Saturday, December 20, 2014

Community board term limit bill doesn't do much

From Gotham Gazette:

The New York City Council will once again see a bill on term limits introduced, although this one is not likely to be as controversial as the last time.

On Wednesday Council Members Danny Dromm and Ben Kallos will introduce legislation to impose a six-term limit for members of Community Boards, capping tenure at 12 years. Currently, community board members can serve as many two-year terms as they wish, so long as they continue to be approved by their respective borough president.

"Communities change and I believe Community Boards should change also," Council Member Dromm said by phone Tuesday evening. "I applaud those people who spend 30 or 40 years on a Community Board, and I thank them for service. But I do think we need to move things around."

The bill would not affect members currently on the boards, only those elected to a first term on April 1, 2016 or after.

So the same evil people and dead weight currently appointed will continue to serve indefinitely. Fantastic job, gentlemen!


Anonymous said...

Community Boards don't do much and members join just to tell their friends : " Oh, I'm a big shot, I sit on the community board". Big deal. Call 311. You will get your problem solved faster.

JQ said...

"I applaud those people who spend 30 or 40 years on a Community Board, and I thank them for service. But I do think we need to move things around."

can't these people ever talk straight?have they the slightest interest trying to make people less cynical about the workings of government?

these community boards and certain council members is a rotting confederacy of glad-handing walking dead,an imitation of the worst congress ever in DC.these people don't care about supposed change,progress or improvements for the true residents of queens and the other's especially worse now because there are so many people in need of housing,food and education,who will get a portion of what they need,feel mollified and think about voting,which these elected hacks will exploit and be able to keep their jobs infinitely.

Snake Plissskin said...

Call 311. You will get your problem solved faster.

Yeah, you sound like a person who makes smart choices. I bet you also say "don't worry, who needs protection!"

Anonymous said...

Typical politician - does something under pressure and when you examine it, generally worthless.

BUT, if you discuss this with the typical Queens voter they would respond asking you where the problem is.

The pols may be stupid, but they are secure in that the people that put them there are much much dumber.

Anonymous said...

What about term limits for the City Council? They all need to be dumped in the toilet and flushed twice. Same for the community boards and all politicians. If everyone were term limited, we'd get a chance to experience new ideas to preserve our neighborhoods, instead of destroying them and eroding our quality of life. Recycling the same crap over and over again just stagnates us and creates more time for the politicians to pick our pockets and line theirs.

Anonymous said...

People join community boards so they can yell "KISS MY RING PEASANT" at their neighbors.

12 years is still too long, and doesn't apply to those already on board. They have expertise? They can show up to meetings and offer counsel, they don't have to be in charge for that.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Community boards need to be abolished. They are only taxpares money...are loaded with the same political cronies for decades. CB7 for instance has had the Kelty Apelian duo...for how long now? Let each city council office put on a few staffers to take the place of community boreds. This way they are held directly accountable and let their decisions be more than just advisory. In the meantime...all members of community boards should serve only 2 terms and the by laws and practices for each board should be the same throughout New York City. Too harsh? Then be invited to come up with another alternative suggestion, readers.

Jerry Rotondi said...

An afterthought....the council member now holds the public meetings that the CBs now do. That way the people can still be heard in an open forum.

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