Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Lots of jerks don't shovel snow

"…it’s that time of year again.

Thought you’d find this fun - Queens is second only to staten island for 311 snow removal complaints. Astoria, Maspeth, Ridgewood, college point and whitestone show the highest number of complaints.


Note that there are few in manhattan, where sidewalks always seem clear.

I do wonder what the hell it’s like in staten island that the whole island is in red…

Reporting non-snow removers is easy and free online. Takes all of a minute. I usually wait a day or two just to be nice. The one bad actor on my street got a ticket 6 weeks after I complained last year though (because it kept snowing I’d imagine). Now he’s shoveling…


Non-shovelers are my pet peeve this time of year. With most real estate in this town being worth boatloads of money, you’d think these derps would pay someone a few bucks to clean this crap up." - Control


Anonymous said...

When you drive everywhere you care less about shovelling your sidewalk. Lots of people in SI driver everywhere.

Anonymous said...

I just tried to report a daycare center that hasn't shoveled at all and their sidewalk is covered with a thick layer of incredibly dangerous, uneven ice and was informed by 311 that the DOS is not accepting any more complaints about snow or ice on sidewalks!!!

It's at 2711 Bayside Lane - Little Angels Daycare!!!

Wow - that's some system!

Anonymous said...

Many stores along Northern Blvd in Flushing don't shovel at all.

Anonymous said...

NYS/NYC Universal pre-K money should be withheld from pre-K schools when they do not maintain their property/create a dangerous situation!

I bet Little Angels would hire people to shovel if the city withheld its many thousands of dollars!

It's unconscionable that they've created a dangerous situation that small children are exposed to every day! This does not speak well for the degree of care they provide!

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to kids trying to hussle for some money during snow season? I remember going outside trying to make a few dollars just to shovel someones property for them. Guess kids these days are just lazy or scared or both these days.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a snow shoveling game on Wii? on X-box? on Playstation?

That's what the kids are doing!

Had enough in Elmhurst said...

My favorite-I would be breaking my back shoveling my sidewalk, the only one on a block of mostly immigrants, and people walking down the street, even from the other side, would cross over to walk in front of my home and stamp their feet to get the snow off of their shoes for the 20 feet in front of my home, then climb back into the snow in front of my neighbors.

After watching this for years I just stopped. I shovel to the sidewalk from my porch, and then only if my neighbors do. (almost never)

Also, they never plow my street (Queens). If the city won't plow, why should I be expected to shovel?

Anonymous said...

I reported a few in Kew Gardens, complaints closed our after the DOS found nothing. But of course the snow is still there.

Anonymous said...

All of Flushing should be reported! Plenty of houses by me with unshoveled sidewalks. I walked an entire block the other day which was iced over from no one shoveling.

Now I know that I can actually report people!

Anonymous said...

just fall in front of someone's house and then sue .. homeowners insurance pays well ..

Curious in Queens said...

Can illegal aliens sue? Can you have them deported if they do?

Anonymous said...

Illegal aliens can sue. The court will say that their immigration status is irrelevant to the case and outside the court's jurisdiction. There are no special rights or privileges to being legal or citizens anymore. New York has erased the distinction between citizens and the flood of border-jumping illegal aliens, excuse me, "undocumented immigrants."

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