Sunday, November 1, 2015

DeBlasio not popular right now

From the Daily News:

New Yorkers overwhelmingly disapprove of the way Mayor de Blasio is handling homelessness and crime — and think the quality of life in New York City has taken a turn for the worse, according to a poll released Friday.

The new Quinnipiac poll found that 61% of voters disapprove of the way de Blasio is handling poverty and homelessness, which he promised to improve during the 2013 City Hall race.

Twenty-eight percent of those surveyed said they thought the mayor was doing a good job on those issues.

And more than half — 53% — think the city's quality of life is getting worse, not better, the poll found. That's compared to just 14% who think it's getting better.

Fifty-nine percent of voters think the mayor isn't doing a good job stopping crime, compared to 35% who think he's doing a good job, the poll found.


Anonymous said...

The only way he can lose re-election is if Giuliani run against him.

JQ said...

these numbers may be too kind and generous. I can assure you the blacks and latinos despise him as much as us white people.

the make up of his supporters/believers are the asians (except those in chinatown and by the pan american sheltel), and the goddamn frivolous big spending community ignorant hipsters.

Anonymous said...

There has to be someone who can beat him. I don't see anyone even remotely promising as a prospect. The best bet might be a Democrat beat him in a primary. They would have to be so crazy liberal the one who could do it might be worse. Their core constituents/donors don't want to hear 'move to the center'.

Too bad Trump is running for president. He would have made for a great campaign. Very entertaining at the least.

Anonymous said...

Duh Blasio is clueless. He's medicated for some kind of condition and takes cues from his....LOL...."First Lady" wife.

Anonymous said...

Now he's supporting that Bengazi criminal Hillary Clinton. Commie liberal of a feather, I suppose.
Loyalty to the party seems to override what's good for the country.

Anonymous said...

Giuliani would not get elected in today's NYC.

(sarc) said...

The 61% are the ones waiting for a new shelter to be built...

Anonymous said...

His re election is bought and paid for with welfare,he can't lose and he knows it.popularity means nothing pape as long as he pays up

Anonymous said...

I told all you Bloomberg haters you'd be missing the little guy soon enough. Liberals sow disaster wherever they are. Stop voting for them!

Anonymous said...

He has to win the primary first, Anon No. 1. With some of the people lining up against him, that might not happen.

Anonymous said...

By the time America wakes up it will be too late and your pension will be government property
You only have yourself to blame,while you were sleeping America was invaded and you became outnumbered and the havenocrats made you the target of the democratic party,millionaire and billionaires are protected,
The middle class,the moms and pops who saved for grandsons college will be wiped out and politicians will blame it on the Ballet taking no responsibility for bribing the less fortunate with your savings.

Anonymous said...

Whoever voted for this idiot must be idiots themselves!

Disgusted Diva said...

There are so many more obviously and hopelessly mentally ill people, like the disheveled lady who was peeing at the bottom of the stairs going down to the E train earlier today (Sunday 11/1) There were numerous crazies and wackos underground too. I wasn't comfortable for,the first time in a long time in the subway, especially since I didn't see that many officers around. DeBlasio is clueless about this problem which will intensify during the winter. Who gets to ask him questions about his priorities? Just the cronies?

Anonymous said...

~I told all you Bloomberg haters you'd be missing the little guy soon enough. Liberals sow disaster wherever they are. Stop voting for them!~

Stop advertising the mini dictator who bought his 3rd term, totally ignoring the law and the will of the people.
Talk about tweeding.

(sarc) said...

Oh, I am sure the democratic primary process will draw the best of the best, just look at the run for the POTUS.

We have an angry 67year old white woman that will bypass the death panel she is exempted from, and a 74year old Socialist from Brooklyn - worst of the worst!

The 67-year-old Democratic front-runner has been “frequently plagued” by “blinding headaches” and a series of strokes over the course of the campaign which have left her second-guessing her chances of winning in 2016, says the upcoming book “Unlikeable — The Problem with Hillary.”

Anonymous said...

Disgusted Diva

the problem is most crazies cant get a job, so they go into politics
look at the city council

Anonymous said...

Why won't the mayor release his medical records? There is something about him being on antidepressants. Well his father was crazy and committed suicide so there might be sone truth to it...

Anonymous said...

Seriously?? Now people are figuring this out...A LAME DUCK MAYOR DOESN'T DESERVE A SECOND CHANCE. Thats what you get when you vote for ultra liberal candidates who only care about their national profile...DON'T VOTE FOR PROGRESSIVES!!

Tail Spin NYC said...

My observation of de Blasio after 22 months:

1) By not supporting Charter Schools the Mayor is hurting the very same communities that voted for him 2 years ago. In those neighborhoods public schools failed year after year and parents vote with their feet by leaving for Charter Schools. This is why there is a waiting list of 30,000+ students for Charter Schools.

2) Instead of modifying Stop and Frisk so that it would be compliant with recent court orders, the Mayor stopped it outright. As a result the criminals are out en masse with guns killing their rivals in broad daylight. The communities suffer the most are the same communities that voted for the Mayor 2 years ago. Note that when blacks shoot each other you don't see the protesters coming out saying "Black lives matter."

3) The homeless is visible all over Queens -- from Flushing Meadows to Elmhurst Park to the Jackson Heights pedestrian plazas. Most of them have problems with drugs, alcohol, depression, and employment. By allowing them to sleep in parks the Mayor is creating inequality. Placing them into shelters do not solve the problem, they need help with job referrals and substance treatment.

Anonymous said...

I remember that we had an issue about a property on our block that needed government attention. I called DeBlasio's Public Advocate office for assistance. Needless to say, I was able to get the condition corrected on my own, without any help from DeBlasio's office. I finally got a call back from his office long after the problem was solved. DeBlasio being mayor is a perfect example of the Peter Principle. You rise to the level of your incompetence. He can thank the mindless Democrat voters who see welfare liberals like DeBlasio as their key to unlimited government handouts. What ever happened to our founding principles that, in America, you have an equal opportunity to succeed by working hard to lift yourself up? We are a spoiled society. We want the same as everybody else, even though we lack the ambition to work as hard as others to better ourselves. What a load of crap! As for Giuliani, while he was tough, he was also a miserable self-centered human being who had no concern for anybody but himself.

Anonymous said...

How the fuck is bratton touting 2015 as being the safest year in 50 years when shootings and murders are up? Is he a liar ,delusional or suffering from Alzheimers?????

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