Thursday, February 26, 2015

3 Brooklynites charged with terror plot

From NBC:

Three Brooklyn men who allegedly plotted to travel to Syria to join ISIS and posted online messages about planting a bomb on Coney Island and shooting police officers were taken into custody during FBI and NYPD terror raids Wednesday, law enforcement officials tell NBC 4 New York.

The men, 24- and 30-year-old Uzbekistan citizens and a 19-year-old Kazakhstan citizen who all lived in Brooklyn, allegedly planned to return to New York to commit a domestic act of terror if they failed to join the group overseas, law enforcement officials said.

The youngest man, identified in a criminal complaint as Akhror Saidakhmetov, allegedly posted on an Uzbek-language website in the last six months that he would buy a machine gun and shoot police officers and FBI agents if his plan to join ISIS was thwarted. In August, 24-year-old suspect Abdurasul Hasanofvich Juraboev posted on the board that he would kill President Obama if ISIS asked him to and asked for help getting weapons, according to the complaint.

He also said he would plant a bomb on Coney Island if the terror group asked, the complaint said.


Anonymous said...

White right wing nutjobs can't be trusted,that's what Obama and Holder keep saying.Islam is the religion of blowing things to Peace,s.

Anonymous said...

Too much legal and illegal immigration is going to be the death of this country.

Anonymous said...

If it was up to Council speaker Viverito, they would be given a desk appearance ticket, and released on their own cognizance.

JQ said...

They are going to convict these guys for ideas. Good luck with that.

Let's see if ISIS ceases killing because these boobs were caught.

ISIS exists because they are a brand and like OCCUPY they have no leaders. The big difference is that ISIS has billions of dollars and weapons, and are more motivated by greed and revenge for the wanton abuse,destruction of homes and civil rights, robbery of land and energy resources during the Iraq invasion and occupation in the 10 year trillion dollar quagmire led by the yet to be charged W Bush/Cheney administration. Also the kill authorization by Obama and the stupid and failed policy of drone bombings in Yemen, Syria and Iraq.(

You can't bomb ideas,or put ideas behind bars and give it a life sentence.

If were going to keep doing this war on terror, reinstate the draft already.

Anonymous said...

One of the three had a business that ran kiosks in malls.

Just imagine the possibilities.

Troll said...

Just because you live in Brooklyn doesn't make you a 'Brooklynite".

These 'gentlemen' were just a trio of foreigners.

Thank you Obama for Amnesty!

Look for this to be more commonplace in this country.

Charles Martel said...

Vibrant! Diverse!

Anonymous said...

They should check all of the immigrant communities in Queens and Brooklyn. East NY, Flushing, Rego Park,, Jamaica,...Who knows what they are up to. They obviously don't want to assimilate into America, but they gladly accept taxpayer's handouts in the form of housing, food, and medical care. God bless America!

Anonymous said...

can we stop letting these animals into the country already????

Anonymous said...

"can we stop letting these animals into the country already????"

Most of them come in under the state department refugee program.

Anonymous said...

We have nothing to worry about when it comes to ISIS. Our politicians are the terrorists in Queens.

Anonymous said...

Obama and his islamastation could care less.

Anonymous said...

Off with their heads!!

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