Friday, July 24, 2015

Queens Village foreclosure turned into sex club

For over 2 years residents on the otherwise quiet block - 211th Place in Queens Village - have had to endure a violation of their peace and quiet. No longer can neighbors go to sleep in the summertime with their windows open to enjoy a cool breeze without worrying about being assaulted at any point between midnight – 5AM by the sound of large groups of men and women screaming at each either, bottles shattering, and yes eventually the police will show up, with legions of squad cars blocking the entire road to quell the madness until the following night.

Yes, there is one foreclosed property on this block: 99-27 211th Place that has been under the control of a ring of male squatters for so long, folks cannot remember what life on this otherwise quiet, unassuming side-street used to be like. At least 15 people live in the home at any given time. Strange men walk up and down the block all day and all night long. Note that the house in question has a vacate order.
If there is a shirtless, strange man with his pants falling off riding a bike, piece of paper in hand, looking lost, guaranteed this is the home he is looking for. Huge groups of men congregate in front of the home all day. A pair of old sneakers hanging from a power line marks the spot. The 2AM fights, legions of strange young men trolling the neighborhood (some of whom try to avoid being seen going into the home by crossing the street), and dozen+ undercover squad cars are an almost daily presence on the block.
You might be thinking only drugs or prostitution would attract such large groups of men to one home – you’re probably right, but in this instance the highlight is the prostitution. Referred to as “The Play House” the squatters are using this home as a brothel for prostitutes to bring their clients to, as well as an anything goes strip joint. Lucky clients are charged a $20 entry fee with $5 drink specials and $60 for VIP bottle service. I wonder if they pay taxes?

Advertisement here:

They are even recruiting for more strippers and prostitutes, how entrepreneurial they are! And what convenient hours, open Wednesday – Sunday from 12:30 – 5:30AM. Now that is what you call customer service!

Strippers, Entertainers, Ladies of the night wanted to work at underground parties in Queens NY. (After Hours) We are open Wed,Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun 12:30-5:30am. COME MAKE BETWEEN $500-$1000 a night in a fun safe clean enviornment. Tip in is only $25 and all ladies first drinks are free. IF INTERESTED send Pictures and number to (646)930-5512 (All races, Sizes & Ages 18 & over) BIG PARTY TONIGHT!!! COME WORK & BRING YOUR TOYS.

They're getting pretty good at this "marketing" thing too:

Free Shots Till 12:45AM!!!
$5 Drinks/ $60 Bottles
$20 Door cover
TEXT FOR SECRET QUEENS LOCATION Phone: text/ (646)930-5512

The police seem to be doing everything in their power, my question is why hasn’t the BANK kicked these lowlifes out? What more can be done to remove these people?

The Play House – coming to a friendly neighborhood near you.


georgetheatheist said...

Now I see why Putin wants to take up yoga.

Anonymous said...

Call DA BROWN, Thr FBI, City Council, State AG. This should not last another day !!

Anonymous said...

We had one of these on my block for what seemed like 2 years. It took the bank's desire to sell the property once the market came back to motivate cleaning it up. All the police calls in the world didn't seem to help! Now, markets are back up elsewhere, but perhaps not so much in that neighborhood (especially with that house!), so the bank isn't motivated to do anything right now.

JQ said...

May I proffer a theory why nothing is and will not done to shut down this cesspool of freaks.

Money and the free market of commercial sex, the banks know it and the cops know it.

obviously, some cops, officials and bankers are getting paid. Follow the money.

Also for esthetic and cultural reasons. If they let all the post-k hipsters and the trust fund brahs and girls scream, piss and vomit in the streets of new york and brooklyn goddamn they have to let the worst elements of the african-american community enjoy their vices without repression too.

And those ads-Ew. I never read the queens tribune, the sun also has these colorful ads splattered at the end of their weeklies. It's the advertising equivalent of herpes.

And that is a nice house too.

Anonymous said...

This can be closed if you publicly REPEATEDLY go after the good for nothing electeds for not doing their job - including letters to the press etc.

Believe me, these bums live on their carefully built image - you start to poke fun at them and they move.

While you are at it, go after machine boss Joe Crowely.

Anonymous said...

Call the NYPD vice squad from a public phone with a anonymous name for your protection.

Anonymous said...

Where are the posters from the Times Square sex shop thread telling us what a wonderful historical tradition this will establish for the neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

DA Brown is running unopposed so there's really no incentive for him to do his job because he will keep it anyway.

Elmhurst Garbage Lady said...

I thought I had it bad living across the street from an abandoned home/neighborhood drug house. But I've never heard of anything like this!

-Every precinct has monthly community meetings. Attend each and every meeting, and make your voice heard. I'd suggest coming prepared with photos, the ads in this article, etc.
-Make an appointment to speak with the captain of the precinct, and also the "Situation Team" (AKA vice squad). Even if there is some underhand/payoff situation going on, if you bother the precinct enough they have to at least make perfunctory efforts to curtail the craziness.
-I agree with above posters that the MEDIA can also be a powerful tool. Send this to Gothamist- they love this kind of stuff. And once it's on Gothamist, maybe the Daily News will pick it up. Nothing spurs the power that be to action like public shaming.
-Contact your Community Board and Councilperson, and hound them incessantly. This is not just an unpleasant quality of life complaint; there is outright illegal activity going on. And I'd bet there is some element of HUMAN TRAFICKING, which the media and local politicians and precincts claim is such a huge priority for them (yeah, let's see if they ACT accordingly).
-Call (again and again) the 311/Buildings Dept to make a complaint. If this house is supposed to be unoccupied, the Buildings Dept *should* send inspectors to make sure it is indeed unoccupied. If they see unsecured windows/doors, they are supposed to give the owner (the bank?) a fine. And if they see people actually coming and going, I dunno, hopefully they will call the cops.

In short: forward this story to Gothamist to start. And keep calling 311, local politicians, the local precinct, and the Community Board over and over and over and over and over again.

JQ said...

Where are the posters from the Times Square sex shop thread telling us what a wonderful historical tradition this will establish for the neighborhood?

Right here

Again,sticky apples and rotten oranges. Times Square is a commercial district, and that block in Queens Village is not.

Anonymous said...

This is allowed to happen intentionally so property values drop even further. Make good people move out so more of this happens and then gentrifiers come to the rescue.

Anonymous said...

once again its not a big conspiracy as half of you think. this is the new york you all voted for.

the police get called, arrive and there is 40 african americans drinking and getting their jerk on. nobody is getting hurt. nobody is getting shot. the police tell them to keep it down and go on their way.
after more calls and complaints from the neighbors (who are also black, but when the shit hits the fan its gonna be the racist police harassing the blacks).

so the police respond a few more times and after a few weeks of complaints/police response/promises to keep it down all the people in the party stand up and say 'THIS ENDS TODAY!!!!!' and decide they aren't gonna take any more of this harassment from dem racist police. They throw their drinks at the cops and start going crazy. Raymond, who is a half a bottle of henny deep and a little loopy from a 1/2 a molly he took is furious that the police interrupted his auto-erotic asphyxia session he was having with one of the paid escorts. Raymond starts in with the police saying why aren't they busting up a white party over in Long Island City, why it got to always be a black party.
Raymond gets up and pushes his way through the police, knocking one of the latino female officers over, injuring her arm.
Now Curtis, who was just at the party to have a few drinks, senses this aint gonna end well so he takes out his phone and starts to record the events after the female officer gets push to the ground by raymond.

the video starts with 2 officers trying to stop raymond from leaving the house. The officers know they are out numbered 40-4 know they have to verbally instruct raymond first, trying to avoid an all out melee. after unsuccessfully stopping raymond by using their verbal commands they have no choice but to use force.
They try to cuff raymond but he resists. After a few moments they get the cuffs on him but by now 10-12 more partygoers start in with the police. Same time ray ray starts having chest pains because the molly is kicking in. the fact that he is 315 lbs and just had a belt around his neck during his session with Crystal up in one of the bedrooms doesn't help the situation. Police call for back up and EMS.
EMS arrive, transport Raymond to Jamaica Hospital, only to have him die from a combination of his heart disease, ecstasy use and years of personal neglect.

Curtis shares his video with the local media, who makes it go viral and the city and nation are swept up in the fact an unarmed black man was killed just for auto-erotic asphyxiation masturbation.

Hashtags start #justiceforraymand and #autoeroticasphyxiatersdontdeservetodie. CNN has round the clock coverage on how masturbating in the black community is now just as dangerous as serving in Iraq. The Anderson Cooper interviews start. MSNBC sends reporters into black neighborhoods all over the nation interviewing locals on their fear of police knocking down their doors while they watch you-porn. Then the marches start. Demands for justice are heard at schools. Al gets involved, stating Ray did nothing wrong. Pushing a cop while high on drugs with a belt still around your neck is no reason for the police to 'murder' an unarmed black man.

Suburban house wives don't read the facts and start wearing AEA is not a crime!! Justice for Ray Ray!!! t-shirts to their hot-yoga classes.

i can go on but i think you get the picture. This city is at this point. All the residents who sat around the past 2 years too afraid to speak up and be called racist now have to deal with a city (and country) too politically correct for its own good.

Clean the House said...

Why do we have to share the planet with human garbage and vermin like this? Send them to Frankie in the Vatican.

Anonymous said...

Again,sticky apples and rotten oranges. Times Square is a commercial district, and that block in Queens Village is not.

Not in YOUR backyard, JQ? Such an upstanding citizen.

Anonymous said...

>known prostitution den
>undercover cops everywhere

How does this place still get customers if the cops are constantly arresting everybody?

Anonymous said...

Humorous long post by anonymous! :) gave me some laffs like this 2004 Arizona comedy club appearance by Artie Lang lots of non-PC jokes.
Artie Lange It's the Whiskey Talkin' 2004
Howe about America was a lot less effed up in 2004!!!

Anonymous said...

This just in:

An Upstate Congressman is introducing federal legislation requiring banks to respond expeditiously to short sale offers to help reduce the glut of homes in foreclosure in NYS...

Queens Hedge Fund Stud said...

Vibrant and PERverse!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Al gets involved, stating Ray did nothing wrong. Pushing a cop while high on drugs with a belt still around your neck is no reason for the police to 'murder' an unarmed black man."

holy shit, that is inspired.

Anonymous said...

That's what I call free advertisement thru the Queens Crap.

This guy is smart (the owner I mean), place a comment in this blog and now there are hundreds of guys texting as well as ladies looking for work and fun at the same time. They'll their respective husband at that place any day now.

JQ said...

"once again its not a big conspiracy as half of you think. this is the new york you all voted for. justice for ray ray"

well done anon.sounds like a scene for a remake of the new centurions. Hopefully broadway stages doesn't steal it.

"Not in YOUR backyard, JQ? Such an upstanding citizen"

I don't have a backyard and if I lived on that block ya damn right my hypocritical self wouldn't accept it. And you wanna bet that these underground maison derrieres ( are even in other towns in Queens, going by the number of ads splattered on the tribune. I also wager that some airbnb hosts make arrangements for sexy parties and fetish romps.

If there are shops and clubs for this thing fine, but it's different when it's a house on nice block or any block in any town. And I definitely agree the city let's this happen by design. Think of what can be done with a little rubber stamp rezoning.

Yes I am an upstanding citizen thank you mr. or ms. sarcastic.

Anonymous said...

Elmhurst Garbage Lady said...

Still paying the salaries of the pols while you do their dirty work of cleaning up the community and saying nothing to them?

Exhibit A of why Queens is ... well ... Queens.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that one of the photos says, "around the corner from the old place?"

Anonymous said...

I've been getting fed up with one particular race for the last year or so. Anyone else?

Anonymous said...

I've been getting fed up with one particular race for the last year or so. Anyone else?


eh? you mean politicians that look the other way while shit like this happens in their community?

Yeah, that group certainly depresses property values.

Pomonok said...

Smh what has this world come to!

Anonymous said...

Yeah ok, focus on politicians while our f---in society implodes. Good work. Well remember when we need to.

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