Friday, January 9, 2015

Low-rise section of Queens Blvd building up

From Sunnyside Post:

Another big building is coming to Sunnyside/Woodside.

A 7-story building is likely to go up on 50th Street and Queens Blvd—next to Boston Market, according to Department of Building records.

The owner of the property, Ronald Ji, has filed plans with the Building Department to erect a seven story 31 unit building.

The property had been occupied by N.E.M. Electronics.


Anonymous said...

Finding more room to house illegals I see.

Anonymous said...

So they are building up, great. Less parking, less fresh air and more buildings and traffic. Fast forward a couple of years and we will be reading about how they want to close off streets to create pedestrian plazas so the people have somewhere to get fresh air and look at a tree.

Anonymous said...

We need to elect leaders that aren't in the pockets of REBNY and other pro-over development greedy organizations.

Anonymous said...

Funny how this always seem to happen after an area is 'rezoned to save it.'

The leadership of Queens has only contempt for the 'little people.'

Memo to community: ask Jimmy Van Bramer if he would accept this on his block, and if not, why should they??

Anonymous said...

Seven stories is not exactly a big building in this City.

Anonymous said...

The future residents are already preparing their noise complaints about the number 7 elevated train - going by their windows every 3 minutes.

I'm old enough to remember when there was "Flying A" gas station there. (sorry I added this reply to another item earlier)

Anonymous said...

Queens Blvd is DONE. Watch this happen all along Queens Blvd and Sunnyside. Electing leaders who aren't in the REBNY's pockets is impossible since it seems they all are. AND by the time that happens, all the damage has been done.

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