Thursday, January 8, 2015

DeBlasio dumps tough judge, keeps bleeding heart

From the NY Post:

A Manhattan judge known for being tough on criminals has been booted from the bench by Mayor Bill de Blasio — even against the ­advice of his own vetting team, law enforcement sources told The Post on Tuesday.

The move comes on the heels of de Blasio’s reappointment of Brooklyn Judge Laura Johnson, who set free without bail two men who threatened to kill cops just days after a double police assassination.

The booted judge, Diana Boyar, “was fair, knowledgeable and ran the courtroom professionally,” a stunned source said.


Anonymous said...

I think it's time for his medical records to be released to the public. There is definitely something wrong with his behavior. His father committed suicide due to severe depression. His daughter suffers from manic depression. Could Bill be suffering from a similar mental condition? We have a right to know before he ruins our city all together.

Anonymous said...

Would you expect anything else. What's next a fuck the police t shirt?

Anonymous said...

DiBlasio to NYPD
You turn your back to me I appoint
Judges who simpithize with

JQ said...

this defies logic.but it defines what a spiteful prick he is.especially since he refused to meet with lynch and bratton.

I don't think the man is mental,if he was the dnc machine would not be so enamored with him.the blaz is just like every other elected official who turns into a sociopath when he/she gets authority.

I am sure the aides,who were probably ordered to pressure media and other union heads to denounce lynch and his comments which they would have done without being theatened,will get sacked for suggesting not to unseat that judge.hopefully then the floodgates will open and the scandals will commence for mayor big slow and his appointed co-mayor "fish"* mccray.(*for those who watch gotham)

Anonymous said...

He's so unbelievably arrogant! This city will be in complete ruins in three years!

Anonymous said...

Waddayawant? The mayor married an African American ex-lesbian and his son walks around with an outdated "Afro" hairdo. What a city. You voters put that doofus liberal in office. Maybe we would have been better with a hissy fit screaming lesbian like Quinn for mayor. At least she has some "gumption"! She'd be running NYC like a drill instructor instead of Di Blah-blah being tied by the apron strings to his dominatrix.

Anonymous said...

One term only.

A Better NYC said...

This guy is an absolute disaster.

Anonymous said...

He has all of the makings of a one term mayor. The problem: someone still has to run and beat him. He is awful but no one steps up to take charge. Joe Lhota? Catsimatidis? Who are the Republicans kidding?

NYC=Deep Blue Welfare State for LIFE!

Anonymous said...

This POS needs to go. But I guess all you Queens Crappy folks are happy he's in for the next 11 years, right? No more Bloomberg, right?

Queens Crapper said...

Term limits are back at 2 now, genius.

Anonymous said...

Ray Kelly could have run in 2013 and won.

Also, Quinn would have been worse.

Anonymous said...

"He has all of the makings of a one term mayor."

Watch, Queens BP Melinda Katz will challenge him in a primary and win. Then she'll walk into Gracie Mansion with no opposition.
Let's hope she loses the loser Sliwa somewhere along the way.

Anonymous said...

Watch back door Van Bramer slip into city hall. Maybe that is what he has in mind...sneaking in. Jimmy has insatiable political ambitions.

Joe said...

"What's next a fuck the police shirt"

They are already out.
These hipster looking characters with beards were with some shitty band playing down on Bleeker street (The Bitter End) in the Village. They and the women they were with could have also used a bath or rinse in the East river IMHO.

Agreed this mayor no doubt has mental illness and is UNFIT for duty. Perhaps he will be atop a bridge or high building soon

Anonymous said...

This is what you get when you elect Al Sharpton

Anonymous said...

Good thing the Nypd stopped surveillance of certain mosques. So when this happens in ny you have a police force beaten down by the public afraid to do anything that might put their future at risk. Good luck New York. Hope sharpton can negotiate with Isis.

Anonymous said...

Now is the time to rob banks in NY
The judges are on the side of the criminal
Just don't be white and its right 💃

Anonymous said...

More than ever you need good locks and lighting along w with a shotgun and a surveillannce system.

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