Thursday, March 26, 2015

Because every piece of available land must be developed

From the Queens Tribune:

Several years ago, a handful of Elmhurst neighbors and volunteers transformed a vacant lot into a community garden. In the coming months, it is slated to transform again, but this time into new apartments.

Winnie Mok, a secretary at Tan Architect P.C., which is designing the planned development, said five two-family buildings are slated for the lot. Owners expect to file construction permits within weeks, Mok said; preliminary work installing a temporary perimeter fence has already begun.

The lot in question sits at the end of Manilla Street at Kneeland Avenue, up against the LIRR tracks. The youth volunteering program Young Governors spearheaded the reclamation of the lot, starting in 2011, with the help of the New Life Development Corporation and other community members.

According to lead garden organizer Jennifer Chu, the group received a “verbal OK” from the lot’s then-owner, a retired attorney now located in Florida, to use the site.

“We figured, he’s not using it, we can just work on it make to it look nice.” Chu said. “He said he intended to sell it and so we said, ‘sure, whenever you need to sell it, we’ll vacate.”

Nevertheless, the lot was sold in early February, according to the City Department of Finance. Chu said she received no notification of the sale.

“I’m just surprised that he didn’t give us any notice,” she said, adding that the Young Governors had made an effort to keep the owner up-to-date on activity at the garden, sending pictures and sometimes harvested produce.

The site’s previous owner could not immediately be reached for comment.


Anonymous said...

Can't we have one little ounce of green in nyc anymore? What's next crocheron, Cunningham and central parks?

Anonymous said...

More houses to house more illegals!! Great just what this city needs!! As if we don't have enough of these "vibrant and diverse" things walking around? Also, what's the point to building all of this housing if you are only going to keep allowing more and more people to live here? In another few more years if these apartments do get occupied, we will have this same problem, but absolutely no where to build. The only solution to this problem is to cap the population in nyc. They should start figuring out how to do that first. Try deporting these illegals and their family as a first step!! We will surely get rid of more than 1 million people in this city if we did that!!

Anonymous said...

This is a shame. That property had been vacant for decades and was finally being put to good use for the community and now it will just be another pile of crap. And if you believe the houses will only be 2 families then there's a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

Middle Villager said...

Amen to Anon #2. NYC is woefully overcrowded. Yes I love green spaces and community gardens are preferable to a weed filled lot but this is a property rights issue. The gardeners have no more rights than someone who moves into an empty building. Since this was done with land owners permission, hopefully the new landlord will allow them access to gather their equipment and belongings.

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least it's not hotels.

Anonymous said...

Middle Villager is on the money. I'll bet the first 3 anonymous posters would feel differently if they owned the property.

Jerry Rotondi said...

There is the Donald Manes credo again. "Queens has nothing but land, I intend to develop it". Now, go complain to Queens Civic Congress. Yawn.

Anonymous said...

I live in the neighborhood. Although I didn't realize it until I walked past the place last night (now boarded up), this little garden made me incredibly happy. Sigh.

NYC Metalhead! said...

There is no reason for middle class U.S.citizens to reside in queens and raise a family. Who would want to pay 500,000+ for a piece of crap next to illegal aliens, homeless ghetto trash and failing infrastructure. To the greedy politians and developers, becareful what you wish for, you WILL get what is coming for you!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know how the re zoning protest at city hall went on Wednesday,I can't find any information!!

Crusseau said...

So they got to use an undeveloped space, free, until it was sold. It was sold.
Why is this a news story?

Anonymous said...

You clearly are not from the area. That lot was an eyesore for decades, with dumping, etc. The kids cleaned it up and fed the neighborhood from the garden there. Then it gets sold. The owner didn't even have the decency to let them know it was sold. THAT'S why it's a news story. Being an asshole will get you bad press.

Anonymous said...

Are you related to "the boys" of Russo's on the bay, Walyo?

Anonymous said...

ugh this sucks. when the infrastructure in this area starts to feel the full bore force of even more residents its going to be a nightmare, transit, trash, parking, sewers, internet. why are developers consistently allowed to do whatever they want here with no community input?

xxxxx said...

How soon before five crappy illegal aliens are crammed into every crappy basement in this crappy new development? Out with flowers and fresh vegetables. In with crap and more crap.

Anonymous said...

More like how soon before five crappy illegal aliens are LEGALLY crammed into every basement in Queens period.
(Manhattan and Brooklyn Heights dont want them)
There are already been 12,000 women and teenagers (many sexually active and illiterate in any language) that have crossed and flown to LGA to live with so called "relatives" since October.
The current waiting time for a hearing is 3+ years. Only one in ten of the 3% that show up for court have real names or are deported.

Obama and Chucky are sending 1200 troops to the border to place US citizens, ranchers & local law enforcement like sheriff Joe Apaio in handcuffs, take away guns should anybody dare interfere with the projected spring tsunami of illegal border jumpers. Most are headed to mass sanctuary city’s like New York, New Haven, Rochester, Atlanta, Charlotte.
Make no doubt all will be breeding Democrat voters 100% dependent on the government for life.

The Marxists behind this have "requested" local TV and Newspapers not "research" or run the story:
See Drudge Report or:

Anonymous said...

Queens is where those million new residents that Bloomberg said will come to NYC will be living. Why not? This borough is a dump for all the crap that the other four will not tolerate. "The wretched refuse from your teaming shores". Send 'Em here.

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