Thursday, December 18, 2014

Oy vey, I need a drink!

"An interesting fact about my district that most people do not know is that Forest Hills has no forest, but it has a lot of hills."

What hills are you talking about? And what about Forest Park?

Speaking of Forest Park, Liz Crowley wants us to know that you can go to Forest Park and see the Ridgewood Reservoir. Because it somehow picked up and moved from Highland Park.


"You can get some of the most authentic restaurants in the city."

I guess there are a lot of fake restaurants out there.


georgetheatheist said...

Crapper, how many more of these numbskulls do we have to see? More march of the morons? I'd rather be interrogated by an enhanced technique.

georgetheatheist said...

Crowley, 00:20 . . . The bridge in that photo crosses the Horse Path in the northern reaches of Forest Park. That's where Trigger engages in a turd tournament with fellow equines as they canter around the park. I walked it 2 weeks ago. Hi-yo, Silver! Mounds of manure in various stages of development from freshly deposited steaming dumps of dung to just desiccated grassy remnants of rumination. A confounding convention of caca. Watch your step before, under, and after that bridge, il Ponte Dreck-io, my buckaroos.

Anonymous said...

All these politicians talk about is diversity and restaurants. If that's all the good things you can say about your district, then I think you need to take a second look at how badly you are overseeing your district. Having a bunch of Third worlders living in your neighborhoods are nothing to brag about.

Anonymous said...


These are so funny.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the picture of the "hill" is in Kew Gardens. just off Lefferts Blvd.

Anonymous said...

Forest park is in Crowley or Koslowitz district?

Anonymous said...

Pretty sad that people of this caliber have such a death grip over us and our communities.

Anonymous said...

It's in both. It's huge.

Anonymous said...

Koslowitz was reelected by 90%, no primary, no GOP opponent.

Try running against her? Good luck. County's lawyers wil tear your petition to shreds.

You will just have to wait until she either is term limited or retired.

Remember, County's headquarters is in Forest Hills. It will not let this district go weithout a fight.

Anonymous said...

That's what a high school diploma will give ya.

Anonymous said...

Breathtakingly stupid!

ron s said...

Koslowitz's narration could have been written by an 8 year old. How pathetic.

Jon Torodash said...

Koslowitz was reelected by 90%, no primary, no GOP opponent.

Try running against her? Good luck. County's lawyers wil tear your petition to shreds.

You will just have to wait until she either is term limited or retired.

Remember, County's headquarters is in Forest Hills. It will not let this district go weithout a fight.

Or, you could take the perspective that with a measly $2500, only 1 volunteer besides myself, no affiliation with any state-recognized party (my choice), no formally announced endorsements, I walked into this race on a lark and clinched 10% of the vote, while working a full time job, running a business, and taking care of a whole host of personal matters that I won't go into here.

(Well, that'd be a tad flattering - I got 8.6%)

No excuses, people. Caruana and I showed that you can have a non-insignificant effect. Start preparing for 2017, whether that's running yourself, or actively offering your time, expertise, or resources to someone else.

It isn't impossible. They win because you let them, not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

"It isn't impossible. They win because you let them, not the other way around."

"they" win because they have the support of the Queens Democratic Party - when voter registration is 3 - 1 - or even 10 -1 in some districts (and when registered voters don't vote!) THEY will always win. Do the math!

Anonymous said...

I find it difficult to believe that nobody challenged Torodash's petitions, looking for a loose comma to disqualify him. Perhaps Ms. Koslowitz did not mind him running.

In District 29, there arep lenty of also-rans from 2009 who will probably come up in 2017 such as Heidi Chain or Lynn Schulman.

We could use some new names there.

Jon Torodash said...

"they" win because they have the support of the Queens Democratic Party - when voter registration is 3 - 1 - or even 10 -1 in some districts (and when registered voters don't vote!) THEY will always win. Do the math!

Switching party registration is a matter of filing a form, and waiting until after the general election of that year in order to run under its banner.

If you're going to spend expend so much energy on excuses, you should try to come up with some better ones, but then I'd just ask why not channel that dedication into something that makes a difference, or at least encourages others to do so.

How about taking some time to think about it a little more, and see if you can be productive in the next cycle, instead of grousing under the anonymous option in the QC blog comments?

Anonymous said...

"they" win because they have the support of the Queens Democratic Party - when voter registration is 3 - 1 - or even 10 -1 in some districts (and when registered voters don't vote!) THEY will always win. Do the math!

Jon Torodash is absolutely correct.

New York State has one of the most restrictive voter registration rules in the country. Therefore, in order to change parties, you must re-register prior to the previous year's election. So, if anyone wants to vote in the Democratic Primary of 2017 and you're registered as something else - Republican, Independence, Green or simply "no party" - you need to change it before the 2016 general election.

Paul Graziano

Anonymous said...

This video proves that underneath Karen Koslowitz's dyed fake hair is a whole lot of nothing. Google her biography. She started out as a hack for Gary Ackerman and Andrew Stein. Then she collected a paycheck as a Council member for this district from 1991 until she was term limited out in 2001. She was then appointed Deputy Borough President by Helen "Where am I and what am I doing?" Marshall and continued to suckle heartily at the public teat. After Bloomberg and the City Council took a shit on the will of the voters and repealed term limits, the stage was set for Koslowitz's return to an office that she will likely occupy until she succumbs to hair dye induced tumors.

Things that I don't like about my City Council members is their vacuous, empty stupidity. Vacuous, empty, stupid people.

Anonymous said...

Crowley's Ridgewood Reservoir "observation" is ridiculous beyond words. Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

You will just have to wait until she either is term limited or retired.

Am I thinking of someone else, or didn't Koslowitz already retire once before and is already collecting that pension while working on the City Council at full salary?

Anonymous said...

Am I thinking of someone else, or didn't Koslowitz already retire once before and is already collecting that pension while working on the City Council at full salary?

To answer my own previous question: Yes, as Crappy, and others have previously pointed out, Koslowitz is a double dipper.

Anonymous said...

And she didn't even go to college.

Anonymous said...

Forest Hills was named because of it's proximity to Forest Park and for a hilly section north of Queens Blvd. Does she not read ?

Anonymous said...

I emailed Koslowitz' office once about a few dangerous intersections in her district and suggestions for improvements. A few months later her office emailed me asking me to go out and vote for her. It was the only reason she had my email. I voted for Jon instead, I was sorry he didn't win.

JQ said...

Koslowitz apparently doesn't seem interested in the streets because someone was killed crossing 108 ave a few days ago

"You can get some of the most authentic restaurants in the city."
"I guess there are a lot of fake restaurants out there."

there is also a lot fake bars,some with no names and one in her town with a dubious lineage

Anonymous said...

Two shopworn whores that have indulged in felatio relationships with developers for too long. Dump these ignorant sluts.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Crowley is a total idiot.

Anonymous said...

Karen "Ronald McDonald in Drag" Koslowitz and Elizabeth "If I Only Had a Brain" Crowley are perfect examples of what's wrong in Queens County. You have "Virginia" Joe Crowley picking candidates to represent districts that are not even good enough to raise his kids or to live in while the rest of his corrupt clowns (and family) continue to feed at the public trough. God help us all.

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