Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Douchebag developer out to destroy LIC's manufacturing sector

From the Real Deal:

Investors in a far-flung corner of industrial Long Island City are looking for a way to transform a 300,000-square-foot development site into a property that will raise its neighbors’ values. Nigel Shamash, principal broker at the firm 5cre, is courting developers to see who can come up with the best use for a property in a gritty section of the neighborhood between Newtown Creek and the Long Island Expressway.

Shamash said he represents a group of owners who purchased the two-story warehouse at 30-02 Borden Avenue last week, and is issuing a request for proposals to develop the site into something that will help jump start the area’s gentrification.

The owners’ preference is for a hotel, but the broker said they’d also consider creative uses such as an office building or shared work spaces – anything that will breed new life into the area. Neighbors include Silvercup Studios’ east lot as well as the Fairfield Inn and Best Western hotels.


Anonymous said...

Build a hotel. That way the city can buy it from you at 5 times its value and convert it to a homeless shelter.

JQ said...

welcome to queens-samaritan city

and where do they get the idea that there is no life in certain places,do these developers think they are magellan or columbus,or astronauts landing on mars?

let's hope this fails,and when this smug little shit stops by one of his buildings in progress,a steel beam vertically falls on his head.

Anonymous said...

A hotel? You mean a cover for a homeless shelter. Its 2 blocks from Newtown Creek and Dutch Kills, under the Expressway, on a toxic brownfield between a scrap yard and the Sheriff's warehouse, and next to one of the largest set designs for the NY stage (sure, lets drive THAT industry our of NYC).

This is complete bullshit and Exhibit A of what is wrong with the system.

This guy is likely connected with the machine and he and his boys will reap a tidy sum from our tax revenue for this nut-case scheme.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Anon#1, homeless shelters are the City's best moneymaking industry at the moment.

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