Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween from Queens Crap!


Anonymous said...

Says the guy on a computer who doesnt work

Queens Crapper said...

What makes you think I don't work? I've been working for more than 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 1-what makes you think Crappy doesn't work? Exposing your heroes is hard work indeed thanks to all their shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

Crappy is more productive than the entire reporting staff of many city newspapers combined.

Hey Crapper, why not bcome a Google Ad affiliate and generate some $?

georgetheatheist said...

"Says the guy on a computer who doesnt work."

Queens Crap - never a dull moment. The March of the Idiots continues.

Queens Crapper said...

"Hey Crapper, why not bcome a Google Ad affiliate and generate some $?"

I thought about it, but there are so many things I'd have to block, it wouldn't be worth it. besides, it doesn't cost a thing to run this site, other than a little bit of time.

Anonymous said...

You might have missed this from the NY Observer.

"The First Couple’s Halloween costumes were paid for by Broadway Stages, a Brooklyn company whose employees donated $25,000 to Mr. de Blasio’s campaign. The outfits were rented from Abracadabra for $350.

Broadway Stages, a film, television and music production facility, was responsible for the mayor appearing on The Good Wife in March.

The company also paid for the costumes of 100 children from city homeless shelters who attended the Gracie monster mash."

How soon will the city re-examine and approve the Argento's Knockdown Center party hovel near the old Bohack Square?

Queens Crapper said...

Wow, that's bad. Thanks, I did miss that.

Anonymous said...

Well crappy thanks for your time. It is much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Hmm - anyone with suggestions for a good place to go trick or treating with the kids?


Anonymous said...

Crappy how many people are involved with posting to this site? I've always wondered if it is just one person or more.

Anonymous said...

no - how's this instead?

I'm going to take it ALL from you - I will give you BACK 1/2 piece each. Not fair enough you say? I know you did all the work, but it was my idea for you guys to go trick or treating in the first place - you ungrateful little ghouls!

Anonymous said...

WHile the resto of us get to put on masks, the politicians have to finally take their off

Edward Snowden said...

Crappy how many people are involved with posting to this site? I've always wondered if it is just one person or more.

Keep wondering.......

Anonymous said...

"-look, if you’ve been successful [with gathering candy], you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I [trick-or-treated] harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something – there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a [full bag of candy]. you didn’t [trick-or-treat] that. Somebody else made that happen."

JQ said...

"The First Couple’s Halloween costumes were paid for by Broadway Stages, a Brooklyn company whose employees donated $25,000 to Mr. de Blasio’s campaign. The outfits were rented from Abracadabra for $350.

Broadway Stages, a film, television and music production facility, was responsible for the mayor appearing on The Good Wife in March.

sorry for reposting this,but I wonder how many productions,lousy shows and movies,this immoral corrupt company has made over the past 10 years of intrusive vehicles and cables on the streets and unregulated events and venues.Charlene and Bill McCray have no credibility on the concerns of the true taxpaying residents and families of this city and should never be trusted again.

time to rename "broken windows" to recognize burgeoning crime waves to "stupid costumes"

Fingerspitzengefühl said...

"Crappy how many people are involved with posting to this site? I've always wondered if it is just one person or more."

I don't know about you, Dear Reader, but I noticed over the past few weeks a different "sound" to the voice of the Crapman's comments on the blog. A different subtle stylistic change.

Anonymous said...

Fingerspitzengefühl said...
"Crappy how many people are involved with posting to this site? I've always wondered if it is just one person or more."

I don't know about you, Dear Reader, but I noticed over the past few weeks a different "sound" to the voice of the Crapman's comments on the blog. A different subtle stylistic change.

Poster with unpronounceable name: end your ridiculous speculation. The Crapper is *the same* person or persons it has always been.

It's a fact, and those of us who know are positive about it.

Anonymous said...

I'm noticing that a couple of my liberal opinions are actually being posted. Definitely a change in command here.

Queens Crapper said...

Opinions are posted so long as they're relevant to the topic and don't start or further a flame war.

Anonymous said...

I have more candy because my parents, who didn't have much candy, decided to only produce 2 trick or treaters. They taught my sister and I how to properly trick or treat and with discipline (no eggs or shaving cream), and determination (I never wanted just as much candy as my parents had) my parents raised 2 trick or treaters that have a better selection of candy then the others. I know sometimes you ring a door bell and you might get some licorice from and old lady or sometimes you might ring and ring and find nobody home (which will result in less candy), but I assure you the harder you try with a little guidance and a little luck you will come out with all the candy you need (doesn't have to be more candy).
But teaching kids to wait for the others to trick or treat and grabbing out of their bag contributes nothing to this world. Let them go out and fail. Then they can try again. One day they will figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Your comments will be posted so long as they contain:
-overused cliché right-wing republican propaganda
-disparraging comments about liberals and democrats
-disparraging comments about politicians, regardless of their political affiliation
-pseudo knowitall backseat-driver politics, i.e "damned pols, they are doing it that way but they SHOULD be doing it this closed"
-racist, bigoted, profane and otherwise derogatory remarks about immigrants, i.e "illegals"
-an 'us vs them' approach to immigrants
-"good ol days syndrome", i.e back in my day whites were clean and educated and there was no such thing as 5 points, the mafia, the bowery boys, robber barons, machine politics etc.
-a faux superiority complex
-any remark containing "diverse!", "vibrant!" or any combination thereof
-comments alluding that Queens is a 3d world county
-comments alluding that Queens is in an irreversible and critical sociocultural economic crisis
-comments regarding moving out of Queens for greener pastures elsewhere
These are the sacred laws of of Queens Crap, follow them and Crappy will bestow a blessing upon you.
Disobey them and crappy will condemn you to the bottomless void of unposted comments.

Anonymous said...

You have more candy because you were born with it.
When someone who wasnt born with candy finally does get candy it bothers you, plain and simple.
Its like Howard Stern says
"people like to pretend that they started from scratch, guys like Bill O'Rielly and Rush Limbaugh had enablers, aid and opportunities growing up, they were given handouts in life....but when someone who wasnt born with any privilege asks for a handout they call them criminals and tell them that handouts are bad, meanwhile these are guys who have been given handouts their entire lives".
If youve always had candy its nothing to be ashamed of...just realize that not everyone was born with candy.

Queens Crapper said...

Nice try, but most comments, regardless of opinion, are posted. Once you enter the abyss of blaming Fox News for shit, it's kind of pointless to post that drivel.

It's kind of like opening up the local papers and reading letter after letter about congress and Obama when the articles are about shit the council is doing.

Queens Crapper said...

How much more can the middle class be bled dry? Privilege? We're lucky we can make rent payments.

Anonymous said...

the whole candy argument also has to do with culture. IF you grow up in the ghetto, where taking things that don't belong to you is acceptable, and you think having 3 kids by multiple partners before you turn 20 is the norm, then you are going to expect pols to push an agenda that punishes people who work for their candy. Poverty would be very low if the bottom feeders developed some morals. But no, blame the rich instead, and enable more people to become part of the lowest common denominator.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know who here was born with candy.

Your parents are responsible for your upbringing, then you're on your own. At least that's how it's been for most generations. My mother, a single parent, worked overtime regularly so that she could send me to a decent school instead of the shitty ones where crime, social promotion and drugs were rampant. In a liberal's mind, that makes me privileged. I'd say that was a sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

And if you weren't born with candy and you earn it yourself? Well that's a crime in liberal land. You must have a tax on your candy so that you, with a little something, gives it to those who sit on their ass and laugh at you.

Anonymous said...

Crapper, I bet you never thought that posting a cartoon would provoke so much outrage from the left. Hilarious. You touched a nerve. The Dems are not the party of the working class anymore and it's starting to show.

Anonymous said...

Middle class? This is the last decade where the middle class is even going to exist.
By the 2020s the whole country should be a oligarchy, NYC certainly will be by then.
Queens will be unrecognizable because gentrification and developers can swallow up neighborhoods whole, they certainly have a larger and quicker effect than any immigrants could dream of having, particularly due to the fact that the government funds them and supports them via legislation (again, things that immigrants could never experience).
In the 1990s and 2000s nobody could have imagined how Astoria and LIC would have looked like in 2014. They wouldnt believe that Sunnyside, Woodside, Elmhurst, Jackson Heights and Corona would be hotbeds of yuppiefication.
If I were to tell you right now that skyscrapers and towers were going to line up all along queens blvd, roosevelt avenue, northern boulevard and the east river-flushing bay, you would laugh.
But if I were to go into a coma today and wake up in 20 years, I wouldnt be surprised to find these things in place, knowing how things already were in 2014.
The middle class will exist in name and media propaganda only, but what it will actually be is a population of indentured servants.
The goal of owning a home and a car will become the dream of ownership, the fleeting essence and illusion of owning anything.

Deke DaSilva said...

Your comments will be posted so long as they contain:

Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada....snooze.......

Well, if you don't like the blog, start your own damn blog!

Or else go over to Astorians, Huffington Post, NPR, Mother Jones, or whatever web site confirms your own personal biases and beliefs.

Otherwise, STFU!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever ask your single mother how exactly she *made* that money?
And yes that counts as a hand out, you said it yourself, YOUR MOTHER worked hard and put you through school, NOT YOU.
Again like stern said, people LIKE TO THINK that they started from scratch, meanwhile THEY WERE GIVEN HANDOUTS ALL THEIR LIVES.
Nothing to be ashamed of, but its also something not everyone had the PRIVILEGE of having.
You connote privilege with bad, I simply connote privilege as having an advantage over others without having earned it yourself.
Privilege isnt bad, privilege is simply privilege.

Fingerspitzengefühl said...

"The Crapper is *the same* person or persons it has always been."
An admission that there IS more than one "Crapper"?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but equating the education that your parents worked hard to afford to a "handout" is pretty lame.

If I had gone to a public school, would that have been a handout?

Anonymous said...

The point is, that his/her mother WORKED to afford a better life, and didn't expect the government to hand money out for nothing. "Privilege"? Please.

Anonymous said...

Interesting topic. Personally I always thought Crappy was not a single individual but a group of rotating admins..but I could be wrong.
How did we go from candy to conspiracy theories about Crappy again?

Fingerspitzengefühl said...

"How did we go from candy to conspiracy theories about Crappy again?"
Simple. It's the Queens Crap blogsite. You'll never know what you'll find. That's what makes it s-o-o-o interesting.

Anonymous said...

Bill O'Reilly was born in a crappy low class white neighborhood with horrible schools. Not familiar with his family but just because he is a white republican doesn't mean he was born with any privilege. Stop with the excuses.

Anonymous said...

Orielly grew up in Levittown and attended private schools as a boy.
Levittown was actually the first suburb ever, white families were given 30 year mortgages for no money down and cheap monthly payments, nobody else was afforded this opportunity.
He definitely doesnt reek of privilege.

Anonymous said...

Crappy would you ever have an AMA (Ask Me Anything)? That would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

That's not privilege. That's making the most of what you were given. Keep making excuses. Many immigrants came here and pulled themselves out of poverty in one generation. Drive to any black neighboor and it looks like a war zone. Queens has the most diverse neighborhoods in the country and look what ones are the most dangerous. Stop blaming everyone else and start changing the way they value what is important. Go to school-go to college-get a career-get married-then if you can't afford it start a family. Stop worring about the past and start thinking about the future. The cycle of destruction the democrats push on them does nothing but take down their entire race. (And I ain't no republican).Stop the cycle. Stop blaming people for being successful while doing absolutely nothing to better yourself but bitch and whine.

Anonymous said...

According to some of these leftist definitions of privilege, having a parent is a privilege because you did not have to beg for food yourself!

Gabster said...

"Drive to any black neighboor and it looks like a war zone."

LOL, does it? I grew up in South Ozone Park, it was (and still is) a decent mix of working and middle class folks, many of whom are black. Renters and owners; civil servants (my folks) and homemakers, everyone. My friends from my own neighborhood and the ones living in and around Rochdale Village, South Jamaica, Springfield Gardens, St. Albans, and Cambria Heights weren't war zone babies, either. Take a drive around some of those areas, won't you? Not the least bit shabby for blacks.

Poverty, in all of its ugliness is one thing, but outright declaring blacks the benchmark of said ugliness is another.

Anyway, great blog, Crapper. I'm a latecomer, but happy I found this blog nonetheless. Love the snark!

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