Thursday, August 13, 2015

Katz allocates $300K to Manhattan park

The press release speaks for itself. Sending money across the river while Queens parks look like crap.


Anonymous said...

Where is "Astoria Heights"

Anonymous said...

Another treacherous cur inhabits Queens borough hall.
Only in Queens do we have a liaison of Curtis Sliwa who produced a gesture child leading our borough.
Dumb voters = crooked dumb government.

Joe Moretti said...

More bad political bullshit from the land of Queens and by the Queens Borough President Melinda Katz who is another in a long long line of horrible Queens Borough Presidents that help to destroy Queens.

Last time I looked, Roosevelt Island was in MANHATTAN, not Queens, so what gives idiot Katz. And keep dumping money into Jamaica Parks while most have become homeless camps and garbage dumps like Major Mark Park and Rufus King Park. Start cleaning them up and have laws enforced.

Missing Foundation said...

Notice that rest of Queens starves while resources like that stupid Astoria ferry idea is being poured into places that are being developed.

That is right. Poppenhusen can starve, but a one trick pony like Noguchi that should do its fund raising gets millions.

You can sit in traffic, while your rep agonizes over what to do with Vernon Blvd, in the middle of nowhere but a place ready for development.

This is what happens when you act like a silly puppy every time a pol walks into a room. You get a paternalistic pat on the head.

Anonymous said...

She saw the name fdr and couldn't resist!

Anonymous said...

She wouldn't have to throw our tax dollars to repair our parks if Parks Dept did their jobs maintaining them. Could they even grab a broom or rake once in a while and clean up stone of the most disgraceful looking parks?

JQ said...

I am sick, no nauseous of the actions of the Queens Steamer. Of course after she fouled the air around forest park that was gracefully saved by the engines of that biker gang that a path leading to the will finally get paved, as the rest of the walking paths in that park will continue to be ignored and remain a hazard. Also an unnecessary 6 figure upgrade of a performance area which never existed before because some artisanal concession stand, no it's a goddamn bar in Rockaway as the majority of the boardwalk remains incomplete (interesting that's it's for performing, I guess she is planning a gig there soon). And as mentioned, a boatload of cash exporting to a park that the steamer has no responsibility for.

All these would be laudable if it truly was for the benefit of taxpayers, but these improvements are mostly to attract tourism and transients and to further the spread of gentrification. With the exception of the forest park path, which she obviously allocated money to because she happened to walk on it on her way to the stage.

This is the new urban blight. These upgrades in addition to all these blade runner towers/tumors. Basically putting frosting on a pile of shit. The reversal of the old catchphrase, "don't spread shit on my cupcake and call it frosting".

Anonymous said...

Thanks Katz, you fucking idiot.

Anonymous said...

Not only is Roosevelt Island not in Queens, Four Freedoms is not a NYC park, it is a state park.

[Roosevelt Island has the Manhattan zip code 10044, is leased to the STATE of New York, and operated by the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (]

from wiki: "Four Freedoms Park Conservancy is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization established in June 2011 to maintain and operate the Park in partnership with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation."

Thanks QCrap for your post.

TRN 11106

Anonymous said...

What good is money for Golden going to do? they already tore down fields to make it a permanent soccer field. and even with an influx of money, the fields have always been terrible because you can pour as mush money into them as you want, if they aren't MAINTAINED then it is a waste.

Anonymous said...

It'll be years before the named parks get the improvements.
In early July of 2014 it was announced that Bowne Park would be getting an $2.45 million upgrade.
No one knows when the project will start. Not Avella or Vallone or the civic associations or the parks department.

Wanna bet that the Roosevelt Island project will be completed before any of the other projects? Hey, it's Manhattan where the juice flows.

Anonymous said...

That FDR Money could have been used for the Steinway Mansion. At least Ms. Katz remembered the Brinckerhoff Cemetery in Fresh Meadows.

JQ said...

500,000 for a pathway to the forest park bandshell. A few days after she performed there. Let that sink in. Flagrant self-prioritizing that it seems boastful.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Sadly, JQ, the empowered idiots of Queens County who have anointed their self-imposed Monarch, Melinda Katz, are all living the good live of privilege, private splendor and unjust enrichment---and feeding off of the human misery that they themselves created for all others, not to mention the backs of all immobilized, taxpaying residents and rank-and-file peasants! Because, Katz has NEVER GOVERNED by example with a free and transparent administration---she now runs an exclusionary country club---and we, the people are NOT INVITED!

And, $500,000 to spend on a Forest Park pathway (after her traveling chanteuse engagement that no one ever asked her to perform, instead of doing her purportedly REAL job), when 'Triumph of Civic Virtue' continues to languish in a Brooklyn graveyard of obscurity (where the people have already spoken to demand its rightful return to Kew Gardens Plaza on Queens Boulevard!), is a flagrant abuse of power, over which even Caligula himself would be duly impressed by this brazen, counterfeit impostor's false, fake and failed leadership!

Why do you continue to ignore the free will of the people, Melinda? You are abusing a level of power and privilege that was never in your purview to exploit! Meanwhile, We, The Taxpaying People,' and residents of Queens County rightfully demand that our beloved statue be returned to its vigilant post, resting comfortably atop a working, conserved, preserved fountain base---and NOT any tribute to the past and present women of Queens politics (all of whom have so egregiously failed to serve their constituents with impunity, that it now borders on treason), much less the public oath of office whom they, and you yourself, swore to uphold (but continue to betray all oath, honor and subjects with a vengeful impunity), is beyond contemptible and outrageous!

Now, if this isn't what anarchy looks like---then, I don't know what does!

Do something finally right for a change, Melinda, and give the taxpaying people their Civic Virtue back where it has always belonged---then promptly check your own soul for any pretense of honest, ethical leadership (that leads by example), and any trace of civic virtue itself---where the statue's symbolic, allegorical message and meaning is needed by YOU, right now---more than anyone and anything---like nothing else!

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Meanwhile, Queens Borough Hall looks worse than a homeless shelter---where $500,000 could really usher in even marginal improvements to 21st century configuration!

And, with no working fountain at Kew Gardens Plaza to promote Civic Virtue, and the future grandeur and transparency that Borough Hall iitself could actually, finally BECOME (but for the entrenched, corrupt leadership of epic, humanitarian fail that continues to impede all progress and open forum, at the TOP of the arrogant power grab heap, with Melinda leading the way-to-nowhere, fast!), then just imagine the possibilities that any modicum of honest, ethical leadership (that finally leads by example---and not personal privilege and private splendor), could engender!

But, it all starts with a simple matter of public trust and service: Bring back 'Triumph Of Civic Virtue,' and bring back a working fountain base, just like the one that City Hall has on display for decades! Because, when small matter of public trust and civic obligation are egregiously betrayed and ignored, then such a dereliction action betrays all honesty itself!

Think, think, think, Melinda---the People have spoken in unison! Your pitiful days of tone deafness are over---and you've already got the memo! Don't deny and ignore it!

Anonymous said...

point 1: it's less than 1% of the money. Get over it.

point 2: it's less than 10% of the steinway mansion price. would need more.

point 3: oh no it's richard with his statue fetish and now he thinks katz is caligula. ridiculous. another thread gone to hell.

Anonymous said...

Civic Virtue got moved under Helen Marshall, you wacko. Katz has more important things to do than ask for it back. Get over it already.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

As usual, the 'Anonymous' sociopaths once again attack and retreat, accuse and evade (with more name calling, no less!), while discrediting and maligning actual work and accomplishment, versus the perpetual obscurity of their utter worthlessness, and total lack of civic obligation and commitment!

Yet, they STILL insist on having their say, despite that they aren't saying anything at all (and under cowardly, Anonymous cover), except to attack someone else's due diligence, hard work and achievement!

So, why don't you both f**k off, and stop harassing me, and anyone else who disagrees with your irrelevant trolling of this thread (and any other), and choose to finally dispute the topic instead---or else have the balls to reveal your vile and vacuous identities, so that I can finally pitch on a level playing field!

But, then again, you're both monstrous cowards (again, still, always and forevermore!), and all cowards (especially misfits like you, who hide under Anonymous cover, while unfairly blasting off in an unfair exchange against REAL and ACCOMPLISHED workers and subjects), will ALWAYS be pathetic cowards and losers of epic fail---just like the politicians whom you yourselves psychotically voted in (over and over), who ironically continue to tell you when to defecate!

In closing, don't bother to write me again with unjustified attacks and retreats, when you choose to cowardly remain under the 'Big Baby Blanket' of Anonymous protection, or I will continue to wipe the floor with you, like no one else, as you dig yourselves into a deeper ditch!

And, this is a free site---if you don't like what you're reading---then, STOP READING, A**HOLES, and save the fits of misdirected anger and rage for your pitied therapist!

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

And, special recognition for the ignorant, dumb ass troglodyte who called ME a wacko, because he/she assumed that I didn't know that Civic Virtue was evicted (without public authorization or Community Board 9 approval, no less!) by Helen Marshall!

So, while you were busy rotating in virtual obscurity in your basement/cave, I was actually meeting with Marshall and her henchmen, as well as former Community Board 9 District Manager, Mary Ann Carey, in order to organize public rallies and protests, attending public forums and lectures by accomplished, Stonybrook University Professor Michele Bogart (who presided over a slide and lecture presentation at the World Monument Fund, in New York), and many other activities to preserve, conserve and advocate for Civic Virtue to remain at the gifted, Kew Gardens public Plaza site that Fiorello LaGuardia gifted to Queens, in 1941), before Maniac Marshall capriciously evicted this 16-ton statue, because it offended her and Jerky Julissa Ferreras, and a handful of other wacko, ignorant, Feminazi women, all of whom were devoid of any background and formal education in art history, statuary allegory and anything else to qualify them in any discipline of art!

And, remind me again what YOU were doing? Oh, that's right---NOTHING---except to expressly write in to lampoon ME, and my unwavering record of accomplishment, because, according to you, Katz has more important things to do---like singing, accompanied by an orchestra (one of many disservices to the public, under her self-imposed monarchy, Neo-Fascist rule!), at the Forest Park Bandshell!

And, you're calling ME a wacko? Please tell me that you are mentally disabled and unable to ever vote! Deranged AND certifiably delusional, you are! Now, back to your cave pit, troglodyte!

Anonymous said...

Roosevelt Island has always felt more like queens than manhattan to me. It's easier to drive/bike/train there from this side of the river than the other.

Anonymous said...

Richard Iritano always has some unique insight on issues. Unfortunately, his style of posting one run on paragraph after another makes his comments frustrating to read.

georgetheatheist said...

The Queens Crap blogsite is not only s-o-o-o educational. It's also a fun read.

Queens Crapper said...

"Roosevelt Island has always felt more like queens than manhattan to me. It's easier to drive/bike/train there from this side of the river than the other."

That's nice. It's not Queens, and the Manhattan BP certainly didn't fund anything on this side of the river.

Joe Moretti said...

Anon stated:

Richard Iritano always has some unique insight on issues. Unfortunately, his style of posting one run on paragraph after another makes his comments frustrating to read.

I guess you do not read books, newspapers, magazines unless they have lots of pictures.

Joe Moretti said...

Anon stated:

Roosevelt Island has always felt more like queens than manhattan to me. It's easier to drive/bike/train there from this side of the river than the other.

Another idiotic statement which shows the mentality of Queens. BUT it is not. Reality, not perception.

Anonymous said...

Richard this is not a 6,000 word essay contest.

Jerry Rotondi said...

I do not understand why every body is so surprised.
Queens is getting exactly what it deserves...NOTHING!
That's because. Queens' voters have to be the dumbest of all five boroughs.

Keep on electing self serving county machine politicians and you will get even less.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm thinking of not voting anymore in local elections.
My good vote will be cancelled out by thousands of bad votes.
Next Election Day, I'm going to the movies instead.

Anonymous said...

Next Election Day, I'm going to the movies instead.

There is something self defeating in this....

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

It most certainly is self-defeating, Anonymous, but that's exactly what all Queens party bosses invite, with their systemic, party boss-controlled corruption, graft and epic, public service (and humanitarian) fail!

And, the saddest part is that Jerry Rotondi's vote will not be missed (and all others who've now chosen permanent abstention from voting--because, the system itself is rigged for abject failure, from within!).

In fact, there are thousands of newly emigrated peasants from Third World countries, for whom all corrupt and sleazy politicians of Queens can now rely upon for their cradle-to-grave, taxpayer support! And, the more foreign ignorance and detachment at the voting sites, the better their chances for keeping their tainted seats of taxation without representation, dereliction of public duty, and the 'selective' and 'occasional' practices of constituent representation (that always leave the greatest disparity, societal collapse and eventual anarchy--like we are seeing right now---in their uncaring, selfish wake).

In the end, the US is no longer a democratic Republic---but, rather a Neo-Fascist, police state-controlled dictatorship/monarchy of totalitarian, government sanctioned Caste system, that now operates with an inescapable stranglehold over its purportedly free subjects, that even the global chapters of all organized crime families themselves would be loathe to rival, with the same lethal control and force!

Alas, we've seen these occurrences in the past, historical grievances of history, Queens Crappers---and, we're seeing it take forceful hold all over again---with an even greater corruption, graft and police state precision that is unprecedented!

JQ said...

he empowered idiots of Queens County who have anointed their self-imposed Monarch, Melinda Katz, are all living the good live of privilege, private splendor and unjust enrichment---and feeding off of the human misery that they themselves created for all others, not to mention the backs of all immobilized, taxpaying residents and rank-and-file peasants! Because, Katz has NEVER GOVERNED by example with a free and transparent administration---she now runs an exclusionary country club---and we, the people are NOT INVITED!

And, $500,000 to spend on a Forest Park pathway (after her traveling chanteuse engagement that no one ever asked her to perform, instead of doing her purportedly REAL job), when 'Triumph of Civic Virtue' continues to languish in a Brooklyn graveyard of obscurity (where the people have already spoken to demand its rightful return to Kew Gardens Plaza on Queens Boulevard!), is a flagrant abuse of power, over which even Caligula himself would be duly impressed by this brazen, counterfeit impostor's false, fake and failed leadership!

Why do you continue to ignore the free will of the people, Melinda? You are abusing a level of power and privilege that was never in your purview to exploit! Meanwhile, We, The Taxpaying People,' and residents of Queens County rightfully demand that our beloved statue be returned to its vigilant post, resting comfortably atop a working, conserved, preserved fountain base---and NOT any tribute to the past and present women of Queens politics (all of whom have so egregiously failed to serve their constituents with impunity, that it now borders on treason), much less the public oath of office whom they, and you yourself, swore to uphold (but continue to betray all oath, honor and subjects with a vengeful impunity), is beyond contemptible and outrageous!

Now, if this isn't what anarchy looks like---then, I don't know what does!

Do something finally right for a change, Melinda, and give the taxpaying people their Civic Virtue back where it has always belonged---then promptly check your own soul for any pretense of honest, ethical leadership (that leads by example), and any trace of civic virtue itself---where the statue's symbolic, allegorical message and meaning is needed by YOU, right now---more than anyone and anything---like nothing else!

In fact, there are thousands of newly emigrated peasants from Third World countries, for whom all corrupt and sleazy politicians of Queens can now rely upon for their cradle-to-grave, taxpayer support! And, the more foreign ignorance and detachment at the voting sites, the better their chances for keeping their tainted seats of taxation without representation, dereliction of public duty, and the 'selective' and 'occasional' practices of constituent representation (that always leave the greatest disparity, societal collapse and eventual anarchy--like we are seeing right now---in their uncaring, selfish wake).

In the end, the US is no longer a democratic Republic---but, rather a Neo-Fascist, police state-controlled dictatorship/monarchy of totalitarian, government sanctioned Caste system, that now operates with an inescapable stranglehold over its purportedly free subjects, that even the global chapters of all organized crime families themselves would be loathe to rival, with the same lethal control and force!

Alas, we've seen these occurrences in the past, historical grievances of history, Queens Crappers---and, we're seeing it take forceful hold all over again---with an even greater corruption, graft and police state precision that is unprecedented!

Sterling Synopsis' Richard. Let those that remain anonymous criticize, it's their right.

And to crib a very solid quote from the departed Jon Stewart...

"The best defense against bullshit is vigilance. So if you smell something, say something."

And say it as long as you want. Everyone.

And Go fuck yourself Melinda Katz. Your hubris will be your undoing.

Anonymous said...

FDR Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island is definitely in Manhattan. Great BP she doesn't have clue!

"[Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation]. From its official self-description:

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation of the State of New York, more commonly referred to as RIOC, was created by the New York State Legislature in 1984. Its mandate is to manage, develop, and operate the 147 acre Roosevelt Island, located in New York City's East River, in the borough of Manhattan."

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