Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring soaking

From the Daily News:

Spring has sprung and it’s time for New York City homeowners to get soaked again on their water rates.

Mayor de Blasio, who was critical of his predecessor Michael Bloomberg for routinely hiking water rates, Friday announced a plan to raise water rates by 3.24%.

Although it’s the lowest rate hike in 10 years, critics say it’s still unfair because homeowners have been hit with so many increases in recent years. The average homeowner will pay $1,058 if the plan goes through, up from $499 a decade ago.

New rates will go into effect on July 1.


Anonymous said...

Feds and state forced the city to spend billions on capital projects, mostly paid for with debt. Almost half your water bill goes to service that debt.

Jerry Rotondi said...

"Welcome sweet Springtime, I greet you with song".

I've uncoiled my garden hose and have instructed my wife to give me a few whacks with it.

This is my form of Spring training that I, as a homeowner athlete , must go through to stay in shape. If I toughen up , I'll be ready for the hosing that the NYC Water Board will be giving me soon.

Build up those callouses , lads and get ready for the $$$$$$$ increase.

The part of the water bill I hate the most is the sewer rental charge. Why should I have to pay for old sewer pipes that can't handle all of the mega development that's going on?

Let the developers pay for repairs , upgrading and installation of new lines.

Fugghettabout it! Groan! Being water boarded into paying up is what the Water Board was created for. Ain't it?

The Flushing Phantom said...

Half a glass of overpriced water is better than none. LOL!

Anonymous said...

He's such a hypocrite! But that's what you people get when you vote for a jerk like that! Electric is going up too, after all, someone has to pay for the lawsuits that coned is going to have with this 2nd Ave explosion. ...we're still paying for the Harlem explosion as it is.

Anonymous said...

Worst Mayor Ever !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's nothing but another tax. Does anyone really believe that this money actually goes toward maintaining our water system? I'm sure most don't. It goes toward paying for all of the freebies that the mayor is giving to all of the illegals living in NYC.

Anonymous said...

The City needs the $$ to pay for the fat renewal contracts the Mayor gave the municipal unions, right?

Anonymous said...

It is a regressive tax. It is almost a per-capita tax.

It also shows that if you keeping increasing a tax by small amounts, with compounding, it doubles.

Anonymous said...

Is this a yearly rate amount or monthly rate..??

Anonymous said...

Depends how much water you use anon. It's the annual rate if you use 80,000 gallons of water per year.

The Flushing Phantom said...

If it were up to NYC we would have meters attached to our noses and we would be billed for how much air we breathe. Daytime rates would be higher than when we are sleeping. Pay per breath or go on a plan like a cell phone contract. 100 cubic feet or air for only $10, etc. etc. Expelling air...farting...costs less, unless it leaves a high carbon footprint.

Anonymous said...

Dablasio ran for office like he walked on water and the sheepal said wow

Anonymous said...

The water projects wouldn't be such a burden if it had better construction costs. Whether its schools, subways, or sewage treatment projects, we pay way too much.

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