Saturday, April 11, 2015

Manhattan BP & Brooklyn Council Members introducing landmarks legislation

From The Real Deal:

Manhattan borough president Gale Brewer unveiled a plan Wednesday to speed up and simplify the landmark review process.

The legislation, to be co-introduced with council members Dan Garodnick, Brad Lander and Stephen Levin, calls for a public web database of all actions by the Landmarks Preservation Commission and would allow online applications for landmark status.

The proposed laws would also put a lid on the length of the application process. It calls for a 90-day limit for responses to applications for landmark status and a 180-day limit for historic districts applications. Moreover, unresolved landmark cases could no longer be shelved for more than five years.

This is the same package of REBNY sponsored crap bills that Leroy Comrie tried to foist upon us when he was chair of the Council's land use committee some time ago. I'm sure there'll be more where this came from.


r185 said...

Is this the same as the previous bill? The article doesn't mention the financial loss issue at all.

Anonymous said...

REBNY runs NYC. They buy council members and you think they are loyal to you dumb voters who give them their jobs. Wise up or continue to get porked.

Look at Paul Vallone, for example. He, and his family, have been on developer's pads for decades.

I would like to propose a bill that requires listing the percentages of money taken by each candidate from the real estate industry on their campaign material.

r185 said...

To Anonymous and/or Crapper: I just have a simple question, is this bill the same as the previous one? (This article and this post make no mention of the financial loss issue.)

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