Friday, November 27, 2015

People with high incomes living in public housing

From PIX11:

PIX11 Investigates has found over 1,500 households earning six-figure salaries while living in New York City Housing Authority apartments.


(sarc) said...


People scamming the government system?

I would never have thought...

Anonymous said...

Add to this the people with similar incomes or more living in rent controlled and rent stabilized housing and you see the magnitude of the problem.

Why pay for rent when the taxpayer will do it for you?

They should do means testing on all people getting a subsidy.

Start the revolution!

Anonymous said...

Scamming the system, it's the NYC way.

Anonymous said...

Of course they are!

Anonymous said...

Not doing anything about it is the NYC government way.

Anonymous said...

While you are at it why don't you do a story about all the out of state plates on cars parked around the projects. Show how everyone is further scamming the state by registering their vehicles out of state.

Anonymous said...

1M in NYC is no big deal.
this is the corruption capital of the world especially in real estate.

(sarc) said...

End all these price fixing government schemes, and let the free market bring everything into balance.

Anonymous said...

Such cynicism!

Anyone with a 6 figure income who chooses to live in a NYCHA apartment probably deserves to have it under classification of non compos mentis.

Anonymous said...

i fail to see how they "scammed" the government. they were low income when they applied and moved in.
if anything NYC Housing is at fault here, not the tenants.

Anonymous said...

Lots of middle class blacks with civil srevice jobs living in the pjs. A 2 bedroom apt for $405 a month. They save their money,buy a house in georgia then "give" the apt to a relative. Black privilege........

Camel bladder said...

There will always be scams like this as long as we ask government to provide basics like housing, especially "affordable" housing. This is the shit that able bodied people should be providing for themselves. When we demand that government provide these things there will always be scammers. And there will always be government employees that will never be held responsible for allowing this kind of shit to go on.
Get used to it sheeple.
By the way, anonymous referred to rent controlled and rent stabilized apts as being tax payer money. It is worse than that, it is private property owners being forced to rent apts to people at below market rates to make our socialist leaders fell better and look better. But it is private money, not tax payer money.

Anonymous said...

'i fail to see how they "scammed" the government. they were low income when they applied and moved in.
if anything NYC Housing is at fault here, not the tenants.'

This is a good example of how welfare corrupts the human spirit. Give these people a hand out when they need it, there is no feeling that they should ever not take it. No consideration that the welfare or housing or child care they are taking with a subsidy might be now better given to someone else in need.

Like Ronald Reagan said (paraphrase) The closest thing to an immortal being is a government program.

It IS NYC's fault for not finding these parasites and kicking them off the rolls. Did I say parasite? I meant Democrat voter!

Anonymous said...

'i fail to see how they "scammed" the government. they were low income when they applied and moved in. if anything NYC Housing is at fault here, not the tenants.'

The tenants knew the condition under which they got into public housing.

NYC housing should get beat up for not enforcing matters.

But how can you absolve someone of stealing from the system.
They are stealing for the people that pay for NYC housing, all taxpayers.

The heck with throwing them out, put them in jail for fraud.

(sarc) said...

Lesson in irony.

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is actually proud of the fact it is distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us to "Please Do Not Feed the Animals."

Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.

This ends today's lesson.

Anonymous said...

They're still not stealing anything. They got in that apartment legally and continue to pay their rent.
If NYC Housing doesn't want stuff like this happening then it is up to their regulations, and they must write the policy, something such as after you reach a certain income you will have to vacate the apartment.
But this isn't what they want. I've heard representatives say that you could win the lottery and they still won't kick you out.
Housing just wants their money on time, so the more the household ends up making the more chance they will pay their rent on time.

Once again this is not on the tenant, but on Housing. Maybe it is morally wrong to some of you but they are in no way scamming anybody when they got in there legally and have broken no policies, unlike those renting out to AirBNB.

Anonymous said...

They're not going to ask the scammers to leave because they are BLACK. this is the black mafia looking at you.

Anonymous said...

How hard is it to see who actually lives there and request a copy of w2 and yearly tax returns, that would free up about 1/3 of public housing.

JQ LLC said...

these particular projects may not be predominantly black or hispanic. This area is kind of isolated and the makeup of the tenants probably resemble stuy-town. Also, it is not far where a massive glass luxury tumor is about to be erected where a pathmark used to be by the manhattan bridge.

The biggest crime is that developer's puppet NYCHA commissioner's response. She basically said that having these opportunist tenants is good for diversity. Which is kind of a comparison for the so called affordable housing scheme for these mixed income buildings.

Anonymous said...

I like working overtime to make ends meet so I can pay taxes and support millionaires living in public housing!

It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy!

Anonymous said...

If their rent is set at 30% of their income(with no upper limit on the rent charged), and we remove all of the parking subsidies, then I don't care.

Anonymous said...

Seniors have to supply their 1040 tax return every time they sign a new lease & renew SCRIE (Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption) Why not make those living in NYCHA buildings do the same?

Get those who are over the limits out and put some of the poor, homeless Vets & their families in!! SHAME on you NYCHA!!!

Anonymous said...

Back in 1990, Pierre RInfret showed Maria Cuomo lived in Mitchel Lama on 34th Street

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