Friday, January 16, 2015

Problems at both Spa Castles

From DNA Info:

A city health inspection of Spa Castle conducted after an elderly man died at the facility in December found the popular bathhouse dirty and unsafe.

Several pools at the 131-10 11th Ave. location lacked proper disinfectant, while too many bathers — eight, instead of five — crowded another pool. In addition, Spa Castle failed to notify the Health Department within 24 hours of 84-year-old Hock Ma's death on Dec. 28, violating city regulations.

Ma passed away in one of the spa’s pools of natural causes, the Medical Examiner ruled, and a bather, not staff, discovered his body.

The fact that Ma's demise went unnoticed by staffers prompted Queens state Sen. Tony Avella to ask Mayor Bill de Blasio to establish an interagency city task force that could better track ongoing violations of bathhouses and spas.

"There was no supervision. If they had the proper supervision, maybe he might have been saved," Avella said. "The fact that he had to be found by another client of the spa is disgraceful."

Health Department records show that during 2013 and 2014, Spa Castle's Queens location racked up 45 violations — including failure to provide an updated safety plan, lack of life-saving equipment and, like Avella cautions, not having an adequate amount of support staff.

And their Manhattan location was shut down:


georgetheatheist said...

Eeewwww! Like bathing in a cesspool. And they charged money for this? What kind of assholes even consider going into dives like this?

Anonymous said...

This place is so gross and disgusting. Why are asian owned places so nasty? I mean have you ever seen most of the chinese food places? Most of them have "c" ratings. I remember the chinese food place around me had gotten a "d" rating and they tried to bleach that letter was so faded.....then they tried to put a plant in front of the rating lol. That chinese food place closed down and another one took over. It's quite sad how disgusting these Asians keep their businesses.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tony for giving a crap. The rest of the electeds (Vallone) have too much money in their pockets from the owners of these places, their hands get tied and they can't do anything about it.

Roger said...

The "assholes" who go there were people who assumed the spa was operating up to code.

Jerry Rotondi said...

This is far worse than stepping into water where little kids have taken a "wee wee" in the swimming pool. Unclean, unsupervised bathing facilities represent an act of criminal negligence. I've also noticed that Spa Castle's jitney vans, which convey customers from Main St. Flushing, do not have commercial license plates on them. Shouldn't they? Thank you Senator Avella for cracking down on them. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

This is Little Asia where life is cheap and everybody looks the other way. Of course the death remained unreported. Those Asians are always concerned about losing face. Padlock the premises. Let them lose their ass!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the Manhattan location gets closed down right on the heels of its opening, while the Queens cesspool is allowed to operate for years. Just call in the Tax Man to audit the business and shut it down entirely.

Anonymous said...

The attitude of government when it comes to the Floo-shing vicinity is, "Forget it's Chinatown". They have their own Oriental practices and customs and a policy of non-interference is best so long as Occidentals are not affected. The round eyes should have moved away a long time ago anyway.

Anonymous said...

disgusting!!! You are risking your life there.

Anonymous said...

An acquaintance went to the spa last fall and while in one of the pools an Asian couple came in. They had a child in a pampers diaper with them. They removed the little boy's pamper and brought him in the pool with them where the little guy pissed before being put in the water.
The Asian couple thought it cute and laughed.
My acquaintance left the pool and reported the incident to a manager and asked for his money back due to the unsanitary conditions. They refused.
He reported the incident to 311 and was told they would investigate within two weeks.
Unfreakin' real!

Anonymous said...

For all the racist comments: the problem lies with quality checks and those in charge of licensing and inspection. Very few human beings (of all races) act accordingly when the rules are not subject to enforcement--if you're still in disagreement, just look at the world we live in and ask yourself why do we need rules and laws if human nature was benevolent??? If you can't see the forest for the trees...

Anonymous said...

Nothing like spa-ing in other people bodily discharges. How luxurous. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
For all the racist comments: the problem lies with quality checks and those in charge of licensing and inspection. Very few human beings (of all races) act accordingly when the rules are not subject to enforcement--if you're still in disagreement, just look at the world we live in and ask yourself why do we need rules and laws if human nature was benevolent??? If you can't see the forest for the trees...

Friday, January 16, 2015

Most (not all but most) white people don't shit in the middle of the road or in the airports like the asians.

Anonymous said...

You expect asians to run a sanitary business? yeah, good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

After reading all of these comments I will never order the Pu Pu Platter at King Yum again!

Seriously, hygiene is a different concept in other parts of the world. There are reasons that large parts of Asia have the Bird Flu and dysentery. It is not unusual to see an Asian defecating in public while talking on a cell phone.

This would not be tolerated (so far) in the US.

And, who am I kidding? I love King Yum's and especially the Pu Pu Platter!!!

Mao Shmao said...

The post whirlpool bath rest and relaxation room?.

Anonymous said...

Look at those "clean" streets in Flushing and tell me that Asians have a high priority in maintaining sanitary conditions. The Japanese do but the Chinese....phew! Not very clean. It is, however, mainly a class thing. Educated Shanghai Chinese are a whole other story than Taiwanese, and peasants from Fujien.

Anonymous said...

Must have struck a nerve to be called "racist" when all that's being told is the plain truth. Clean up your act! This area is a cesspool. Once it gets cleaned up we will have nothing but praise for the 5,000 years of Chinese culture.

Anonymous said...

Flushing BID...Flushing Chamber of Commerce...One Flushing. You are not doing your jobs! Maybe John Choe is not doing his two jobs. And CB7 just sits back and twiddled its thumbs.

Anonymous said...

A fried told me he saw condoms on the floor in that spa in Manhattan.

Anonymous said...

I visited the spa in Manhattan last weekend. There was a continuously long line of Manhattan people waiting to check in..quite amazing. The spa is absolutely beautiful and located in the Galleria Building. It was closed temporarily due to appropriate permits which will be resolved quickly. By the way, the two spas are totally separate..Manhatta SpaCastle will not honor a gift card purchased in College Point. I wonder about any of the people posting comments above if they EVER spent a day at SpaCastle in College Point? It's a great place. Relaxing and fun. If you don't appreciate being in a spa, stay home. Don't spoil it for the people who like going there. I had to laugh about the comment of the baby peeing in the pool...oh, please..I'm pretty sure this happens all the time in anyone's home pool!

Anonymous said...

Koreans breaking the law once again.

Anonymous said...

Relaxing and fun. If you don't appreciate being in a spa, stay home. Don't spoil it for the people who like going there.

I do like being in a spa, but i can afford to go to one that isn't a cesspool of filth and crime.

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