Friday, December 19, 2014

Miller & Wills: there's a big difference

Overall, a good video, but Addisleigh Park should have been mentioned, since that's what he talks about in the beginning.

A woolly mammoth in Baisley Pond Park?


georgetheatheist said...

Wooley mammouth?

Initials LC?

Anonymous said...

I would never move to district 28. South Jamaica is absolutely nothing to be proud of! The amount of violence within this district is out of control. The people who live in these districts should be working together to make their home a better place to live instead of throwing trash all over the place and killing one another. But at least they both had better things to say about their districts beside third worlders and gays. They mentioned some restaurants in the second video but overall it was better than the other ones that were posted on here.

Joe Moretti said...

Okay, I have to say out of the several videos I have watched, Miller was so far the best.

Of these two, Councilman I. Daneek Miller comes off best, because he talks about the history of Jamaica, especially the jazz history, something that gets overlooked and not talked much, though the crap about a thriving downtown and a great place to live, I don’t know about that, lets revisit that in 2020. Yes, he should have touched on Addisleigh Park

Councilman Ruben Wills, who of course avoids all the pitfalls of his shitty district, garbage, crime and of course his shady record, does an so-so job and I liked the fact that he mentions about the Wholly Mammoth at Baisley Pond Park, but it is the remains, I mean this is not Jurassic Park, there is not a Wholly Mammoth running around there. By the way probably many people do not know this fact and that park is actually pretty damn nice. But most of his district is a major mess and far from a great place to live, hell it is not even an okay place to live, I guess better than East New York.

Anonymous said...

Let's remember that Daneek Miller ran against the County candidate and won. Another reason to like him.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

Let's remember that Daneek Miller ran against the County candidate and won. Another reason to like him.
But Miller was backed by Leroy Comrie, a pretty useless long time politician, so really nothing to brag about.

JQ said...

I found A better video that represents Jamaica

councilman rakim

guess what street that is

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