Monday, January 26, 2015

NYPD tickets passengers escaping bum stink

A familiar scene, riders wait on the platform at the first Jamaica Center Station anticipating seats. Then bam, in and out; like a dusty blue bell. Riders trying to escape danger to their health from bums; they passed through the train cars in search of clean air.

But as they bolted through the train cars, they encountered police officers. Each rider was extracted from the train by the police; and given a ticket.

The police officers are quite aware of the routine; so they were armed and ready with their ticket booklet. Ironically, passing through the cars is illegal; it is meant to keep riders safe.

However, it is legal for riders to inhale germs. A deliberate effort to make people sick. Anyone has a better logical conclusion?

Train cars # 9230 & 9231 & 9232 were emitting a strong scent, so naturally riders tried to escape. Meanwhile, riders had to stand in packed cars while the bums occupied most of the seats. Not only with their bodies, but with their sickening scent. - Pamela Hazel


Another great job Pamela, local elected officials should turn a percentage of their overblown salaries to you.

Boy, does this city have everything ass backwards, low-life folks and elected officials get away with everything and upstanding citizens get a big F*CK YOU up the ass without lube.

Here in Jamaica, we cannot get proper enforcement of dangerous illegal truck driving on residential streets, we cannot get a crackdown on illegal conversions, we cannot get enforcement on illegal curb cuts, we cannot get any help on the major garbage problem and the homeless have turned our subway cars and Jamaica Center Station into a roach motel, but NYPD takes the time to give tickets to law abiding citizens, including elderly woman and people going to work who are just trying to escape the deadly fumes and bugs from the bottom barrel cave dwellers, people who made bad career choices in their lives.

Majorly F*CKED UP NYPD and normally I side with you, not this time.

And where the hell are you Katz, Comrie, Miller, Wills and the other assorted do nothing political welfare cases. Oh, wait, Wills is prepping for his eventual trial on corruption charges and Comrie is just being Comrie, which is smiling for a camera while bullshit flies out of the side of his mouth and collecting tax payers money. - Joe Moretti

Can you imagine if we had a whole borough full of Pamelas and Joes? Things would sure be a lot different.


Anonymous said...

But Joe, our BP stated (umpteen times) that "everyone wants to come to Queens"; we have 645 different nationalities and we speak 787 different languages" . She fails to mention the fleeing middle class, the 500,000 illegal aliens, the illegal housing, the failing transportation system, overpacked schools, overdevelopment, and overpriced properties. So what if you have to put up with a smelly homeless person in the subway....This is Queens, The World's Borough.

Anonymous said...

The District 20 COneeds to be talked to, then up the ladder to Bratton.. Wat happened to common sense? They write an old lady but do nothing to the stinky skell and the nypd wonders why everyone despises them!

Anonymous said...

The ban on crossing between cars dates to the early Bloomberg-Kelley regime.

Prior to that, it was not a problem.

As far as I know, crossing cars has never been actually outlawed, but is some sort of bullshit violation which the cops exploit to make their ticket quotas.

Giuliani-Bratten-Bloomberg-Kelley. We voted for a Police State. We got one.

Anonymous said...

Hey skippy de blasio is the mayor now, he is the boss and he condones this.

Anonymous said...

Hands Up!!!! Don't Ticket!!!!!!

Another aspect of rampant 'crime' in NYC.

Bill DeBlasio has to make up the revenue from the January slowdown.

He can't run this city without wringing every cent from the people who work.

I remember Bloomberg used to make such a spectacle about taking the train. What would he have done in this situation?

Gotta love Limousine Liberals.

Anonymous said...

Di Blas ordered ticket Quotas or a police officer gets re assigned to Staten Island,don't blame the cops blame the greedy city.all so the bum is sitting in Handicapped lock him up.

Anonymous said...

De Blasio is fine with going after stupid violations as a flimsy pretext to get people in the system as broken windows for old people and whites, but blacks have to be left off the hook.

Anonymous said...

The officers are NOT out there for your protection or "to uphold justice".

They are there (from long island) to do 20 years of whatever work is the safest, least arduous and gets them the fatest pension and they skate off.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the "homeless" person is actually an undercover NYPD who is there to provoke the subway riders to move, and then the uniformed officers are waiting with their ticket books. Pat Lynch would be proud.

Anonymous said...

It's not Pat Lynch that wants these crazy ordinances enforced.

Anonymous said...

As the saying goes "two wrongs don't make a right..." The ban on crossing between cars actually serves to not only prevent passenger harm, but also mitigates potential law suits by those hurt as a result of doing just that--that means increased tax dollars passed on to us for any litigation or settlements by the city. A little stink never killed anyone; just imagine how it was like in NYC in the early 1800-1900's when there was a rush of immigrants, no refrigeration, and a lack of proper sewage removal...a sticky bum is nothing compared to that!

Queens Crapper said...

Passing between cars when the train is not moving is not a threat to anyone's safety.

Anonymous said...

If the car is not moving, it may seem harmless to cross, but then there is the chance or possibility of accidents happening should the car suddenly move or a person slipping during the crossing and injuring themselves--then suing the city for millions in the process...also, if crossing were allowed this could also lead to overcrowding of passenger carts as people move to less smelly areas or it also may lead to rambunctious teenagers just loitering in between cars...all possibilites so thus I'd say it's a good idea to ban crossings period.

Anonymous said...

Passing between cars could endanger the life of a passenger at worst and become a lawsuit liability at best.

Clearing out the bums should be the solution here.

Anonymous said...

Then why not lock the train doors?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the square footage of a subway car translates to if it were a Manhattan rental? Because when the stench of a bum vacates everyone, well you might as well charge him/her rent.

Anonymous said...

They either need to kick the bums out (it's a train, not a shelter - I don't give one fuck if it's cold out), or get ride of that stupid rule about crossing between cars. Someone could try to mug you you flash you their cock in one car and the cop in the next will be more interested in giving you the quota-ticket than going to make an arrest.

Thanks Bloomberg, DB and the MTA. You bunch of fucking assholes.

Anonymous said...

The PBA has held many press conferences in regard to illegal ticket quotas but the media never cared. I guess comrade diblasio called in a favor as seen by the daily news embarrassing outrage over the police NOT ticketing their readership with trivial violations to fill the city's coffers. As usual, working people must pay this "soft tax" to pay for our fellow traveler mayor and his deadbeat voting bloc

Joe Moretti said...

Anon stated:

A little stink never killed anyone; just imagine how it was like in NYC in the early 1800-1900's when there was a rush of immigrants, no refrigeration, and a lack of proper sewage removal...a sticky bum is nothing compared to that!

Reality check, it 2015, NOT the 1800 or early 1900's.

Since stick does not bother you, I say take in a homeless person to your apartment, you will be doing a good deed then.

I sometimes love idiot logic.

Anonymous said...

"A little stink never killed anyone; just imagine how it was like in NYC in the early 1800-1900's when there was a rush of immigrants, no refrigeration, and a lack of proper sewage removal...a sticky bum is nothing compared to that!"

You're comparing BO that everyone had at that time; to puke-on-the-coat and shit-in-the-pants. Plus multiply the population by - dunno - a few million!?!? Idiot logic indeed!

Anonymous said...

I can picture the cops who thought they would be making a difference out there rolling their eyes when they are given the order to do stupid crap like this.

Anonymous said...

My point was: don't cry over a paper-cut (and YES, smelling some stinky bum is not the end of the world; I commute to work all the time so I know that smell well and although at times it's strong I don't make a stink about it; pun intended)...some of you obviously are not able to contextualize what extreme conditions (as to my 1800-1900 analogy) really are all about.

And to those who could care less about the homeless (even disparaging them); your day will come so don't react so nonchalantly towards the plight/misfortune of your fellow man--you are no better then anyone else...

Anonymous said...

Bum stink is NOT simply bad B.O.
Many of these homeless people have open festering, pus filled, maggot infested wounds on their feet and lower legs. The smell they emit is from their body tissues literally rotting away. They carry drug resistant staph (MRSA), hepatitis, tuberculosis, fleas, and bedbugs.

If the subway car was on fire, would the cops still ticket people trying to flee? I say that a festering homeless person (and his belongings) poses just as much danger to fellow passengers as a flaming pile of oily rags.

Joe Moretti said...

Anon stated:

My point was: don't cry over a paper-cut (and YES, smelling some stinky bum is not the end of the world; I commute to work all the time so I know that smell well and although at times it's strong I don't make a stink about it; pun intended)...some of you obviously are not able to contextualize what extreme conditions (as to my 1800-1900 analogy) really are all about.

And to those who could care less about the homeless (even disparaging them); your day will come so don't react so nonchalantly towards the plight/misfortune of your fellow man--you are no better then anyone else..


No you had NO POINT. And yes we contextualize your analogy (although not a very good analogy), it just has no bearing what-so-ever on this topic. The issue was why does someone who just wants to go to work get a ticket for leaving a disgusting smelling subway car. No one should have to ride in a car that smells that bad, Now if you choose to (which I really doubt you do) that is your prerogative.

And this topic has nothing to do with people not caring about the homeless, you conjured that up in your illogical mind. Last I checked, a subway car is to be used as transportation, not a homeless shelter. I cannot make a subway car my home, it is illegal.

Anonymous said...

At least no one died in this story.

Thanks for the restraint. Your exemplary behavior in ticketing ordinary people only trying to get on with their lives without their sense of smell being assaulted has not gone unnoticed.

This is why you now earn the high praise of Bill DiBlasio as you earn back all the petty fines "lost" in that week of lax enforcement.

This is why the city government owes you a debt beyond the any amount of crap fines for the stupid laws you stupidly enforce.

Anonymous said...

Bum Stink? I think that scent was patented by Yankee Candle. It is the candle to light when it is time for the company to leave!!

Anonymous said...

"And to those who could care less about the homeless (even disparaging them); your day will come so don't react so nonchalantly towards the plight/misfortune of your fellow man--you are no better then anyone else..."




How the FUCK does letting the subway system become a homeless camp = compassion for those in need?


The homeless either need shelters and real programs to get them back on their feet (warehousing them won't work for long), or they need to be given one way bus tickets to more affordable places in this country.

Lets face it, the odds of anyone who is homeless ever being able to afford a decent life in today's NYC are basically zero. They will never move out of poverty and never know anything other than the inside of some horrible shelters and Rikers island. That's just a huge tax burden on all of us for a problem that no amount of money can fix.


Get them off the subway, over to port authority, and stuffed on a greyhound elsewhere. There are a lot of nice cities in the US that are much more affordable and loosing population... maybe they need some low end labor that are, you know, US citizens.

Anonymous said...

Arrest the HRA or SSA employee who has not authorized government benefits for this individual. Many people are homeless due to the incompetence and apathy of those employed at City, State and Federal Government Benefits offices.

Homelessness starts in the NYC housing court. Our boro Queens County has the most corrupt housing court judges who do the least genuine work.

having said all of this, bums aka the homeless, have a strain of scabies called secondary scabies that is not being treated for some time. Ask an ER doctor from a public hospital. When one has scabies you must treat it with medicine and clean clothing, linen. If you are living the way this person is, how do you wash your clothes and how do you keep clean? the time for showering at drop in centers is a lousy three minutes. The scabies are highly contagious. Plus they have lice and bed bugs.

Anonymous said...

These folks are not homeless because of unemployment. They are homeless because they have mental problems.

Queens Crapper said...

Correct, and because liberal judges have decreed that you may be homeless and a danger to yourself and others but must be left alone instead of forced into treatment.

Anonymous said...

For context Google, "The Wild Man of 96th St. Larry Hogue" Both Crappy and I, as well as police officers, know a lot about his story.

The city has 100's of these men and "the system" keeps them on the street and in your subway cars.

JQ said...

this is the most third outrageous ruse enforcement I have seen,and probably the worst(the other two are the dropped wallet trap and the alcohol in public trap on the beaches last memorial day).Who is responsible in that precinct for that assignment anyway?

this type of shit takes conniving thoughts.Maybe the douche thought the city can raise more revenue with fines than the pennies they accrue from the city taxes in their checks,or whatever amount they get from the 25.00 a week in commuting.

this is why the nypd will never get respect in general,even after the execution of two good men in bed-stuy.because of gimmicks like this sweep,because the city has to get money somehow because certain transients,obscenely and obesely wealthy sloths and drunk rich twats have a revulsion to paying taxes.

The only enlightening thing from this is this again proves that this frivolous policing and futility exercises of themed programs like stop and frisk,broken windows and ironically the police slowdown(which in the memo actually recommended NECESSARY arrests--
did nothing to cause crime to rise.

someone posted that maybe one of these bums was an undercover.At this point I would not put it past them,especially from the top.

NY is more than ever a confirmed police state,you can't do anything now without thinking that you're breaking some arcane law.And the prodigal son cuomo even instituted a curfew and outlaw being out in the snow.

Cheers to Pam and Joe,We all have to get mad because everything is broken here right now.this story reminded me of another upstanding citizen who couldn't take the stench around her and the goddamn police response

Chester the Dog said...

yum! Taking the E all the time!

Bum stink is NOT simply bad B.O.
Many of these homeless people have open festering, pus filled, maggot infested wounds on their feet and lower legs. The smell they emit is from their body tissues literally rotting away. They carry drug resistant staph (MRSA), hepatitis, tuberculosis, fleas, and bedbugs.

Anonymous said...

More quick ticket money for the city. Throw the bum out for creating a danger to health. Maybe he has bedbugs, TB, whatever. One thing for sure our city government stinks worse than ever.

Anonymous said...

Why the heck isn't the MTA held responsible for removing the bums?
But oh yeah, the fares are going up again.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have the information where you can complain to MTA about bums on the E train line? My husband rides this line and he says everyday there are bums sitting on the train when it pulls into the station. Most have a lot of bags on the seats and big carts filled with crap. This is flipping crazy and the mayor and the MTA needs to take care of this problem. Maybe because most of the people that ride on the Jamaica line are Black and Brown in color. Did not see a any bums on the R line that starts at 95 street in Bay Ridge Brooklyn.

Anonymous said...

You couldn't pay me to sit down on an E train. It seems like the E (at least the stretch I use, between the 53rd&Lex and Queens) is getting stinkier and stinkier. No joke: I must have smelled feces on at least three E train cars this month. And there weren't any "bums" on these cars- I think it was just residual smell. I don't know what can be done to help the homeless people who ride the E train (or who camp out on the benches in the Roosevelt Ave station). But clearly they need serious medical and probably psychological help. I mean, many of these ppl do not even have shoes; they wear rags wrapped around their feet, caked onto the soles with some serosanguinous-looking crust. It is very very sad.

Murray Hill said...

Yet another oppressive insult to the hard working citizens of the city. No one can appreciate how a single bum can stink up an entire train car to the point of retching at every breath. I know. These people should have shared contact information so that they could pool their resources for an attorney. It is a matter of principle. The toxicity of that car was probably akin to a chemical attack. And why wasn't the transit cop extracting the bum from the train? It seems like victim and offender roles are being reversed these days.

JQ said...

good call murray,this is grounds for a class action lawsuit.

and why does the nypd,with all the lawsuits in the past decades costing all of us,including them,hundreds of millions keep doing this? I can't help but think of einstein's quote about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

or maybe all these abusive cops and their creepy commanders play with the laws like scratch off lottery games trying to break even as they lose more money for the city.and like chronic gamblers damage the people/citizenry around them by costing them money to bail em' out with fines.

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