Saturday, April 18, 2015

At these prices, can anyone afford Queens anymore?

From Brick Underground:

Wondering how much you need to make to live — and rent — in your favorite borough? We're here to help. The data below is based on the March 2015 rental market reports for Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens, which were recently released.

Assuming that landlords require you to have 40 times the monthly rent (or you get a guarantor who makes 80 times or hire one), here's what your salary (or yours and any roommates/partners combined) will have to be, according to the new numbers.

To live in a studio, you'll have to make $98,720. (Median: $2,468)
​To live in a one-bedroom, you'll have to make $118,280. (Median: $2,957)
To live in a two-bedroom, you'll have to make $151,600. (Median: $3,790)
To live in a three-plus-bedroom, you'll have to make $220,000. (Median: $5,5,00)


Anonymous said...

Stupid working slobs
Section 8 and no income is the best way to go
Yo Gringo my rent is due so Gidyup 💃

Anonymous said...

A little high, I think they never left LIC except to go to another hi priced area in Queens

Anonymous said...

So where do all the illegals live?

Honest Joe Crowley sez said...

Report to the Party Faithful:

Everyone new to NYC is living with 4 or 5 people. This is a good thing for us!

Keep the 'No Vacancy' sign on and encourage illegals from everywhere to come!

You going to get elected no matter what happens.

People are too miserable to complain, communities are weakened with transients in basements, and all the party troops have plenty of programs funded by taxes to train future troops for the Regime.

Things are good in NYC and great in Queens!

We have not only made this crisis but will intend to continue to turn the screws on the public. Simply continue with your platitudes and continue visiting senior centers and spend your days in committees and passing legislation to rename streets.

Anonymous said...

All your white neighbors are renting out basement and attic rooms they illegally converted to undocumented immigrants. And those cheaters are not reporting the rental income to the IRS. The white homeowners are the ones that should be referred to as illegal.

Anonymous said...

Most illegals live in Jackson heights, flushing, Corona, woodside. They only afford their rents because they fit 5 single illegal men in a one bedroom or two illegal families in a two bedroom apartment. They live on top of one another. Some I believe Are collecting Section 8 also the same way they collect WIC and Medicaid.

JQ said...

To live in a studio, you'll have to make $98,720. (Median: $2,468)

I am fucking speechless.

How many seamless food delivery guys does it take to make the median rent anyway? Because this is the future of affordable housing and the only way to live in this shithole in an app based shut in economy.

Expect a rise in sales of bunk beds.

The Other Half said...

Jacob Riis. Where are you now that we need you?

Snake Plissskin said...

It really doesn't matter recounting where the illegals and legals and whatnot are. Its everywhere and we all know what the problem is: someone is creating public policy to help landlords by creating an artificial demand.

There is also the side benefit for politicians by keeping everyone else too busy to complain by spending more and more time on a treadmill trying to earn enough for rent.

We need to identify why we have this problem and who to go after to stop this. And this means more than whining in our jammys in front of a keyboard sheeple!

Anonymous said...

Remember this.
Any homeowner who is renting an illegal apartment in their house WILL NOT be covered under their homeowners insurance policy.

You are committing a crime in the eyes of your carrier. Your policy becomes NULL & VOID if you put in a fire damage claim, etc.
So there goes the little rent money you've gotten when you have to shell out to rebuild your damaged house.

Anonymous said...

That is true. Homeowners insurance does not pay to cover any practices which break any laws. You will be stuck holding the bag in the end.
Try and outsmart "big insurance" and you'll screw yourself.

JQ said...

someone is creating public policy to help landlords by creating an artificial demand.

spot on. This policy is the blueprint for many of the biggest metropolises in the country and the world, it's not just new york. And I bet they all have a compliant and complicit local media to pass off these hot areas and speculative values disguised as news. Mostly it's the maggots in REBNY, the whore lobbyists for predator developers and that blandly sinister BerlinRosen that's writing the scripts.

My hypothesis for the supposed mixed income 80-20 housing will be akin to something like Downton Abbey. Where the "20" will be there on call for the "80" when they need food, housekeeping or nannies. Apps are the new "gongs"

for the record I wasn't wearing pj's when I wrote my initial comment.

Anonymous said...

Snake....we have this problem because there are too many illegals and foreigners in this city. They push rents up because they all want to live here and landlords know this, so they charge whatever they want for rent. Also, taxes are too high and why are taxes too high? Because these illegals and foreigners live in basement apartments and convert everything under the sun into a multiple family dwelling which calls for more public services like schools and trash pickup. Foreigners and illegals want to live on top of one another because they are use to living like that back in their third world countries. So of course the illegals and foreigners matter!

Anonymous said...

If you check out any online rental site, there are many rentals listed in okay neighborhoods in Queens that are well below the the median numbers shown in the article.There are so many well below, in fact, that I find it difficult to believe that ALL of them are absolute crap holes. And after all, the median value only divides the total number of rentals in half (half of the total number of rentals are above the median value, half below).

Yeah, rents are still too high but as another commenter alluded to, the number of places in pricey Long Island City (most of which have been built very recently) makes the situation appear for more severe than it actually is.

Renting is no bargain but, the article appears almost alarmist. Remember though, if you don't make it sound extreme, few people will read your article because it sounds boring.

Anonymous said...

I love that a post about high housing prices in NYC turns into a thread of rants against "illegals". But I am not surprised since this site seems to be a safe haven of complaints against any group of people who has a less than pale complexion.

The most expensive borough by far remains Manhattan, and it's mostly dominated by white people. So how exactly are "illegals" driving rent up? Maybe you guys should be complaining about young white kids moving to NYC instead.

Anonymous said...

People are bitching about illegals because supply equals demand and they are tipping the balance. They aren't supposed to be here in the first place. They occupy hundreds of thousands of units that would be available to legal renters at lower prices.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... "So how exactly are "illegals" driving rent up? Maybe you guys should be complaining about young white kids moving to NYC instead"

Here's something that will explain it to you.
"If desire for goods(Apartments) increases while its availability decreases, its price(Rents) rises. On the other hand, if availability of the good increases(Less Illegals) and the desire for it decreases, the price(Rents) comes down"
Ibn Taymiyyah

This is economics 101 and being white, asian or black has nothing to do with it. Pinko Commies dont' understand this principal.

Missing Foundation said...

I love that a post about high housing prices in NYC turns into a thread of rants against "illegals". But I am not surprised since this site seems to be a safe haven of complaints against any group of people who has a less than pale complexion.

The most expensive borough by far remains Manhattan, and it's mostly dominated by white people. So how exactly are "illegals" driving rent up? Maybe you guys should be complaining about young white kids moving to NYC instead.


Most of the racist rants are placed on this board by hacks for politicians or the real estate industry as they want to paint a place where the public gathers to discuss things as something dangerous and unseemly.

First, a good chunk of Manhattan is still minority not white. But what I find so silly is how LIC is becoming white while the official line in Queens is diversity!

The problem in NYC is that of both immigrants and emmigrants.

Emmigrants are far worse. Let me explain:

Hipster kids with their shallow lifestyles built around sending pictures of ice tea and desserts to each other as they wander zombie like through their empty days(and getting 100 likes for the effort) is in many ways more chilling and dangerous than someone who comes to NYC to earn money and perhaps make a better life for their family here.

The only problem I have with immigrants who they are made illegal by everyone:

from our politicians who do everything they can to encourage them to come here and break the law by doing so,

from landlords to rent to them in sub-legal and dangerous housing,

and from employers to exploit them and have them work in dangerous jobs.

The heavy demand on NYC is a result of failed government policies.

Most of this country is dying. Go on google earth and drive through a rust belt or bread basket town to see a mini Detroit in the making.

Then look at all this new housing in places like Nevada or Texas that you know are not sustainable and are bad for the environment.

A little creativity could create programs which would encourage areas losing population to regenerate as well as discourage growth in areas that are simply not sustainable.

If we built American once there is no reason we cannot build it again.

Our problems across the board are not with each other, but are from the politicians and their bad policies.

JQ said...

"The problem in NYC is that of both immigrants and emmigrants.

Emmigrants are far worse. Let me explain:

Hipster kids with their shallow lifestyles built around sending pictures of ice tea and desserts to each other as they wander zombie like through their empty days(and getting 100 likes for the effort) is in many ways more chilling and dangerous than someone who comes to NYC to earn money and perhaps make a better life for their family here."

".we have this problem because there are too many illegals and foreigners in this city. They push rents up because they all want to live here and landlords know this, so they charge whatever they want for rent. Also, taxes are too high and why are taxes too high? Because these illegals and foreigners live in basement apartments and convert everything under the sun into a multiple family dwelling which calls for more public services like schools and trash pickup. Foreigners and illegals want to live on top of one another because they are use to living like that back in their third world countries"

Equally spot on.

Everyone and everything is equally exploitable. Survival of the fittest and the greediest amongst the bottom ranks. Divide and Conquer amongst the exclusive top ranks. And our electeds just blab and do nothing constructive.

Anonymous said...

I only continue to live in Queens because my mortgage is paid off and I'm only twenty minutes from Manhattan.
If I had to pay sky high rental fees to live in a backward bedroom borough like Queens, I'd prefer living in Appalachia. At least the scenery is better.

Anonymous said...

Absentee landlords abound in Bayside. Two family homes are really three family homes. Three family homes are four family homes. That is due to the rental of illegal basement apartments.

The schools are overcrowded as a result of the Asian population in Bayside specifically. In many instances, there are three families living in one home.

Mother and Father; adult child and their spouse and children and adult child and their spouse and children. This puts a significant burden on the school system.

Anonymous said...

1. The Hipster kids live several to an apartment just like the "illegals" you speak about. Have you not seen apartment listings with no living room included? When did a two bedroom apartment only have 3 rooms total?!
2. They work for themselves. They don't really like outsiders. Send the "illegals" out of this country and see how quickly you'll be wishing for them back. No more food delivery for you. No more $15 manicures and pedicures. Your local grocery/bodega will disappear.
3. Do you really think that all the hip and trendy establishments popping up are paying taxes the way they should?? Do you honestly believe they are withholding taxes on their employees/friends/roommates wages?? They are very similar.
The drive in real estate is mostly the hype that each neighborhood receives due to the media and then of course comes the elected officials who place their own interest before the public's and do nothing to help the "true" New Yorkers.

Anonymous said...

This city is filling with hipster trust fund kiddies who are driving rents up until the rest of us have to live 5 to an apartment - and half you commenters are blaming this on us working class folks being forced to cram in like sardines so we can afford to live near work and pay out taxes?

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