Friday, July 31, 2015

Ass Hat At Rockaway Beach

How Smoking Is Affecting Young People's Brains


JQ said...

There has been obnoxious people at the beach and various parks before, we just didn't have the technology to document it all. Props to the girls for eventually feeling a bit shameful and getting that prick to chill out (If you nimrods want to smoke just go by the water).

But now that Rockaway is "hot" now and attracting the hipsters, brahs and woo girls (the drunk girls that yell woo, think about those reality show jersey shore douchehags), there is going to be a lot more douchebaggery on these beaches thanks to the assistance of city planning enabled gentrification.

There are 3 Bars on the boardwalk passing as concession stands, 4 counting that hamptons experiment bullshit bazaar in Riis Park. I think there are more bartenders than lifeguards on the beach.

Since this is 97th street, is that lifeguard station fixed?

Anonymous said...

Beach didn't look too crowded,I would have moved my family,reasoning with mid 20s kids drinking,no brainer unless your checking out the girls in bikini's

georgetheatheist said...

L'enfers. C'est les autres,

Why go to the beach anyway? You want skin cancer? How utterly st-u-u-u-pid to lay on a blanket on the sand.

Anonymous said...

that's no boombox.

Anonymous said...

White folks are so ghetto.

Joe said...

The women I grew up with in Ridgewood would have taken that guy down and beaten the shit out of him. The girls in this video must be trustfund yahoos.
White girls going to beach 96 ? Is that the "new" beach 116 or are they looking for something a little different ?

Anonymous said...

Where were the parks police and the Parks Dept employees? they're supposed to give summonses for smoking on the beach and the boardwalk. I would have called the police. the 100th PCT is nearby and am sure the cops wouldn't mind going to the beach.

Anonymous said...

Don't believe the hype. Rockaway is still a ghetto chock full of crack heads on welfare. and crack dealers on welfare.

JQ said...

I believe there was cuts in the parks dept. involving the park police

The NYPD are there. I assume as a homeland security measure, which makes them glorified chaperones. They will not enforce the laws because the laws being violated have been decriminalized. Remember, smoking and public drinking. This was done for Generation Gentrification to bring up hipster and frat boy and drunk girl interest and upscale the beach and eventually housing. These people spend money frivolously and furiously and will not be touched. This is city planning at it's most insidious. Maybe state and federal planning too, as the boardwalk was only completed in the areas where those expensive bars I mean concession stands are. It's revolting that they are basically making junk and fast food but giving it some faux artisan touch-ups to justify their asinine prices.

Another clue on the advancement of gentrifying the beach is the city officially making the beaches open the week after labor day(I don't understand this, despite ending lifeguard duty the beaches are always open)

L'enfers. C'est les autres indeed.

But for these people...

JQ said...

oh and that is 96 st. well 97st

R.i.p. Hot Rod

georgetheatheist said...

Looks like he "parts"himself to the right side of his upraised middle finger.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a beached shark will bite that ass and finger off.

Anonymous said...

Public beaches are such an adventure.

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