Friday, October 3, 2014

Silvercup project may resemble deformed horseshoe

From Curbed:

As it turns out, the expansion of Long Island City's Silvercup Studios to include Silvercup West, a mixed-use extension of the famed production studio, hasn't been a dormant project after all; in fact, LEESER Architecture has been busy creating a plan as an alternate to the originally-proposed Richard Rogers design. LEESER's proposal was created in 2013 for a "potential investor," and one-up's Rogers's design by working within the site's existing zoning restrictions. Rogers's design recently resurfaced when Silvercup filed a special permit renewal extension for the design that includes a 2.2 million-square-foot complex with eight sound studios, an office tower, 1,000 apartments, a 1,400-space parking garage, and cultural and retail space.


JQ said...

what's next?a design after a 3 prong plug.

An I.U.D.

or a d and d 35 sided die

it's like children pretending to be architects.

Anonymous said...

At this point, why not. Queens is already destroyed beyond repair. We have come to the part in the story where those running the show declare, "let's just throw every crap idea we have left into this mangled mix of a borough!"

Anonymous said...

Do they have barbecue pits along the East river beach? Can you swim in the surf?

Anonymous said...

That building makes me violently ill.

Anonymous said...

Another "architect" who spent way too much time playing with Legos as a kid...

Anonymous said...

Crapper any news on that Lego building you posted about months back? That's what I thought about when I read this and the comments. Wasn't there a stop work order on it or something?

Anonymous said...

Leesser was the same architect who designed MOMI facilty, which used to be a nice place, but now looks like a backdrop for a nightmare.

What you would expect from a family that made its first nickel installing ductwork - which is exactly what this building resembles.

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