Thursday, July 16, 2015

Stop pissing in the streets already!

From WPIX:

Local tutor Lionel Bourjolly, who works here in Corona, says based on what he sees, public urination is the end result of a bigger problem.

“The real causes are underlying. Underemployment. Unemployment. And it’s especially tough for an immigrant community – because they have fewer resources to rely on. These people have a tenuous hold on society, alright? They don’t have good jobs, they don’t have good housing, and they’re just trying to survive,” said Bourjolly.

We don’t want you to think the problem of people taking a classic sidewalk siesta, is just a black, brown, or working, lower class problem.

Manhattan based attorney Jason Stern says a full third of his practice involves public urination cases.

You might be surprised to hear what kind of clients he represents.

“My clientele is primarily made up of three groups. One would be out of towners – tourists, college students, and the other group is white collar professionals. Doctors, accountants, advertising executive…somebody who works on Wall Street,” said Stern.

This was an entertaining report. For example, I had no idea that being an immigrant meant that you had a harder time finding a pot to piss in. I also thought the biggest group of urinaters could be found outside CitiField after any Mets game.


Anonymous said...

This comes as no surprise.
1) NYC provides few if any public restroom facilities in busy tourist areas.
2) High and ever rising water and sewage charges makes businesses unwilling to let non-customers use their locked facilities
3) There's a Starbucks on every corner selling oversized lattes.

Anonymous said...

Build some more public toilets and don't close them at night if you don't want people pissing in the street.

Anonymous said...

Well they surely don't have a hard time finding housing....most of the homeless I see are white kids these days who aren't even from this state (more than likely) to begin with. The so called "immigrant" problem can be fixed if you just deported the illegal ones and let them go piss in their own third world countries. The other main people pissing in the streets are the asians. I seen this one girl in flushing get out of a car and squat right in the middle of the street in front of an apartment building while someone in the car handed her toilet paper to wipe her ass with! I looked at my friend at the time and said "what the fuck?".

Anonymous said...

We don't need no stinkin' urinals.

Anonymous said...

When central americans started moving to my area, I had to yell at several not to stop and piss (on commercial streets, with women and children walking right by them as they stopped and pissed right in the middle of the sidewalk).

Fortunately the rents went up and they had to move elsewhere.

They pissed wherever they wanted so casually that it was clearly not a matter of wealth or poverty - culturally, this is what was acceptable back home, and it was up to us NYers to tell them otherwise.

All of that said, what every happened to Bloomberg's public toilets everywhere? Oh that's right, it was promised but never delivered. Cemusa still has their city contract and the public doesn't get a pot to piss in.

Anonymous said...

Overcrowding, overcrowding, overcrowding!

Anonymous said...

Put in public urinals and they will get used by druggies shooting up or duos having sex.
Who will be checking them out for explosive devices left in them? That has got to be a consideration these days.
They root of the problem is that the people pissing on the streets are "jungle people" white black green or otherwise.
They are uncivilized or drunk or worse.

Anonymous said...

Don't think of urine as piss, it's used cerveza. Ever get a whif of where the cabbies wait at LGA? That's where they empty their piss bottles

Anonymous said...

If you cover yourself properly you should be able to urinate in sewage drains.

I know if I HAVE to piss, then by all means I will piss in the street.

Joe Moretti said...

Whatever happened to being discreet. Pissing behind a tree, building, etc not out in broad daylight for the public to see.

What is next, public defecation which is practiced by millions in third world countries.

And what the hell is that attorney talking about that they may be out of state, etc, and do not know the laws of NYC. Public urination anywhere in this country is against the law. The one thing that makes us somewhat civilized over other animals.

People in our society anymore have just become slobs, rude and dumb idiots.

Jaime Escalante said...

Local tutor Lionel Bourjolly, who works here in Corona

This guy is a tutor?

God help his poor students!

Anonymous said...

Yo, all the hotels don't let you pee any more. All those feudal casuists who got their phony security jobs think keeping folks from peeing is cool. Yo know most "security" casuists are more crooked than those they harass. So, pee in their ears.

Anonymous said...

Like Ed Koch said, "If it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down!"

Anonymous said...

It's the smell of piss that makes NYC the great city it is!!

Anonymous said...

The strong oder of piss drowns out the stench of political corruption, mission accomplished

Anonymous said...

This is the culture we are supposed to embrace from all the illegal immigrants.
It's called "inclusive" by all the leftist politicians.
Why have them adjust to our mores when we must adjust to theirs?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 9: You're one of the guys who makes NYC such a great place to live.

JQ said...

This may be the reason why city council decriminalized public urination. It is ntot only practiced by the homeless who literally don't have a pot of their own, but also by the massive influx of tactless and entitled tourists and hipsshits, especially the latter if the proliferation of cafes, bars and restaurant cum bars (restbarants) should make clear.

But as Joe above pointed out, there is a thing called discretion, and lately I have witnessed, even in broad daylight, people whipping it out and squatting in clear open spaces. People are way to comfortable relieving themselves as if they were bears in the forests.

I may be stretching with this analogy, but on a scene in the simpsons, they went to a carny and Homer's shirt was brown and crispy. He told Marge "See, you said I couldn't refry my shirt" and Marge replies " I didn't say you couldn't, I said you shouldn't". This should apply to those who just can't hold it in and find a mcdonalds restroom, a dead end street or a big tree. Just cause the laws are not as strict as before, doesn't mean you can whiz anywhere you want or feel like it.

I think I am going to buy Depends stock, because I think this will be the next evolutionary step amongst the new natives of our city. Fun City that is.

Anonymous said...

It's another "broken windows" bio-hazard. Public urinators should be arrested - if only to discourage it.

Anonymous said...

>>There's a Starbucks on every corner selling oversized lattes.
Yes, and now NYC Starbux and other fast food places are starting to lock their bathrooms to the public. If they're nice they'll give you a bathroom code printed on your receipt.

>>Build some more public toilets and don't close them at night if you don't want >>people pissing in the street.
The only way to have USABLE public toilets is to have guards stationed in them. Otherwise they will become unusable within minutes (think of the sh*tsty that is the Roosevelt Ave train station men's room, always "under repair" because some piss-drunk person has shat in the sink again or clogged the toilets and urinals), and/or places to get mugged or raped.

Anonymous said...

It is weird how difficult it is to pee (legally/not in the street I mean) in NYC in this day and age. Remember the musical "Urinetown"-- the song "It's a privilege to pee?"

Anonymous said...

I have sympathy for those who are forced to tinkle in a street corner because there are no public bathrooms to be found anywhere.

I have no sympathy for those who just drop trousers in the middle of the street, without even making an effort to conceal themselves.

Camel bladder said...

I seem to recall that there was a French company a few years back that wanted to install their prefabricated self cleaning restrooms around the city. Kohler, the plumbing fixture company, also makes a self cleaning and sanitizing restroom. The problem was that these companies would have to charge a nominal fee to use the restroom to make it economically feasible. THIS WAS UNACCEPTABLE to some members of our socialist NYC council. Better we should walk through urine and shit covered streets than be able to pay 50 cents or a dollar to relieve ourselves like civilized humans.

Anonymous said...

It's a NYC problem! In other parts of the country EVERY STORE has beautifully maintained rest rooms available for the public.

Anonymous said...


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