Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Overdevelopment has caused overcrowded trains

From AM-NY:

MTA officials have said overcrowding is partly to blame for deteriorating subway service and had assigned personnel to get people in and out of train cars faster; transit brass last month pledged to come up with an attack plan for smoother service that can recuperate from equipment malfunctions and disruptions more quickly.

But among the top 20 stations that changed the most in number of riders, all but three were in the outerboroughs, while each grew between 7.8% and Marcy Av's 23.8%.

Transportation and real estate experts attributed the growth to new residential and economic development, and people being pushed into neighborhoods further down a train line.

"The stations with the highest ridership growth are definitely the stations where there has been a lot of housing development, no doubt," said Joan Byron, policy director at the Pratt Center for Community Development.


Anonymous said...

Not to worry,the murder rate is culling the herd thanks to DiBlasios hatred of police.

Jerry Rotondi said...

How many years have posters on this site warned about over building and the effect it has on our infrastructure?
The MTA should have been following Queens Crap.

Anonymous said...

Glad I'm near and I use the LIRR.

Anonymous said...

They couldn't figure out 5 years ago? 3 years ago?

Sitting on your a$$ collecting a paycheck and not moving a muscle until the problem is out of control?

That's page one of the public employee handbook!

It must have been lunch time when the reports of increase ridership and delays were climbing over the past few years.

The public sector 'the best and the brightest'?

Don't make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

It is all about somebody's connected nephew being paid thousands to compile surveys then introducing bills to correct any faults discovery, which go nowhere.
A lot of wheel spinning in the mud gets our car imbedded deeper.

NOBODY in city government WILL EVER propose a moratorium on building until our infrastructure is dealt with first. The real estate industry feeds too many city council members campaign funds.

I.e. Van Bramer and the Valllones.

Anonymous said...

Well its about time.

Funny how groups like Transportation Alternatives and Straphangers and all those groups never say these things but only tout wacky stuff that does little but make our lives ever more inconvenient for the sake of development.

All they say is more money from Albany (cute: the money comes from us) or the MTA is incompetent (sure a smug idiot running a red light on a bike knows more than the MTA).

We need a permanent fix, not just repeating the same crap every three years. Get it: funding requests today will not help us in 2020 if growth continues. We need to tax the developers for infrastucture.

Anyone that runs for public office and says that will get in hands down.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what happens at the 63rd St station once the Rego Mall skyscraper fills up with tenants.

Anonymous said...

"Overdevelopment has caused overcrowded trains"

Ya think???

Anonymous said...

No kidding!

Anonymous said...

How many pounds of shit can you pack in a one pound bag? How many dozens of sardines can you squeeze into a can that holds ten? How many trains, bloated with humanity, can safely ride the rails without incident?

Let's commission Hunter Colllege or Prattt Institute to study this....paid for, of course, by the endless stream of money squeezed from us taxpayers. Waddayathinhk?

Anonymous said...

Damn! Half of China already packs the #7 train.
No point in living in the Jackson a heights or Sunnnyside Gardens historic district if you've got to wait half an hour to be able to fit in the train.
Keeep on electing council members who are owned by the NYC real estate industry.

And how many of these pol's actuallly live in the overcrowded nabes they are supposed to be representing?

i.e. Councilman Peter Koo certainly does not live in dens.y populated Floooshing.
He really lives in Port Washington.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the trains are crowded now because of the homeless using our trains as their personal homes.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is because the MTA has been raising the fare every other year, and cutting service.

Anonymous said...

Public services have become overburdened in this city....why don't these idiot politicians realize this?

Anonymous said...

stop complaining and move out of this cesspool. its over. buzzer sounded. no coming back. this is the way it is. it happens all over. things change.

wait until the summer when all the hipsters are getting their iPhones ripped out of their hands by the locals when they walk around bushwick, bed-stuy and the rest of gentrified brooklyn. that $800k 2 bedroom condo doesn't seem like such a great idea now does it???

Anonymous said...

Hang it up with your damn China card already. this is a serious blog discussing serious issues.

Besides, no one thinks Crappie is a racist blog anymore so you are starting to stick out like a sore thumb.

Your racist rants are getting tiresome and are counterproductive: everyone knows the politicians and developers are behind it.

Want to be a racist? Go down to Virginia where Queens Boss Joe Crowley is raising his family.

Anonymous said...

There are also the unmentioned antiquated and sub-optimal MTA operating practices that thwart capacity improvements. Including but not only:

After the train wrecks in the 90's, instead of improving emergency braking performance to stop trains in time, the MTA altered signalling to make the trains travel slower. Yes that's right. Today's commutes via subway take longer than back in the 1990's. This directly affects the number of trips train crews can man, and reduces the paying passenger per personnel ratio.

Improved emergency braking performance also allows trains to SAFELY run closer together, reducing the time between trains. It also reduces bottlenecks that reduce train frequency, and thus improves capacity.

Furthermore, better braking allows trains to pull into terminals faster without worrying about crashing into - and sometimes through - the end of the tracks. This allows trains to turn around faster.

One doesn't need to run many of the trains 12-6AM. The street traffic congestion during the late night hours are minimal to none. It is during this time that the MTA should run buses and fix the subway infrastructure.

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