Sunday, April 26, 2015

Weprin proposes youth hostel legislation

From the Queens Gazette:

Councilmember Mark Weprin has introduced Intro 699 to legalize the construction, regulation and operation of licensed youth hostels in commercial districts within the five boroughs. Presently, New York City does not have a law that legalizes youth hostels.

“Hostels are a popular component of travel all around the world owing to the unique community feel that they offer. A lot of young people do not have the money to stay at luxury hotels,” said Weprin. “We need a place for people on a budget to stay. This is an opportunity to offer young people clean, safe places to stay that are not as expensive as hotels.”

The new legislation would also advance the fight against illegal short-term sublets and rentals of residential facilities that affect residential communities and buildings across the five boroughs.

The Pan Am was supposed to be a youth hostel...


Anonymous said...

When was the last time either of the Weprins did anything constructive and positive for taxpayers ? Why are they so concerned about tourists? How much money is in it for them?

Anonymous said...

When was the last time either of the Weprins did anything constructive and positive for taxpayers ? Why are they so concerned about tourists? How much money is in it for them?

I agree, what has Council member Mark Webrin done for the community that he supposedly represents. Don't forget this guy also supports Congestion Pricing.
Everyone should call his office and ask what has he done to benefit the people that have elected him.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn’t he introduce legislation that supports the quality of life in our communities? Maybe legislation to support existing laws that aren’t being enforced. Instead this guy plays it safe and does NOTHING to help the community that has elected him.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should call his office and ask what has he done to benefit the people that have elected him.

no no no always find any excuse publicly to question his agenda and its impact on the public - meetings, lettes to the editor, etc.

this interest in tourism is yet another set to weaken communities with transients - a bit like what the Vallones did to Astoria making it into a raucous party place much to the misery of its residents.

Anonymous said...

That welp of a Welrin strikes again. Put them next to his home. Oops, no way, Jose!

Anonymous said...


Middle Villager said...

"no no no always find any excuse publicly to question his agenda and its impact on the public - meetings, lettes to the editor, etc."... This has become next to impossible as the Council members just hide in their foxholes, they don't come out unless there is a photo-op. We can not get Liz Crowley to show her face at any civic meetings unless it is 2 weeks before an election.

Anonymous said...

Hey Weprin. How about paying attention to your constituent's needs instead of worrying about out-of-towners ? Hostels are not a priority. Saving our neighborhoods and the Middle Class are!

Anonymous said...

Of all the problems that Mark Weprin could choose to turn his attention to, he has managed to choose something that is not a problem for New Yorkers - the affordability of a room in New York City for foreign citizen tourist "backpackers".

Maintaining a clear distinction between hotels and rental apartments has been good for the city. Blurring that is not going to help the people of New York.

Anonymous said...

this means homeless shelters for sure -- beware everyone --

Anonymous said...

What the f--k does this have do to with the community that he serves. Why would any constituent in his district care about this or want this legislation.
This guy is out of control and needs to be investigated The people that want this legislation must be paying him big bucks.
Council member Webrin what have you done for the community that you serve.
Movies in the park with popcorn dosen't count

Anonymous said...

Yep, we really need youth hostel legislation in New York City.
How about quality of life issues that really matter. There are so many things this guy could be doing for the community that he represent. Instead he introduces legislation that can only effect the community in a negative way.
Wake up New Yorkers

Anonymous said...

Having tourists spend money in a given place and then leave traditionally has been considered a good thing. And I'll note up front that I do not work for the industry, the weprins, the vallones, the developers, the government or lonely planet. So there.

Anonymous said...

I can see why his consituents think there are more important things to focus on, but what's wrong with this piece of legislation? NYC accidentally made hostels illegal, and that needs to be fixed.

Anonymous said...

Weprin is as phony as that rug on top of his head.

Anonymous said...

'I can see why ...' Exactly.

Anonymous said...

Weprin is as phony as that rug on top of his head.

Hostels might be nice for young travelers who can't afford regular hotels. But how does this help the people this councilman represents.

Who is this legislation really helping $$$$

Anonymous said...

alot of monies are being put into his hands and the other people politicians for sure --

Anonymous said...

He has the developers in his pockets. Typical lying politician.

Anonymous said...

Im sure many of Mark Webrins constituent's have asked for him to introduce this unneeded legislation.
When you call his office to ask why he is in favor of this legislation also ask his staff why he is in favor of congestion pricing. This guy is NOT working for the community he serves.

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