chemicals like asbestos.

Once it's cleaned up, yes it could be a good place. Except where will they panhandle for crack? How culturally insensitive can you be?

then the powers that be will put the invading Muslim hordes in it instead of our own homeless.

All kidding aside, from my observations, over 60% of the homeless are those who are developmentally disabled, retarded, autistic, have dementia or Alzheimer's and TBI- Traumatic Brain Injury. They are not receiving either the government benefits or medical care that they are entitled to.

Anonymous said...

I hope they have good, strong fences around the Frank A. Padavan campus schools that were built on Creedmoor property.

Camel bladder said...

The place was built as a mental hospital so the idea kind of makes sense since a lot of these homeless are mentally ill. The problem is a lot of them are drunks, drug addicts or just plain old fashioned bums. If they are going to use this facility for the homeless it will work fine even for the neighborhood as long as "tenants" are not allowed to wander the neighborhood freely. If they don't keep the place secured and the loonies and bums locked in it will be a fucking disaster for the community.

ron s said...

What is Comrie's angle in this? It's not public benefit.....there must be a self interest/profit motive angle.

Anonymous said...

Not all homeless are criminals but many are. Just look at the crime rate spike around where the Pan Am shelter in Elmhurst recently opened.

Anonymous said...

Will these be homes, or beds?

Joe Moretti said...

This makes no sense at all, so you are going to stick the homeless far from anything and pretty much just warehouse them, not that if you are homeless, would you really give a shit where you are put. But I mean, this is the best the city can do.

And if Leroy Comrie is involved, this is bad news.

This city has not come up with one good way to deal with homeless, everything is just a shit show. Another example of government working badly.

Anonymous said...

the city makes people homeless. it starts in housing court when HRA drags their feet on back rent grants that people are entitled to.

Anonymous said...

This is a TERRIBLE idea if the homeless will be free to come and go. There is no mass transit in this area at all. Will the homeless be walking all over the neighborhood. Alley Pond Park is close by. There are several schools within walking distance. This is a disaster waiting to happen and should NEVER be allowed.

Doesn't anybody learn. Only a short time ago a homeless person stabbed someone at Cunningham Park in the middle of the day. Now we want to put hundreds of homeless near another park.

rikki said...

well we have hundreds of unused TSA full body scanners....use them at all public housing units and homeless shelters......dont want to be scanned well pay your own rent....easy fix!

Anonymous said...

Frank Padavan Campus is directly adjacent to Creedmore. This will never get pushed through.

Anonymous said...

The City warehouses 1,000 homeless at Ward's Island, which has one bus line in and out to Harlem. Clearly, mass transit access is not a concern.

Anonymous said...

Send them all upstate!! Cuomo likes to talk shit about the city that bred him but doesn't want to be part of the solution. I heard he has a nice mansion up in Westchester that he shares with his cooking lady girl friend. Maybe he can offer them shelter in his basement...

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