Sunday, December 21, 2014

No words


Anonymous said...

3 words.

Enough is Enough!

JQ said...

the eric garner protests ends today.

show solidarity for these officers.

Anonymous said...

I hope the mayor's happy. So sad. RIP

Anonymous said...

So depressingly sad. Rest in peace, and many condolences to their families.

Anonymous said...

There's a vigil tonight at Times Square. Thankyounypd Facebook page has details.

Anonymous said...

I have some words, but it may not get approved for posting. RIP and be safe Officers.

Anonymous said...

The boy mayor's press secretary again inflames the issue.

Asked on Saturday about the turned backs and union messages, Phil Walzak, the mayor’s press secretary, said it was “unfortunate that in a time of great tragedy, some would resort to irresponsible, overheated rhetoric that angers and divides people.”

Amazing that these people never know when to keep their mouths shut.

Middle Villager said...

Gone but not forgotten. Rest in peace.

Gary W said...

Well they were chanting for dead cops and they got them. Hope the left, the CUNY "intellectuals" and their union thugs are happy.

Perhaps some of the morons who went to these protests because it was "cool" and "hip", and helped the media fool people into thinking these protests were mainstream will stay home next time.

Sad day for NY and the country.

Anonymous said...

This "warning FAX coming in just as the murder was occurring” is BULLSHIT !!!
Bratton comes of like a liar covering for the sanctuary city mayor who needs to get his house in order. Its also an insult to the public's intelligence (as low as that may be in NYC) !! An APB was likely not given to the cops out on the street because the suspect WAS BLACK and the NYPD was afraid of profiling and being called names by people like Al Sharpton.

Fax machines in 2014 ?
Where did the $500 million dollars for this "upgraded communications system" go ? ---do these LIARS really expect the public to believe this crock of shit dished out at an organized press conference ?

Things are only going to get worse with these gangs and brazen thugs. If the police are afraid and tied up with PC bullshit its best to give law abiding citizens back the guns !!

georgetheatheist said...

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not kill.

Render unto Caesar, the things that are Caesar's.

Anonymous said...

After 9/11 NYC Firefighters turned their backs on Com.Tom Von Essen because so many firefighters died do to faulty radios or more to the point Cowardly Leadership,yesterday the NYPD turned their backs on another Cowardly leader and rightfully so,
When chants for "what do we want,Dead Cops,when do we want it Now" go unchallenged by leaders you get Dead Cops,I hope Melisa Mark Vivorito and the Mayor are SATICFIED.

Anonymous said...

Now Guiliani is defending Di Blasio,
Their all Cowards.

Anonymous said...

So what time are the protests calling for justice going to be? When can we expect $harpton and company to hold a rally condemning the violence? Will there be Die in's at Times Square for all the police who were killed protecting people who are protesting against them? Will the city council lay and play dead all over the steps of city hall like buffoons to protest 2 cops deaths and support NYPD?

Cops are not right all of the time and make mistakes like all of us do, but this anti police bullshit needs to stop. Everyone in the city needs to support the police more. And that needs to start today by holding the mayor and the city council accountable for slamming the police day in and day out.

Ned said...

"Thou shalt not kill"

Oh Bullshit George !!
From the calvinist viewpoint of God to kill is to make the decision when their life ends - as in OUR decision, and we are held responsible for that decision, regardless of whether or not it was God's will at that moment.
Therefor if a scumbag is being a scumbag, kill him first and be judged by 12 rather then carried by 6.
I stand 100% behind these police officers, the mayor and his miss need to get the F_ out the way, quit interfering and let the cops and feds work the way they need to.


Anonymous said...

DiBlasio has set race relations back 30 years. I pray for the families of these two officers during this sad time. DiBlasio should resign. By the way, when is Obama going to make a statement? His silence is deafening.

Anonymous said...

wait until the rich white people in manhattan start getting mugged. wait until tourists start getting scammed even more. wait until that $1.3m one bedroom on 110 street is suddenly worth only $800k. wait until living in brooklyn isn't hip anymore because taking the subway is a little more violent. the entire city voiced their opinion the past few weeks by allowing these protesters to call for the murder of police. welcome to NYC 2015 everyone.

Anonymous said...

Both Obam and DiBlasio need to be removed ASAP

I see what these assholes are up to !! Both want racial (civil war) so Marshall law can be declared, this suspending the constitution, new elected house and Congress seats until the president and executive branch puppets currently in power deem things "stable".

Hmmm----Perhaps these people really are communists attempting to take over the country needing chaos as a distraction to set up the domino's ?

Anonymous said...

Dirty America hating slime Democrats, De Blasio, Obama, Mark, Holder, Bratton, Con man Barry, and Al the Sharpie...all knew this was going to happen, and THEY are murderers, criminals, arrest them now!

Anonymous said...

All Sharpton is demanding police protection over 3 death threats,he truly looks scared,lol.

Anonymous said...

Obama and De Blasio are a disgrace. They have truly rolled back race issues 30 years like the above poster stared. Guiliani and Bloomberg were not liked by many but at least they made and kept the city safe. Stop and frisk has been eliminated, perhaps this POS would have been stopped, frisked, and arrested, and two honorable cops would still be alive. Stop and frisk eliminated at this time when we as a country are having so many gun problems.. What stupidity. The city will return to the jungle that it once was, and that's a real scary thought. I'm thinking Bloomberg's third term wasn't such a bad thing after all...
-Planning My Escape

Anonymous said...

man all these crazy people asking for the heads of obama and DiBlasio are seriously uneducated. how is it their fault?

get a grip on your life and dont change the blame. the cop killer killed the cops. no one else. no one else at all. it was a horrible tragedy, instead of acting like children and blaming others who were not responsible, show some maturity and stand together against crime.

Anonymous said...

"acting like children and blaming others who were not responsible"

Its people like Obama and Diblasio promising these urban animals and immigrants all this "free stuff" housing and special protections. --then renegging on it blaiming the 'white people"
Result: Angry black people robbing stores, sucker punching "knockout" white people and NOW killing cops. Its only going to get worse and the cops will be home protecting their own family's when the shit hits the fan. This city's gonna end up in flames. diBlasio, Vivarito, Sharpton and Obama need to hang for this !! -

lest not forget-Obama calling Trevon Martin "the wonderful son he never had" in the press constantly using a 5 year old highschool photo of the 6'3 300 lb thug animal. Hang all the press also !!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonomous~

You're an idiot, like most supporters of Obama.

DeBlassio is responsible for the deaths of these two officers. He's been a cop hater his whole life and his statement that the two police officers that were CLEARLY ATTACKED was an "alleged" attack shows his hatred of New Yorks Finest.

The recent deaths of two THUGS, one in Brooklyn and in in Ferguson is a shame but was caused by the THUGS resisting arrest.
We ought to make resisting arrest a Federal Crime with very heavy prison terms.

Fuck Bill, he ought to be recalled.

Anonymous said...

Stoking racial hatred and anti police sentiment makes it their fault,take your meds Please.

Scott68 said...

To make a long story short, I was arrested, processed and jailed for the purpose of revenge regarding a family court case that I initiated (I'm a father). The police that arrested me never disrespected me, the detectives that processed me never disrespected me, the correction officers never disrespected me.

The point is, they have a job to do regardless of the truth, truth is for the courts.

I complied knowing they have a job to do. If you don't comply, you don't accept the norms of society. When you don't comply, or resistant, you don't understand or respect our system.

I went through a terrible process, traumatized, may happen again, but I won't lose respect for the society we live in and the men and women we ultimately rely on to maintain order within our society.

Anonymous said...

"Stoking racial hatred"

Its the Mayor's bunch who's been stoking racial hatred, baiting & firing all these colored people up !!
diBlasio is dancing around a powder keg with a lit match.
These black people are royally pissed off from being returned to the back of the bus behind illegal immigrants. They have nothing else to lose and hate the world right now. BTW the assassin was a muzlim.

Anonymous said...

Satisfied now, mayor di Finocchio?

Anonymous said...

Let's thank NYC teachers and their Union for paying to have this race baiter come to NYC to have marches and protests against our police.

Anonymous said...

Let's thank NYC teachers and their Union for paying to have this race baiter come to NYC to have marches and protests against our police.

The NYC teachers backed Bill Thompson, not deBlasio, when it mattered in the primary. In the general election, Lhota was trailing by far from the day after primary day until election day because he ran a non-existent campaign, so it would have been political suicide to back him. Not to mention, on actual educational issues the guy completely had his head in the sand or supported most of Bloomberg's failing approaches:

Anonymous said...

The blood of these two cops is on the hands of DeBlasio and Viverito, and anyone else who does there bidding.

SOL said...

Melisa Mark Vivorito and Mayor Deblasio = traitors to NYC legal & civil citizens.

Anonymous said...

How come police don't have bullet proof windows?

Anonymous said...

Cops will do much less, that is a fact,can't blame them. Some innocents will be harmed or even killed. But most of the crime will be black on black. Call all your local politicians and demand more cops and civilians........your life may well depend on it

Anonymous said...

bullet proof windows? what about the doors and side panels? have to make them bullet proof too. them means police would be driving around in an armored vehicle. thats too military like. that scares people. safest place to be is out of sight.

Anonymous said...

I understand everyone's frustration here, but just because one carries a badge they should not be above the law. There are bad people and there are bad cops and both should be treated equally under the laws that are put in place, that's what this is really about, it's so easy to twist everything and blame everyone's words. You shouldn't be able to KILL unarmed citizens, for one day it could be one of us here blogging on Queens Crap. None of us are excempt. And for those who are against protesting, it is a constitutional right. I'm sick of people calling people who stand up for wrong doings lazy and job less, it's become the norm to attack the people who have the balls to stand up for change.

Queens Crapper said...

The problem is that the protesters are targeting the wrong people. The reason cops get away with it is because of district attorneys and lawmakers who write the grand jury rules, not the cops facing justice.

Anonymous said...

People who stand up for wrong doing,LOL,riots,looting and murder.

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