Thursday, July 16, 2015

Climate change = buh-bye LIC

From Curbed:

New data published in Science shows that if the planet warms by 2 degrees Celsius, sea levels will rise about 20 feet. It's pretty much a given that this will happen, it's just a matter of when—it could be by the end of the century. A 20-foot rise is no where near Linn's extreme depiction of a 100-foot rise, but it would still radically alter our coastline. The group Climate Central created an interactive map (h/t Gizmodo) that shows what this would mean for major cities in the United States. In New York, it means that entire neighborhoods would be wiped out and 1.8 million people would be displaced.

It's gonna be like this year round!


Anonymous said...

NYS, NYC, and developers each know that LIC sits in a major flood zone.

Anonymous said...

Good thing the geniuses that run our City can't read or they might have trouble sleeping at night.

Anonymous said...

Look people where your taxes are going - to satisfy campaign donors who want to locate families on brownfields that are soon to be annually flooded.

Great idea, eh?

Well, I guess your silence tells the bright lights in office that you do not have any opinion on how your taxes are to be spent.

Anonymous said...

Ever seen the film "Swept Away"? That's what's gonna happen in LIC.

Anonymous said...

Russia scuttled 30 leaking nuclear submarines under arctic nice caps to contain radiation, I wonder if that has anything to do with melting ice?

Cav said...

Enjoying our apocalypse porn, folks?

Anonymous said...

Don't believe the climate change faggots. They've been wrong for 40 years. F--- them.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but isn't global warning a myth?
LIC hipsters, be prepared to build an ark. Yes, latte will be served aboard.

Liman said...

Yeah, yeah. Don't bet on this ever actually happening.

Anonymous said...

Russia scuttled 30 leaking nuclear submarines under arctic nice caps to contain radiation, I wonder if that has anything to do with melting ice?


JQ said...

In light of the outcry of the controversial FEMA flood map, I like how so-called progressive officials are blowing off climate change effects on these overdeveloped towns and beach areas. They don't sound much different than the neanderthal republican men and women in congress who deny the quickening effects of global warming.

Well here is a another prospective flood map for them to ignore so they can continue to please the developers and all the hipster pioneers taking over this fragile city.

Instant Karma beckons.

Anonymous said...

Climate Change Faggots....I like that.

Anonymous said...

It's because of all the devegetation, like Venice and Holland

Anonymous said...

But if you believe the latest, that we will be in a mini ice age (because of a new Maunder Minimum) by 2030, the sea level won't be rising, but falling

Cav said...

Here's the crux of the problem:
Actions speak louder than words. If the ruling class is just saying things (as in their wailing about imminent climate catastrophe)but their actions are the opposite (developing real estate in potential flood zones), then what they are saying is a lie. Even if, and let's stress if, sea level rise were to go from the current 3mm per year to 6mm per year, it would still take 50 years for the sea level to rise one foot.
And if you read the paper linked, it's all about a model output with may and if and more studies are needed. It is far from conclusive. The authors are not saying expect a 25 foot flood next week.

Here's my opinion on why:
Scare tactics where we're told we absolutely must act now or we're all gonna die, no time to show you the facts, no time for debate are a variation of a high pressure sales technique. The ones pushing this apocalypse line are trying to steamroll everyone into agreeing to the pusher's agenda without any consideration of the facts or debate. And we should all be even more suspicious of the doomsday pusher if their only response to debate is to shriek "denier" or any other inane ad-hominen attacks at anyone who wants to debate the issue honestly. Right JQ?
Remember the bank and GM bailouts? Sounds familiar to this climate apocalypse thing?

Why I have my doubts:
Besides, according to satellite and radiosonde data, there hasn't been any statistically significant global warming for the last 18 years. If anyone wants to use the NOAA, GISS numbers from ground stations, I'd advise you that the data have been adjusted numerous times over the years and run through various smoothing and homogenization algorithms where it is no longer data but data by-products (where they're not going to be open about the justifications or methods for the adjustments and the margin of error on the numbers they produce)so let the buyer beware.
I recall the ice age scare of the 70s followed by the anthropogenic global warming scare starting in the late 80s. Can we get our story straight as to which way is the world going to end? We were told almost 20 years ago that we'll fry today at a 4 deg.C increase in temperature. And the temperatures went up by an average of 0.3 deg.C. Yes about half a degree Fahrenheit! WOW!

As an interesting aside, the EPA refuses to release any data and methods for studies they commissioned for use in formulating their regulations. The EPA doesn't lower themselves to answering to Republican neanderthals or the taxpayers.

We have no control over climate on a global scale. Sorry, we can't control the weather no matter how much time and money we waste on carbon can-n-trade schemes, windmills or solar panels. All we're doing is making someone else rich or increasing their power over us by buying into this nonsense.

Climate is like any other force of nature: We can either adapt to it or just get out of its way.

Sorry if I ran on too long.

Don Cavaioli

Anonymous said...

A new ice age is not actually coming

JQ said...

Re: Cav

I had no idea I came off as some Pusherman for the Sierra club. Your points were well written though, frankly if you had more theories it would be nice to read more.

All it took was hurricance sandy to wake up people, Unfortunately it also woke up the wrong people, those with money,power and influence on both sides of the climate change debate are causing this schism, as with the bank bailouts, which only showed that if the banks and certain moneyhoarders wasn't able to make tons more money the world would implode.

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