Monday, April 20, 2015

Melissa wants taxpayers to bail out criminals

From the Daily News:

Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito wants to hand Get Out of Jail Free cards to criminal defendants — paid for not with Monopoly money, but with yours.

This is law-and-disorder lunacy on the public dime, gussied up as a way to drain the cesspool that is Rikers Island.

A proposed $1.4 million bail fund tops the City Council’s just-announced wish list for the $77 billion city budget.

The NYPD makes 260,000 misdemeanor arrests a year. Criminal Court judges release the vast majority of defendants on their own recognizance or on minimal bail.

In a small proportion of those cases — ranging from 5% in Staten Island to 10% in Queens — judges set bail beyond the reach of defendants. Annually, some 11,000 lack the money to post amounts ranging from $20 to $2,000.

The Council would post those payments in order to enable defendants to live in freedom while awaiting trial. Some chutzpah.

Judges set bail when defendants are deemed flight risks. Based on how few defendants are held, judges appear to be making considered judgments as to who’s least likely to show up in court.

Disrespectfully, your honors, the Council has decided it knows better than you how to determine who’s safe to free.


Anonymous said...

I got 3 weeks on Rikers and 1500 bail for a domestic dispute but I own a house, you see, when you own something and are white your not a criminal No your an ATM and the judges and lawyers Fleace you for everything you own and that's why its called Criminal Justice System.

Anonymous said...

Democrats, spending other people's money like they are drunken sailors on shore leave!!!!

Anonymous said...

Melissa is a moron!

Anonymous said...

Now we have to pay for their crimes?
Shove it where the sun don't shine, burro prez Katz.

Anonymous said...

Since we mostly have asshole Republicans running for office in Queeens , these socialist Democrats always win. What we have is NO REAL COMPETITION, which is essential to a republic. The Democratic Dictatorship, as it exists here, is somewhat like the Nazi party. Remember it was called National Socialism.

Anonymous said...

Katz is a lawyer. It must be good for her business. That's why she's in favor of this.

Anonymous said...

Gad! In Queens the dumb get dumber. If voters allow this low life borough president another term then we are doomed.

Queens Crapper said...

Please do not confuse Melissa Mark-Viverito, speaker of the city council, with Melinda Katz, borough president. This is Viverito's idea, not Katz's.

Anonymous said...

She has been instrumental to DiBlasio turning the city into a complete shithole!

Anonymous said...

"I got 3 weeks on Rikers and 1500 bail for a domestic dispute but I own a house, you see, when you own something and are white your not a criminal No your an ATM and the judges and lawyers Fleace you for everything you own and that's why its called Criminal Justice System."

Stop projecting your tendencies to strong-arm your wife onto the arm of the law and learn to behave yourself.

Anonymous said...

Then theses perps will never show up. They will then believe it is ok to commit a felony. Say hello to the return of 1991 nyc,crimewise.

Anonymous said...

So Melinda Katz turned into Melissa Mark-Viverito and then went from doing real estate law to criminal defense?

Good thing Crapper's here to straighten some people out.

Nice example of Godwin's Law by poster 4, by the way, though he makes some good points too.

Anonymous said...

This is poster # 4.... My bad, my mistake. Happy now? At least I'm honest . I had my mind on something else. Have you actually read Godwin's law? I have....also Einstein's theory of relativity. Great stuff!

Anonymous said...

Actually poster 4, it was I who erred - Godwin's law applied to poster 5, not you. Oops. Happy now? No, still have a lousy government to contend with.

JQ said...

I hope they properly vet the petty from the recidivist violent ones.

This wouldn't be that awful if the mega and uber wealthy were taxed more.

This is the reverse measure of all the excessive and unconstitutional force that cops were forced to, or in some cases enjoyed doing, in the past 20 years. I fear what the consequences and the reaction will be, and who will be elected in a few years if this amnesty program yields negative results.

I mostly fear the types that will slip through the cracks if they incidentally are serving for supposed civil offense.

Do it right Missy or reap what you sow.

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