Friday, February 6, 2015

It's Friday. Let 'er rip!

This may be my favorite Friday photo caption opportunity of all time.


Anonymous said...

Who are you calling Stinky?

Anonymous said...

Paul: "Could I squeeze your Mom's boobs?"

Anonymous said...

Listen young man, I can do whatever I want , so take that.

Anonymous said...

And this is what happens if you don't eat your vegetables.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And that's how we destroyed Astoria...

Anonymous said...

And then after my grandfather Charles became a judge, the money started flowing and we lived happily ever after.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a closet pedophile.

Anonymous said...

I forgot about Charlie "the judge" Vallone. I wonder how he got appointed during one of the most corrupt eras in NYC's history. La famiglia Di Vallone ...political mobsters growing power since Don Charlie.

Anonymous said...

Is that uncle Fester from the Munsters? Put a lightbulb in his mouth and see if he can switch it on.

A Better NYC said...

"No, you're not too young to long as you vote democrat".

JQ said...

you grab their handkerchiefs like this young oliver"

Anonymous said...

"Hey kid, ya gotta be lucky. If my grandpa wasn't a judge my fadda, my brudda and me would be woikin' sellin' pizza by da slice somewhere off a Steinway. Capisce?"

Anonymous said...

Gimme all the candy or I'll pave over your playground.

Anonymous said...

"I vant to suck yur blud"

Anonymous said...

Hey kid
Wanna feel my bald shiny head?

Anonymous said...

"You make more money than Paul Graziano ?"

Anonymous said...

City Councilman Paul Vallone meets with children and parents at a school in his district.

Anonymous said...

and then the wolf said "I'll huff and puff and blow your house down."

Anonymous said...

"I'll get you my pretty!"

Anonymous said...

"If you thought my brother was a hack, wait until you see what I do"

Anonymous said...

See how we squeeze the taxpayer?

Anonymous said...

"Trust me ... girls really like it when you squeeze them like this."

Anonymous said...

"The Real Estate Board of New York and the developers have their hands around me, just like this."

Anonymous said...

Breast Feeding Inspector. I am here for my cut. Get out of the way kid.

Anonymous said...

Then I came out from under my bridge and ate them!!!!

Anonymous said...

North Flushing "The Vallones are comming !"

Anonymous said...

you bettah sign the clipboard and vote for me on Election Day even if you are not 18 yet. or else.

Anonymous said...

My shit doesn't Stinky

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