Friday, October 3, 2014

Queens Historical Society honoring John Liu


Anonymous said...

QHS: Queens Hypocritical Society

Just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

Who broke their arm? Why don't they just go all the way and add Vallone to the list. Liar Liar pants on fire Vallone can show up and lie about all the great things he's doing. NOT

Anonymous said...

Why honor any politician for supporting any institution when the money becomes from the taxpayer anyway? These idiotic awards ceremonies honoring politicians must come to an end.

Anonymous said...

I used to belong to the Society and dropped out after a year.
They were long on politics and short on history.

JQ said...

how could they overlook donald manes?

gross oversight

Anonymous said...

QHS was never a first rate organization like you see in the other four boroughs

Their Queensmark was a travesty like the 'Special Police' badge we used to get as kids, and their cemetery rescue program was based only on places that could not be developed.

Today the borough historian is essentially a toll of development forces not coming out vigorously for community preservation and walking through areas like he was strolling through a zoo. Here are Bangladesies and over there grazing are Koreans, and look hanging on a branch some old school Archie Bunkers.

georgetheatheist said...

Did they contribute to the preservation efforts for the Steinway Mansion?

Anonymous said...

They've done nothing for steinway, and don't give a shit.

Anonymous said...

"Did they contribute to the preservation efforts for the Steinway Mansion?"

Two words, Saint Saviour.

It wasn't in Jamaica. It wasn't in Flushing. It wasn't in LIC or Forest Hills. So there was no reason for them to want to save it.

And it now languishes in an unknown building somewhere. In the meantime Maspeth gained another warehouse.


Anonymous said...

Disassemble the Steinway mansion and pack it away next to St. Saviour's.

That neighborhood needs another warehouse.

Anonymous said...

i want to go to luncheon just to laugh at john lie

Anonymous said...

All these "historical societies" function in a similar key. Such a farce.

georgetheatheist said...

I am pretty positive that the prestigious Queens Historical Society was in the forefront of the preservation efforts to save the Steinway Mansion.

Because you can see from their website in their "Time Line of History" section, they are very cognizant of the Steinway Company's contribution to the historical legacy of Queens:

"1870-1872 The Steinway Company builds a piano factory and factory village in northern Long Island City"

I almost certain that the Queens Historical Society's voice was leading the charge in promoting the Steinway Mansion's historical import.

Am I right or wrong?

Anonymous said...

Vallone has been trying to get them involved since he went to bat for Daddy's firm with them having St. Michaels take the mansion over (yes, Astoria trumps anything that Hollywood could put out).

A former person involved with the society went to his office discuss to QHS involvement, and, as is the way of Astoria for those who do not have bribes, er, campaign donations in hand, had a pointless time wasting discussion with underlings.

Peter did poke his head through the door to say 'hi' though.

Anonymous said...

Astoria is too backward and full of ignorant people even understand efforts to rescue that house.

All they see is an opportunity to clear the land for something important: a chance to make a buck.

Astoria was not like that a few decades ago. Shows that venal politicians can taint an entire community.

As I See It said...

The Queens Historical Society? I never heard of them. The Greater Astoria Historical Society? Now that's a group that has a bit more moxie.

Anonymous said...

I can understand the need for QHS. To kiss any politician's ass to secure funding for their group, but why suck up to John Liu who just lost his last bid to hold office? Then there is John Choe, director of One Flushing? Does anyone out there see any improvement in Flushing since Choe set up this group, aside from him getting paid for dubious "results" like that pretty mural by the railroad station?

Anonymous said...

QHS? LOL....a legend in their own minds! In most towns the historical societies lead the charge to protect heritage. In Queens the Queens Hysterical Society buys up all the Chapstick that it can to ease the pain of puckering up to crooked pols in exchange for ice cream money.

Jerry Rotondi said...

As a former two term trustee of Queens Historical Society, I can attest to their never ending need to be "friendly" with politicians in order to secure funding. I was reminded, while I served my terms there, not to offend county by speaking the truth about certain issues like the plight of the historic RKO Keith's and borough hall's complicity in its destruction. I can sympathize with their lot in life to behave like good children. For their sake and mine, I would not serve a third term. In this way I could speak my mind without endangering their funding by remaining on their board as a lightning rod or loose cannon. Perhaps it is better to have a weaker preservation organization than none at all. However, this testimonial to John Liu baffles me.

The Flushing Phantom said...

Didn't Choe just revitalize the shut down Flushing Chamber of Commerce? Good many groups exist to improve Floo-shing? Flushing BID...One Flushing...Flushing Chamber of Commerce. why does the town center look and stink like a cesspool? The proof of failure is in the "pudding". I should have specified chocolate pudding....LOL! Phew!

Anonymous said...

The Queens Historical Society? I never heard of them. The Greater Astoria Historical Society? Now that's a group that has a bit more moxie.


Anonymous said...

GHS "takes no prisoners"?WTF does that poster mean? They are beholding to the fundraising process too. Are whoever they are sucking up to of a higher caliber than QHS's donors?

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