Saturday, January 24, 2015

We're number 1!

From the Queens Chronicle:

A new report by the Migration Policy Institute found that New York City is home to more than a half-million undocumented immigrants, with the largest concentration of that population living in Queens.

“I think that Queens, to many people, symbolizes opportunity,” said Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-Bayside), who was unsurprised to learn of the figure. She cited the large amount of small businesses in Queens, many of them immigrant-owned, as a potential reason.

State Sen. Jose Peralta (D-East Elmhurst) echoed Meng’s sentiments.

“Queens is the center of this promise of the American Dream,” he said. “It’s a wonderful mix of diversity. In my district, you can practically walk into another country as you move between different enclaves.”

Peralta sees the new data as an opportunity, highlighting the potential these immigrants represent if they can be properly naturalized and brought into the taxpaying workforce.

According to the MPI report, Queens is home to an estimated 246,000 of the city’s 643,000 illegal immigrants, with 91,000 of them eligible for President Obama’s deferred deportation programs, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents.


georgetheatheist said...

Peralta: “It’s a wonderful mix of diversity. In my district, you can practically walk into another country as you move between different enclaves.”

Doesn't the Pledge of Allegiance mention "One Nation indivisible"? So what do we celebrate? Diversity or unity?

Anonymous said...

Why does she think that walking through different ethnic neighborhoods is so good? Diversity is the code word for " get rid of the Whites". Every politician knows it but won't admit it! It's destroying our city and country!

Anonymous said...

Well that explains the housing shortage in a nutshell - and why you are paying three times as much rent as you should be.

Joe Moretti said...

And this is supposed to be a good thing, that many illegal immigrants into an already overcrowded borough filled with illegal conversions which pose hazards and subject the people living in them and the neighbors to possible dangers. The majority of fires in Queens are due to illegal apartments. Let's also mention that fact that these types of illegal apartments filled to the brim with illegal immigrants put a major strain on infrastructure. Oh and this it is totally ILLEGAL to be in this country illegally, hence the name right in the phrase ILLEGAL immigrants.

Explain how this is a positive thing. Oh wait, you can't because there is no positive upside to this.

Anonymous said...

"The majority of fires in Queens are due to illegal apartments."

Really? Have a source for that one Joe?

Anonymous said...

They produce zero tax revenues,deals are done through hand shakes all the while collecting benefits,
Veterans be dammed,politicians are out for themselves PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

My entire family going back 3 generations are veterans, in the 21st century why would any American let their son or daughter serve in the armed force's to protect the rights of illegals and a corrupt government who is bankrupting the nation.
Al Gore once said all the democrats need to stay in power is the 13 poorest most populated states,Get It.

Anonymous said...

I think there's way more than 600k living here. I believe there's over 1 million of them. They are gross and disgusting and should all be deported!! Illegals do nothing for the economy except bring us down. Deport all of them!!

Anonymous said...

Without these migrants Bill would not have been elected. The Democratic machine must import its votes. The old timers know full well that most of their candidates are crooks. The newly uneducated arrivals can easily have the wool pulled over their eyes by opportunistic machine politicians who promise them the world. RIP least for the remainder of Bill's term.

Joe Moretti said...

"The majority of fires in Queens are due to illegal apartments."

Really? Have a source for that one Joe?
Yes, it called newspapers, try reading several of them everyday. The majority of house fires end up being in illegal conversions.

Anonymous said...

Have there been nations before whose leaders celebrated their own destruction?

Anonymous said...

think there's way more than 600k living here. I believe there's over 1 million of them. They are gross and disgusting and should all be deported!! Illegals do nothing for the economy except bring us down. Deport all of them!!

so which politicians do you work for? does citizens exercising their right and responsibility to express their opinion so unnerve them that they send you here to try to discredit this blog with your garbage?


georgetheatheist said...

"Have there been nations before whose leaders celebrated their own destruction?"


Anonymous said...

"Have there been nations before whose leaders celebrated their own destruction?"



Anonymous said...

The worst thing about it is that our own people don't bat an eye on abortion or a mass genocide going on in the other side of the world, but people crossing the border are seen as "heroic" and "exemplary". Sure, there's people fleeing from corruption in their own countries, but why should they do so illegally? And the worst of it is a lot of them think they are entitled to EVERYTHING, yet remaining their own nationality without wanting to be truly American as well. They all make it seem like it's a U.S. problem, when it's their own countries that failed them. Why can't they just move to a neighboring country that is better than their own than making a thoughtless effort of crossing illegally, knowing the number of security vulnerabilities this country will have if everyone were allowed to cross..

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