Thursday, July 9, 2015


From the Queens Tribune:

A federal grand jury in the Eastern District of New York has issued a subpoena for records to Queens Community Board 7 regarding land use decisions and procedures.

CB 7, which covers Flushing, College Point, Whitestone and other Northern Queens neighborhoods, has had many land use applications come before them as the area has undergone a development boom over the years. Construction in the past decade adds up to some billions of dollars, a number that will continue to grow as more and more developers set their eyes on Northern Queens.

Documents obtained by the Queens Tribune show the court issued an order on May 29 for records for the period of January 2005 to present. Records requested include minutes from board and board Land Use sub-committee meetings; letters, memos, recommendations and other communications from the board Land Use committee to CB 7, the district manager or others; documentation of any and all recusals or notification of potential conflict of any board members for matters that came before CB 7; and attendance and voting records.

According to the subpoena the Federal Bureau of Investigation, acting on behalf of a federal grand jury, requested the documents.

Some past projects that have gone before CB 7 were controversial, including relatively recent proposals for Flushing Commons, Willets Point and the RKO Keith Flushing Theater. No specific projects or proposals were mentioned in the subpoena.

Councilman Paul Vallone (D-Bayside), who found out about the subpoena on Wednesday, expressed shock at the probe.

“We are surprised at this week’s unexpected news regarding the investigation into Community Board 7,” the statement read.”This is the first we’ve heard of it and we will be watching the situation closely.”

You may recall this post from 2008:

The proposed Willets Point development undergoes land use review at Queens Community Board 7 during 2008. 
Recording © 2008. Originally published by Willets Point Industry and Realty Association.


Anonymous said...

Looks line VALLONES campaign manager and BFF has some 'splainin to do!

Anonymous said...

Not surprised.

Anonymous said...

I don't trust that board. Lying and deceitful characters.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Chuckie Baby and Stinky in it together up to their freakin ears! Howzabout Al Centola, too?

Anonymous said...

It's about time.

Anonymous said...

Al Centola is not on the community board.

Anonymous said...

May they all go down and take Stinky with them!!! Flushing has been truly fucked by all the shitty development that's taken place! I hope the Feds find lots of dirt and sticks it to them all!

Tony A. is the ONLY politician that gives a shit and does a honest day's work!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam's blog is slow to post this update. Maybe he somehow didn't see the news? Hah!

Anonymous said...

"ouncilman Paul Vallone (D-Bayside), who found out about the subpoena on Wednesday, expressed shock at the probe."
Well, the readers of this blog have been calling for an investigation of CB7 for a long, long time!

Anonymous said...

Vallone new nothing? Paulie , while serving on CB7, voted to approve Joey "d'or" Franco's oversize expansion of his White House restaurant in Whitestone. The news media noted that Joey Franco was tied to the Gambino crime family. He had previously run Cafe On The Green.
I hope you like the color orange, Mr. Apelian. Don Vallone, being a lawyer, will probably slip through the mess or roll over on Chuck to avoid getting prosecuted.

Anonymous said...

Oops, Bitterman might lose her it now $95,000 a as DM of board seven.

Anonymous said...

Shake rattle 'n roll....there's a whole lot of paper shredding gowing on!
I wonder if there were any FBI wire taps on the principals of CB7? There should have been.
That shifty crew has been operating with impunity for decades.
Wanna bet that there are international implications here...specifically Chinese?

Phantom of The Beijing Opera said...

Eric shall have his justice.

Anonymous said...

Pull in John Liu. He is Chuck Apelian's neighbor.

Anonymous said...

Normally bored...I'll be surely attending the next CB7 meeting just to see the color of "follow the buck" Chuck Apelian's face.
Bravo to the FBI. Their broom sweeps clean unlike city authorities.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the vallones are being investigated by someone they don't have control over. Finally this board will burn and others to follow.

Anonymous said...

Halleluljah! There is a God. If not, to give the atheists equal time, the FBI will suffice.
I'll bet Chuck's toilet is clogged due to overuse since the subpoenas were served.

Anonymous said...

Long overdue! I am waiting for the handcuffs photo .....
the little prisoners being led away.....on Queens Crap. Then I will open up a bottle of bubbly.

Anonymous said...

Wait until the FBI gets Prestone's (Apelian's printing company) files, to see how many printing contracts he scored from developers who came before CB7 and got their approval to build. Didn't Chuck print Vallone's campaign posters? Didn't Vallone serve on CB7?
Whoa....this is gonna snowball! Look out below....Queens Democratic machine!

Anonymous said...

Queens is finally living up to Brooklyn's old corrupt image when Meade Esposito was running Brooklyn. Dontchaluvit?
We finally get put on the map.

former ugly ass burro president said...

Hey! Wait a minute! Don't forget about me. I look good in orange!

Alan said...

I'm glad I recorded Robert LoScalzo's statement at a CB#7 meeting a few years back! Closed door meetings??? WTF?

Anonymous said...

Where is the Rider to the Subpoena? That's where all the juicy stuff lies.

Anonymous said...

Should have been done 20 years ago. Then we wouldn't have all this sh*t in Flushing today.

Anonymous said...

Vallone is a snake!!! Everyone knows that!!! When he comes to anything and acts like he cares everyone laughs at how phony he is!!! He has his filthy hands in this Im sure!!!! Vallone will be nailed just like his buddy Halloran!!!!

That Guy said...

I don't know what everyones getting excited about. it's just a subpoena... a federal one at that. The feds conviction rate is only 95%. Now if it was 100% I'd be worried. But 95? Come on. You know what 5% chance of not being anything means? Everything in the world.

Anonymous said...

FREE AT LAST!!!! TIme to measure the jump suits and plan the victory party. Maybe CB 7 will be a board that regular people will be proud to be a part of.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what That Guy is smoking, but it has to be potent.

Anonymous said...

It would appear that Vallone's chickens are coming home to roost.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Chuck the campaign manager for Vallone? Isn't Chuck on of his his advisors?

Anonymous said...

Soon Chuck's house will have a for sale sign posted on the front lawn. His safe little cul de sac world is crumbling.
Of course Chuck, being an arrogant self styled demagogue, will insist on an Armani jump suit for his stay in the big house.
Sorry Chuck...there are no privileges in stir. Better stock up on cigarettes, the jailhouse currency.

Anonymous said...

Now, let us all insist on the reform or elimination of ALL community boards. They are a den of double dealing as they exist now.
Let the federal boys turn their attention to CB1, the community board from hell, then CB2 .

Anonymous said...

Chuck just got his cock trimmed. The egomaniac is now a dwarf.
He will be soon thrown under the bus by all of his county "friends".
Such is the loyalty expected of political pals.
Vallone will toss his "buddy" Chuck into the fire .
All of the CB7 marshmallows will toast and drip off of their sticks into the campfire.
Every perp will be cutting a deal to avoid doing time.

Anonymous said...

It took a long time but that's the way the FBI works.
Their average investigation runs for about five years.
When they act they want to make sure that they have a solid case.
It looks like they have one.

Now, clean out that CB7 stable by flushing its stupid, out of touch, and complacent members.
Whoa....we might lose 90% of the board.

The district manager has got to go.
Everyone makes excuses for Marilyn Bitterman.
"She's overworked...yadda, yadda, yadda.....poor lady".

Unless she's a cretin, she had to know what was going on.
Her silence was bought with the $90,000+ salary she's earning.

Anonymous said...

Love that video!
It shows what a bunch of arrogant shady bastards are running the community board.
Then you have a bunch of board members (shown or not shown).....some of which are too old to be compos menti....others which enjoy the illusion of their importance....a few who like to bellow to show off.
Apelian is the puppet master because that is where the money is...the land use committee.
Kelty is along for the ride, despite him holding the chairman's seat.
Gene means well but Chuck the kingmaker here.

Jerry Rotondi said...

What an embarrassment.
First my Assemblyman Mc Laughlin went to prison.
He is being followed by my Councilman Halloran.
Now my community board gets an FBI subpoena.

Am I shocked at the news?
I'm old enough to be shocked by nothing.

I am extremely disappointed.
It is bad enough that when I tell my out of area friends that I live in Flushing,
I have to bear hearing them groan at my plight.

Anonymous said...

Is this the first NYC community board to receive an FBI subpoena?
Let the probe continue to spead to all past and present politicians and city officials ever connected to shady CB7.
Go back to the days of Donald Manes and follow the money trail to the present.
Question Myra Baird Herece, while she's still around. She goes back far enough, and has been connected to a lot of the players.
Maybe she knows where some "bodies" are buried.
Please follow Queens Crap, you smart FBI guys and gals. This is a tip worth following, if you are not already on this trail.
Myra Baird Herce. The name bears repeating.

Anonymous said...

Squeeze Marilyn Bitterman. She is the district manager.
All had to pass under her nose. She could not have been that dumb not to notice anything funny going on.
She ran the day to day operations of the camp. Kelty is the chair, but Bitterman is the commandant.
Question ALL board members. Kim Ohanian displays her big mouth often enough at the public meetings.
Maybe she'll loosen up her lip even more for the Feds.
Who will be the first to give state's evidence in return for not being convicted.
When this is all over somebody ought to write a mini series ripped from the headlines.
This is really big stuff and the mushroom cloud is advancing.

??????????????????? said...

If Bitterman loses her job, there goes hubby Jack's overeating binges . Does he still get free tickets to the U.S. Open?
Does Marilyn still get trips to Toronto arranged for her by Wellington Chen?

Tie this all to,Cecilia Chang's so called suicide. St . John's university might figure to be a part of the web.
Enough crooked lawyers and pol's seem to have attended this (quasi mafia????) institution.
The notorious Tommy Huang had ties with Cecilia ChNg and SJU. Huang also had ties with Manes, etc.
He was a CB7 board member in the 1980s.
Keep on digging. The show ain't over yet. There's a mother load, an El Dorado, yet to be found.
Remain in your seats. Stay tuned to the program. Who will be called up next to perform.

Anonymous said...

omg. could the feds also be probing the D.O.I.whitewash of CPB11/7 hi-jacking of the P.S.130Q ,25,000 sq.ft. of Francis Lewis playground .in 1983 ,when the csd 26 gave the community school to Csd 25. the local pupils never set foot in the school since ,32 years of busing out of the area and in from Flusing.

Anonymous said...

Seven sure ain't a lucky number for CB7 these days.
I'll pay for Chuck Apelian's prison suit....tailor made....if he gets convicted within one year.
Seize his passport. He might be a flight risk.

I'll bet the Vallone family has retreated to their Jersey shore compound to figure out how to deal with their dummy
Paul's mistake in hooking up with Apelian.
Just like Fredo Corleone, Paulie might get dumped by his own family so it won't ruin their dynasty.
Judge Charles Vallone must be rolling over in his grave seeing the stupidity of his grandson Paulie.

Anonymous said...

The FBI should have seized CB7's computers....locked the office....obtained a search warrant for every CB7 member.
Most of the incriminating records have already probably been shredded.

an informer said...

Cast your dragnet wider, FBI.
There are still a lot of other fish to be caught.

Unknown said...

All that happened was an order was issued to appear before a grand jury. The Tribune reported a prior order was issued for documents. My guess is CB7 will be an evidentiary witness for those documents gotten from the first order so that they may be submitted as evidence to the grand jury.

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