Monday, November 9, 2015

How leaders feel about new Bayside high school

Tony Avella speaks at CB11 meeting

Paul Vallone says he is opposed to school

Steve Behar explains how Council votes with home rule member


Anonymous said...

I was supposed to be at the press conference / rally but unfortunately unable to attend due to a family wedding. I thank Chadney, Dave, Steve and everyone else who attended for saying what needs to be said, over and over!

What I was planning to say at the event is written below:

I apologize for not being able to attend today's rally, as it's incredibly important for the future of our neighborhood. There are three things I'd like to focus on:

#1) Contrary to what I've heard some people say, only one- and two-family detached houses or a community facility, like a church, senior center or school can be built at the BJC property, not an apartment building, methadone clinic or homeless shelter. So for all of those saying "well, it's better to have a giant high school at the site than an apartment building or homeless shelter" this is a false choice.

#2) No more than 15 two-family houses can be built at the BJC property. Also, any senior center or church would only be able to build about 1/3 larger than the existing BJC if it were being built to the maximum floor area allowed, and probably less due to on-site parking requirements. On the other hand, the size of this proposed high school would be more than *3* TIMES AS LARGE as allowed by a private church, senior center or school, with no on-site parking required.

#3) According to the legal public process that we're going through right now, after the public input period is over - on approximately November 20th, or two weeks from now, the City Council has 20 days after this to disapprove the proposed school. As I've stated previously, Paul Vallone has, until this week, been the SOLE PROPONENT OF THIS HIGH SCHOOL among our local elected officials and has been repeatedly telling people that it's a done deal and we should accept it willingly. He did an extremely quick about face after our successful Community Board 11 meeting on Monday and now is stating publicly that he opposes it and will supposedly attempt to get the rest of the City Council to oppose the school as well. However, he has also stated publicly that the SCA has never failed to get a school approved once they've purchased a site which, to me, seems to be his way of attempting to get himself off the hook if the high school is "somehow" magically approved anyway.

My point is that if Vallone votes NO and the rest of the City Council follows suit because it's his home district and it's a local issue - which is the normal way the Council operates - then it's over and we've basically won the day.

Please forgive me for being suspicious after everything that's already happened during the past six months but if Vallone is trying to pretend he's against the school and he votes NO while the rest of the Council votes YES - which is what happens when Councilmembers are not being honest with their constituents and are pretending to be against something while telling the other Councilmembers that it's ok to vote for it - then we know EXACTLY who is responsible for negatively impacting our neighborhood forever.

Thank you,

Paul Graziano

Anonymous said...

Didn't vallone say that he was also in opposition of the new school being built on 48 ave too?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Paul for the hard work you put in. Not sure if I'm speaking for all the silent residents of Bayside, but just want you to know that your efforts have been much appreciated and I will make sure that I vote for our common concerns next time.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Paul for the hard work you put in. Not sure if I'm speaking for all the silent residents of Bayside, but just want you to know that your efforts have been much appreciated and I will make sure that I vote for our common concerns next time.

LOL..Man, Make sure please you specific which PAUL you are thank... it is PAUL GRAZIANO you are thanking..NOT PAUL VALLONE!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm here to thank PAUL VALLONE. Without his sorry excuse for a tenure as councilman, how could anyone truly appreciate their community?

and thank you REBNY for keeping the city council in your pockets and furthering the rapid decay and destruction of the borough.

where would any of us be without you?

Anonymous said...

"LOL..Man, Make sure please you specific which PAUL you are thank... it is PAUL GRAZIANO you are thanking..NOT PAUL VALLONE!!!"

Haha actually I think I may have thanked that Paul at one time. There was this event maybe 2 years ago at Crocheron Park and I think the dude might have handed me a free banana.

Anonymous said...

Auburndale/Bayside does not need NEW/COSTLY school buildings to satisfy SOCIAL ENGINEERS in the D.O.E.Stop the COUNTY Gov. BUSES and keep the foreigners in their communities. Property values are declining because of this invasion by the Shadow Gov. with $23BILLION of tax $$$$.

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