Wednesday, November 5, 2014

DEP looking to recycle toilets

From the Queens Courier:

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is looking for contractors to crush 200,000 toilets so the city can put the porcelain bits to other uses.

The DEP announced in May of this year that it is launching a $23 million program to replace 200,000 inefficient toilets in up to 10,000 buildings across the five boroughs. An inefficient toilet can use up to five gallons of water per flush, compared to a high-efficiency toilet, which uses only 1.28 gallons or less per flush.

But what to do with all the old fixtures?

The city intends to use the crushed porcelain in the reconstruction of sidewalks and bioswales, landscaped areas built to absorb storm water.

The porcelain from the toilets will create a flat, compact layer on which the city can lay the concrete for the sidewalk, according to Christopher Gilbride, a DEP spokesman. It will also replace the crushed stone in bioswales.

Just leave mine be, please.


Anonymous said...

The obesity crisis means Americans shit bigger than ever. 1.28 gallon flushes mean shit isn't going down the drain.

Anonymous said...

Put Toby Stavisky's toilet on eBay and see what that big ass bowl fetches.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard of Narenda Modi's "Take your Poo to the Loo" campaign? Google it.

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