Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Something really needs to be done about Main Street

Photos courtesy of the Flushing Phantom


Anonymous said...

What a dump! What a shame! And what the hell is the Flushing BID doing after all these years ? Does its administration do any work for their paychecks?

Anonymous said...

Close most of the area to cars, leave a travel lane in each direction for buses, emergency vehicles and delivery trucks on main street. Set up loading bays so the trucks don't block the road. Use the freed road space for more pedestrian space. Bikes can ride if it isn't too crowded, or walk/roll slowly if it is, but no need to dedicate space for bikers racing through the area. Like cars they can detour. Set up some beautified dumpsters so the area doesnt have to look like shit with trash all over the place.

Anonymous said...

What a vibrant and diverse neighborhood !

JQ said...

I detect a jacob riis style with these photos.

I haven't been in that area in years and with good reason.It's impossible to maneuver around there much less breathe.Overcrowding like this is going to acerbate with all these tower development.Worse if they legalize basement apts.

Don't know how much one can stand anymore.

and the bike pollution is a citywide problem.I have seen 4 to 5 bikes locked to one pole.

Anonymous said...

Flushing is a third world part of nyc filled with third worlders. Nyc in general is a filth hole filled with filthy third worlders. I'm ashamed of what nyc has become....especially queens.

Janet McCreesh said...

I was at a public meeting once and concerned people were discussing the dirty streets and the answer they received from their Councilman Peter Koo was "Flushing is beautiful, I don't want to hear any complaints about dirty streets or garbage".

Anonymous said...

How does the city allow bikers to lock their bikes on the median fencing? Don't they realize how dangerous it is with traffic whizzing by just inches away from the 3 foot wide median? At least widen the median so there is more room to walk on it safely.

Joe Moretti said...

A major dump. I will take Jamaica any day before that total disgusting mess in Flushing.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. What needs to be done? It looks like a vibrant and diverse third world city. That's what we should be in proud of and celebrate in Queens - the world's borough.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are ok with the way it looks. Reminds them of home. I've been to mainland China and a lot of it looks just as shitty as Flushing. I think certain cultures are blind to the filth surrounding them.

Anonymous said...

You have to have a place for the slave wage workers and the borough of Queens is that borough.

Anonymous said...

"Close most of the area to cars" !

It's people, dunderhead. How many cars do you see in those pictures?
It's people/pedestrians/sidewalk vendors and dumb ass behavior.

Queens Crapper said...

I think what is being suggested is that eliminating cars allows more room for people because the sidewalks can be widened.

Anonymous said...

Flushing has been remade into a slum of Shanghai or Taipei. This has been "the new normal" for Main Street since the 1960's and spread from there since then.

Nearly all of the residents walking by wouldn't even understand the complaints here, and it wouldn't be a language comprehension problem.

This insanely crowded, garbage-indifferent environment is what happens when one culture replaces another.

It's hard to say never - but one can say the this situation will get much worse before it gets better. Avoid Flushing if it disturbs you and recall this.

Anonymous said...

Is it not good to know that 40% of people and the hot cash pouring into that sizzling Long Island City real estate wild-cat development is Chinese money from Flushing?

Anonymous said...

Similar to the Peter Koo comment, whenever downtown Flushing is mentioned in front of Chinese friends/acquaintances they get visibly upset and change the subject.

Is that how it's done in Asian countries - we all know about the abuse but we're not allowed to discuss it? Similar to eating dogs and cats?

Anonymous said...

So many of these people are slobs! I've seem more than one over-40 Asian lady look both ways and then throw garbage on people's front lawns or bury it in the bushes - right here in North Flushing.

If you say something they give you the stink-eye - no embarrassment, no apology - just basically a "Fuck You!" stare. And they keep on walking.

And then the local morons think these same people are doing us a public service by going through our recyclables each week! Believe me - this doesn't happen in classy neighborhoods!

Anonymous said...

A bit of inside info I've heard:

The large chunk of Chinese living in Flushing are the "poor peasants" from China. They spit and snot rocket on the streets and sidewalks, dump trash anywhere, live like pigs, etc. The rich Chinese don't live that way. Because they don't live here. Just invest and bleed dry their own people. Drive them out of China just to dump them here and watch them live like rats by oddly make property values and rents soar higher than Brooklyn and Manhattan.

Perhaps someone should take Koo out on a walk around Flushing and ask what he sees. Not metaphorically but physically. Point out the filth and garbage and traffic and complete segregation of the neighborhood of Asian to non Asian, poor to rich, clean to dirty. Perhaps a slip on the sidewalk oysters or garbage slime or stench of gross food will open his eyes.

Anonymous said...

This is the image of Queens to the rest of the world - along with an elected officials in handcuffs.

Oh, yes, Archie and Edith, one an ignorant bore and the other an ignorant doormat.

If you every got off your collected asses and change the boro's leadership things can change you know.

But chances are you wouldn't and you will feed yourself some reason justifying that result ... so let's move on people.

There is nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

"This is the image of Queens to the rest of the world - along with an elected officials in handcuffs.

Oh, yes, Archie and Edith, one an ignorant bore and the other an ignorant doormat."

Thats what want people to believe. The truth is the "Archies & Ediths" left or died off 35 years ago. It was a better place then. The chinese are nothing but swine.

Anonymous said...

If we can't get the councilman to care, why should the people care?

Anonymous said...

The people need to hold their elected officials accountable. Call your Councilman and Assemblyman. Ask them what they are going to do about the dirty streets.

Anonymous said...

...send me your unwashed masses of humanity...

Anonymous said...

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. What a shithole.

Anonymous said...

Two bags of garbage that should be dumped from CB7 are Apelian and Kelty. Could you see those two sitting on these heaps of trash wondering how they got there?

Anonymous said...

Looks better than Jamaica or Queens Village.

Anonymous said...

Born and raised in Flushing - I've seen many changes - thankfully, it is safe to go there now at night. During the 70s - there were abandoned stores on the side streets and prostitutes under the clock - drug dealers in cars.

Anonymous said...

In the 1970s the landlords were paying arsonists to get their money out of rent control traps through insurance

Anonymous said...

I lived there in the 70s bullshit wasn't dangerous. You sound like a shill from the real estate community.

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