Sunday, March 1, 2015

Tuberculosis outbreak in Brooklyn

From DNA Info:

There has been an outbreak of tuberculosis among young Chinese immigrants in Sunset Park, according to a Department of Health and Mental Hygiene alert.

There have been 15 confirmed cases since June 2013, with seven of those identified since September, according to the alert. Health care providers were advised to look out for symptoms including fever, a cough lasting several weeks, night sweats and weight loss.

“While overall tuberculosis (TB) rates in NYC have declined steadily over the past two decades, the proportion of cases among persons born outside of the United States has increased to 84%, and local TB transmission continues to occur,” the alert read.

Most of those stricken with the disease have been young men who frequent Internet cafes and work in out-of-state restaurants.

You have to live in very close contact with someone for an extended period of time in order to pass TB along. Officials may want to look into the living conditions of the victims.


Anonymous said...

A "wonderful" contribution of unscreened illegal immigration. E pluribus sputum.

Anonymous said...

Tell that to the Chinese who are always spitting on the sidewalk. Funny, in China it is banned, but here it's OK.

Anonymous said...

When an immigrant comes here legally, he/she must first test for TB, cannot get permission to enter if testing positive. With the illegals receiving ID cards, we'll see a burst of hospital reports of this disease.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but we have Theater In The Park....Dragon Boat racing....Queens Council On Culture and The Arts....yadda, yadda! Maybe the old TB building at the old Queens General Hospital should not have been torn down.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the 19th century. All of those diseases that were eradicated during the last century have returned for a revival performance.

Anonymous said...

Wherever we shop....wherever we send our kids to school....wherever we worship....whenever we go to the movies or theater....whenever we board public transportation....WE CAN BECOME INFECTED! Can I interest you in a new fashion item...designer face masks?

Anonymous said...

They don't even cover their noses when they sneeze. Luckily some of them are smart enough to keep a surgical mask overy them....but still very very nasty people. I hope my daughter doesn't get sick from one of daughter has had all her immunization shots but there is always new diseases being bought in by foreigners and illegals!!

Anonymous said...

If there is a threat to public health and safety, nine times out of ten, its gonna be a Chinese source.

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