Saturday, September 12, 2015

Rally today to landmark Broadway-Flushing


Anonymous said...

They have sucked all the fight out of me.

They win.

Just sold the place that had been in the family since 28'.

Moving to a place where there are trees and people smile and say hi [in english] when your eyes lock.

Good luck Flushing, youre gunna need it !!!11111

Anonymous said...

"They win."
No you won by selling at an all-time high price ! Enjoy your great profit and new neighborhood.
You can sell a home in North Flushing in less than one day.
I know because I live there and have see with my own eyes Asian real estate agents make phone calls and within minuets have dozens of potential buyers bid on properties not even listed yet. The market is "Red" hot !

Anonymous said...

Sell now North Flushing residents you are in the largest real estate bubble ever to hit Flushing.
"I have no idea how this bubble is going to end.
Prices will go up and up and up reaching heights unimagined until one day the single richest person on the whole planet can only afford the cheapest house on the whole planet. Then it won’t go up." Comment by Give It A Good Smell on The Housing Bubble Blog

Anonymous said...

Great rally!

I tell you, BFHA is an unbelievable strong voice in this neighborhood. About 33 people attended and no Asians.

And how about the new bocce court. It seems to be empty most of the time. However the card playing gamblers and smokers are still present.

(sarc) said...

Protest and rally all you want!

The politicians will continue their lip service, tell you what you want to hear.

Then off to their back rooms for some deal making, selling you down the river.

And you will again reelect them...

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Just watch. They'll get landmark status, and in a few years, posters on here will be complaining about how the value of their houses and land have fallen.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck. I too was wondering how many Asians or Blacks attended this rally.

No free food or cash gift cards were being given out.

Anonymous said...

Sell now North Flushing residents you are in the largest real estate bubble ever to hit Flushing.

However, the "mansion" next to Paul Vallone has not sold yet, and the price has dropped to only $2.12 million. So I guess that there is a price ceiling.

Anonymous said...

"Dropped to only $2.12 million" Such a deal !

Anonymous said...

Great rally!

I tell you, BFHA is an unbelievable strong voice in this neighborhood. About 33 people attended and no Asians.

And how about the new bocce court. It seems to be empty most of the time. However the card playing gamblers and smokers are still present.

Hey shitbird -

Keep your lies off of the blog, asshole. There were over 100 people at the rally / press conference, with representatives from a dozen civics in support, Senator Tony Avella and Assemblymember Ed Braunstein with letters of support from BP Katz and Rep Meng and a ton of press present. The event didn't have to do with the bocce courts; it had to do with landmarking Broadway-Flushing, period.

Why do you even bother to comment if all you're going to do is lie?

Anonymous said...

Alfredo Centola said...

Thanks, Al! I appreciate the support and will remember it, as will the BFHA folks.

Paul Graziano

Jerry Rotondi said...

I am staying put in my Broadway home! Only twenty three minutes from the core of the "Big Apple"
where culture and job opportunities abound.
But three of my former neighbors moved away and now regret moving.

One bought a home in Texas. We will say no more.
The other moved to Nassau. Oops, high taxes, gangs, crystal meth,
trees being cut down anyway.
The third moved to waterfront Myrtle Beach expecting paradise.
The water is already twenty feet from their front door when it was originally seventy.

Hmmmm....and what is the value of their properties compared to Broadway?
Incidentally, in my long years of observing landmark districts, I have NEVER seen
property values decrease in them.

My proof, Douglas Manor, which is a sister neighborhood to Broadway.
It was built by the same developers.
They are a landmark district and their property values have doubled , on average.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a lot of developers trolls are busy posting. Or is it that single grumpy old curmudgeon "Libertarian" Ed. K. doing multiple posts.
You can barely understand him in person. So it's best that he posts, trying to give the impression that he is not just an army of one.
How come none of you "concerned" residents who here on line are anti landmarking did not show up to voice your opinion at the rally?

Anonymous said...

Broadway Flushing WILL gain landmark status.
The majority of residents have approved the measure and are committed to seeing it tthrough to completion.

Your feeble attempt to break BFHA's spirit with multiple posts won't mean squat.

By all means, feel free to raise your blood pressure by throwing your hissy fits on this blog site.
You are just a fart in a windstorm. You represent the microscopic minority of angry hysterical malcontents.
You will remain unhappy anywhere outside of your own pathological shell.

And what is you blood pressure now? Careful that you don't stroke out.

Anonymous said...

Paul Vallone sent two reps from his office (no doubt, to listen) but Vallone did not attend. His reps would not even issue a statement on his behalf to support landmark status for Broadway.

Vallone does not support landmarking, although he attempted to make a show of it .

He is a developer's lobbyist. Supporting a landmark district would interfere with the Vallone family business.

It is up to the residents to toast his feet like marshmallows until he agrees to support landmarking Broadway.

He will try to find any excuse that he can to avoid supporting the measure.
"Oooh, it's too large a district. Oooh, let's compromise with just one block of Tudor row housing. Oooh, this is not the best way to go. Oooh, I have already introduced a law which will have DOB register all Rickert Finlay deed restrictions".

Valloney baloney!

Little Paulie actually wrote a letter to the LPC telling them not to extend the Douglaston area historic district, above the wishes of its residents who wanted it.

This traitor does not represent his constituents. He represents the same developers who are intent on raping your neighborhoods.

If Broadway does not recognize his fact, they will lose their fight to save their beautiful area.

And when Vallone has pulled all of the gold out of his strip mine, he will move out of Broadway
The Vallones crapped all over Astoria for decades. Paul has no problem shitting in his own nabe..

Anonymous said...

These anti landmark liars have no argument but to lie.
There were over 100 attenders, and on Rosh Hashanah, not 30.
Did you leave early or need a new eyeglasses prescription?
Anger not logic is running your brain.
The biggest lie you are trying to foist upon us is , that in landmark districts property values decrease.
Quite the contrary. They increase and so do the quality of city services delivered.
Fuming sicko opinions mean little here.
The facts tell the truth and your lies are diminished to a micro dot.

Anonymous said...

"...and on Rosh Hashanah"

Didn't Rosh Hashanah begin last night and not on the day of the rally?

Anonymous said...

It is still the Rosh Hashanah week, doofus! People had a lot to do but they all attended.
Oy vei, is dat all ya got ta say?

Anonymous said...

Now watch Paul Vallone offer a compromise that benefits his developer friends...and does not insult his Broadway voters.
Of course Broadway will wind up getting screwed in the tookas if they accept this snake's deal.
Remember Paul,Vallone got money to do a feasibility study for Korea Town Plaza which would replace Leonard Square.
This was not even in his district. Vote the SOB out next time! You need a real representative not a political mafioso to give you the kiss of death.

Anonymous said...

I've lived here for close to 50 years and have probably met only about 5 Jewish families. Bayside is another story. If there were only 100 people it had nothing to do with people brining their briskets .

Anonymous said...

Jewish people....brining their briskets? So you've lived there for 50 years? Bully for you.
Are some of your "best friends Jewish?" WTF are you trying to say?
There were only one....Jewish temples near Boston Market on Northern Blvd.
Drop into the remaining one, Temple Beth Sholom and see how many Jews are there that you haven't met ....
which you were not likely to at St. Andrew Avellino Church.
Maybe youv've been brining your brain at a local gin mill.

Anonymous said...

Paul Vallone's newsletter, no doubt, will be filled with photos of him and the chair of LPC walking the nabe. A good photo op to fool the voters was his motive.
This hastily arranged walk was to trump Avella's rally. How come it took Tony to take the action that our shady councilman should have been spearheading?

Make no mistake about it, Vallone is anti landmarking. His developer clients are anti landmarking. And Vallone , being a real estate industry lobbyist, will not cross them. If Vallone should champion preservation, he would lose a lot of clients. There go his fat retainers.
Then, this dumbest of the Vallone brothers would have to eek out his living on his city council salary plus managing some old ladies' estates

Do not make that mistake a second time. Dump Don Paulie!

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it the only Jewish neighbors I know are the brothers who lived next to Vallon'e house. If attendance at the rally was low it was because because people are lazy or just don't care. Don't get this Rosh Hashanah theory either.

Anonymous said...

Can you really brine a brisket? Interesting.

Anonymous said...

No, actually NONE of my best friends are Jewish. What I was trying to say but you're too thick to get is that numbers were what they were at the rally and had nothing to do with Jewish homeowners perhaps being to busy with holiday preparation to attend. I'm willing to bet that if you took a stone and threw it at any home in the BF area, nine times out of ten it would land on the house of an Italian, Irish, or Asian. Maybe even a Croatian or two. Saint Andrew Avellino? Thanks, but no thanks. And make that a Riesling.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm. Brined brisket! The hipsters are officially here in the 'hood.

Anonymous said...

What's going on with that pedestrian plaza thing anyway? Was the feasibility study proven wrong? Bunch of ladies selling produce on that triangle today. And someone playing a flute.

Anonymous said...

The plaza plans were scheduled for presentation at CB7 , first session in September, then was promptly cancelled.

Paul Vallone wound up putting his big dumb foot in his mouth on this one. He was the instigator who got the money for it. I am sure that all of the veterans groups got wind of Korea Town Plaza and how it would disrespect all of those who gave their lives defending American liberty. There is also a 9-11 memorial there and one for an NYPD officer.

The plaza looks like it's dead.

That toad Stavisky supported the plaza too, but at least it's within her district, and she needs Korean votes.
This looks like her last term considering the demographic changes in her district.
Bye, bye ,Toby. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out! Damn, it's about time we saw her back.
The Stavisky's have been milking their district like a cash cow since the 1960s. Time for a change!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the response. That plaza was such a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

Too bad that Paul Vallone though it was a good enough idea to spend his district's tax money on something outside of his district.
Too bad that Paul Vallone thought that a new high school on 32nd in Bayside was also a good idea, over the wishes of the Bayside community.

I think it is a VERY GOOD idea to dump Paul Vallone during the next election cycle. He has screwed his constituents enough already.

Anonymous said...

Update. on "Koreatown Plaza".
The CB7 meeting was just postponed.
The plan is not dead.
It looks like Peter Koo was behind naming it.
Vallone got the money to do the study.

Anonymous said...

Could Peter Koo suck anymore if he tried?

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