Saturday, October 18, 2014

DOB fines going unpaid

From the Epoch Times:

Every time someone is ticketed for littering, not shoveling their sidewalks, or any other “quality of life” violation, the city’s Environmental Control Board (ECB) is charged with holding hearings and issuing judgments and fines.

In fiscal year 2014, the 13 agencies issuing these types of tickets sent ECB 567,000 violations.

To date, New York City has $1.48 billion of uncollected debt stemming from these violations. Half of it comes from violations over two years old. About $350 million of that is interest on the uncollected fines.

Council members have been pushing for more efficiency in collecting this debt for years. In 2011 the Independent Budget Office (IBO) had released a report with these numbers at then-council member Gale Brewer’s request.

On Oct. 14, the Finance Committee discussed legislation to require the ECB to start submitting annual reports to the council so there is more transparency in the process.

Elizabeth Brown from IBO testified at the hearing in favor of annual reports, and suggested they be made available online as well.

“In the past IBO has been able to provide snapshots of the city’s unpaid fines. However, regular reporting would add another layer of transparency,” Brown’s testimony states.

In a 2007–2009 report, IBO found that the biggest share of unpaid fines came from violations issued by the Department of Buildings ($200 million).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The big thing with the pols is to pass laws, get a photo op, and expect the public to believe that everything is ok and fall asleep.

The only thing they go after is parking because cars make pollution which impacts air quality which puts a brake to development.

We can't have that.

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