Sunday, August 30, 2015

DeBlasio thinks he's doing a great job

From the Daily News:

The mayor attributed growing concerns about a surge in homelessness in part to “hyperbolic pundits and right-wing politicians with an ideological ax to grind.”

But he did acknowledge the sight of more homeless people this summer.

To reverse the trend, de Blasio said he would allocate $1 billion in additional money over the next four years to address homelessness.

Under his administration, nearly 15,000 people have left the shelter system and 20,000 people have avoided homelessness with city help, he wrote.

De Blasio’s commitment to tackle the problem head-on comes less than a week after his chief spokeswoman, Karen Hinton, tweeted that homelessness was a challenge inherited from former Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

“Who was mayor during time when NYC homeless numbered 25,000 in 2002 and jumped to 53,000 by 2013. Not @BilldeBlasio,” Hinton tweeted.

De Blasio touted his accomplishments in office — including universal pre-K and paid sick leave — while conceding there is “a sense that, despite the record-low crime statistics, the city is not as safe as it truly is.”


Anonymous said...

This is a problem created by this mayor in order to have another reason to raid the treasury and pick the pockets of the tax payers, that 1 billion will find its way into the pockets of his most favored donors and other aligned activists groups. There is is nothing genuine or honest about Sandinista Bill

Anonymous said...

What needs to happen is these homeless people should be sent back to their own state of origin. They come here for the welfare but half of them don't even come from nyc. Let their own states deal with them! Plus if they are from other countries, then they should be deported! We Don't Need more Homeless People IN this country!

Joe Moretti said...

$1 billion seems like a lot of money to address a problem that has no specifics on how this is going to happen and how much of that money will be wasted and benefit friends of the mayor. For a billion dollars, you can start up a manufacturing plant (instead of another luxury condo) and produce American made goods and create jobs.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Fugazio, a pathological liar like Barry Obama and "Hillary!"

Anonymous said...

This is a tiny fraction of the amount of money being spent to pay for the unjustified retroactive pension hikes given away to retired or about to retire government employees over the last twenty years, and to cover the rampant and immoral abuse of the disability system by former members of the NYPD and FDNY. The outrage over this pittance is a distraction that lets those unions bleed the taxpayer dry.

Anonymous said...

What a delusional douche.

Anonymous said...

Prima facie evidence that "progressives" are mentally challenged.

r185 said...

Anonymous #1: You're saying that the mayor INTENTIONALLY created a homeless problem?

Anonymous #2: I doubt we have the legal right to forcibly put people on a bus to send them elsewhere, and what if we don't know where they're from?

Anonymous said...

The blood of cops, nationwide, is on his (and other's) hands.

Anonymous said...

Approximately 15-20% of recipients come from out of state according to a study done by our NYS Assembly. That's still a lot and probably costs taxpayers $millions a year.

Anonymous said...

Approximately 15-20% of recipients come from out of state according to a study done by our NYS Assembly. That's still a lot and probably costs taxpayers $millions a year.

So what, these programs employee party hacks which is a big part of this city's loyalty to the nitwits in office. Its called Tweeding.

The real waste of money are tax breaks to developers in exchange for donations. That's called buying favors and outright theft of public money.

JQ said...

"To reverse the trend, de Blasio said he would allocate $1 billion in additional money over the next four years to address homelessness"

This new breed of progressives are adept at acknowledging problems but inept at solving them.

And Mayor Fucking Liar has a sweet cushion by, though rightly, blaming past mayors for the state of the city and the increasing overwhelming inequity of the growing rich and poor classes (what middle class). If he truly is the progressive mayor he claims, he would have made a better effort to shake down and strong arm his and bloomberg's developer and real estate pals to be a more philanthropic in reshaping this city. But he's not. He's just another campaign huckster that is only out to benefit himself and his privileged family like all the other elected officials.

And Blaz is going to ruin elections for his fellow dems, because the next mayor will be so extremely totalitarian it will make people wish Benito Giuliani would run again.

Actually, going by how Mayor Big Pussy refers to critics and even to journalists and protesters (think about those protesting in Rockaway and the treatment giving to Sunset Park's community activist Alicia Boyd) we already have a totalitarian leader in city hall. Just a kinder one.

Anonymous said...

He's a sociopathic narcissist. Of course he thinks he's doing great.
BTW, none of his plans or programs are ever specific enough to become reality.
Remember Ed Koch, "How am I doing?"
De Blah-Blah had better not ask that one.

Anonymous said...

Actually, going by how Mayor Big Pussy refers to critics and even to journalists and protesters (think about those protesting in Rockaway and the treatment giving to Sunset Park's community activist Alicia Boyd) we already have a totalitarian leader in city hall. Just a kinder one.

Alicia Boyd is a community activist in Crown Heights, not Sunset Park. Not defending DeBlasio at all, but she also happens to be batshit crazy and a massive racist.

Anonymous said...

Doing a good job of building more hotels/homeless shelters mostly in black neighborhoods. Yeah he should be real proud of that.

Anonymous said...

Hey....look...De Blaz just pulled his thumb from his ass and is giving himself a thumbs up.
Meanwhile he's still forking us with a big cookootz.

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