Friday, October 31, 2014

Van Bramer reveals what he really thinks about Queens

Hey, have you heard? Bikeshare was bailed out by a developer, and oh boy, Jimmy Van Bramer can't contain his excitement!

From NY1:

"This literally puts Queens on the map. There will be bikeshare stations. The app will send people to Queens. People will be encouraged to take their bikes to Queens. They'll be able to see our cultural institutions. They will spend money in our restaurants, in our shops in our stores."

I think he needs to be schooled on what the term "literally" means. Queens has plenty of things that have already "put it on the map", sir. In addition, cabs, buses and subways have come here for decades, and everyone that has wanted to get here has figured out how to do so without mounting a clunky blue mobile advertisement.


Anonymous said...

Enough with this bike crap already!

Anonymous said...

Phoney Piece of Shit... Always has been...

Anonymous said...

Biking in NYC is so much fun, that's why all the bikers are such nice people, always have smiles on their faces. And the ride from Manhattan to Queens is so calm and pleasant, what do they take, the Tranquility Tunnel? The Bridge of Unicorns? These are fun places to travel. Maybe Jimmy should move to Philadelphia or the West Village where he belongs, instead of trying to bring those places here.

Jerry Rotondi said...

An open comment directed to councilman Jimmy: What major cultural institutions do you think that busy tourists on a limited travel itinerary would want to visit in this bereft borough? I would not give up seeing Lady Liberty for a glimpse of the Dragon Boat races or dining in Sunnyside. Manhattan is the jewel in New York City's crown. With a free limo ride to tour Queens I would pass on the opportunity. Travel by bike? No thonks! I'd rather be visiting The Bronx! Uh, that last reference honors the late poet Ogden Nash. BTW...Jimmy did not see the wisdom of supporting 5 Pointz...a worldwide tourist attraction that brought money into Queens. He chose instead to take a $10,000 campaign contribution from the developer who is tearing it down. That was chump change! Jimmy is just another backward Queens "farmer" who calculates every move to insure his political success. This is NYC's "cultural czar"? Not by any civilized standard! Enjoy your read, councilman. Isn't Queens Crap the greatest?

Anonymous said...

Jimmy has got bigger ears than Disney's Dumbo. All the better to listen to his developer supporters.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy just loves sniffing those bike seats.

Anonymous said...

LOL...the queen of Queens has issued a royal statement. "I like bike".

Anonymous said...

He means that Queens will be gentrification-friendly, and not just Astoria and LIC.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry, Jimmy. The homeless shelters you keep pushing for will attract people like a magnet without Bikeshare.

Pucker-up said...

Jimmy, who takes your picture when ass-kissing flunky Jason Banrey is not around?

ron s said...

It's sad to think that what puts a borough of roughly 2 million people "on the map" would be Citibike. I thought we had more to offer.

You serious? said...

Wow, personal attacks with staffers' names attached, these comments have really hit a new, angry low-point.

Anonymous said...

The staffers are a lot of the problem, so they deserve it. They also seem to bounce back and forth between the electeds and the rag newspapers of the borough.

Chester the Dog said...

Finally, I am on the map! After 55 years of living in Queens, I am on the map. I feel so giddy! Lets celebrate and to go Manhattan for dinner.

Anonymous said...

What is a politician's spokesman supposed to do, argue with him in public?

Anonymous said...

Citibike is finished. Few people outside Manhattan are going to spend $150 a year on a bikeshare program. Transient users like tourists will not keep this program viable - who's going to rent a citibike during the winter months beside commuters with a one year membership? This program's lifeblood is the yearly subscribers. At least Jay Walder is going to walk away a couple hundred thousand dollars richer. - Andrew

Anonymous said...

Jimmy continues to suck up to real estate developers and loves engaging in back door politics. Let's face it folks, where else does he have a lot of life experiences in? Back door Van Bramer cuts deals in smoke filled rooms betraying his community for personal gain. Wouldn't you call that whoring around? I would!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see he is for this - it helps his resume by pushing this stupid unnecessary program on an unwilling community simply to lower the carbon footprint that opens the door a bit on more development.

When is Jimmy going to come out (pun intended) against illegal conversions, or how foreigners (the elite in their seldom used Manhattan apartments as well as their ghetto cousins living in Queens basements) are flooding the city driving up rents making it impossible to live here.

And dont get me started on his 'cultural' credentials - where is talks up a handful of mostly 2nd rate organisations while the 99% starve by benign neglect. Word of advice Jimmy: only a fool would piss off creative people.

JQ said...

Has anyone ever seen a shitibike rider?

they act like a kid who just took off their training wheels,and these idiots run reds,ride on sidewalks and cut people off.Even chinese delivery guys are more considerate.

So jimmy has a field of dreams mindset when this failing program decides to plant more inoperative bike racks to take up much needed parking space.Maybe he should find the part of his brain that was removed from his voter enabled lobotomy that can recognize a boro on a map.How insulting to the residents in his district.

tourists can't vote van lamer.stupid dick

Anonymous said...

Another dumb politician saying something stupid and insulting. Instead of these useless dumb bikes that no one hardly rides we should be focusing in better things for Queens. 1) No more homeless shelters. You have to see all the crimes being commited in Elmhurst since Pan Am 2) Downsizing of residential neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are what makes Queens. The middle class ethically diverse place. Lots of beautiful old homes to be saved and fixed up, instead of out of character shit bot brick homes. 3) Focus more on beautification, parks and greenspace 4) Focus on a great school system...the list can go on and on. But all these politicians just want to run Queens to the ground and the result is going to be a chaotic and ugly looking borough with no rhyme or reason run by the Chinese and the homeless people.

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