Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Avella lead increased dramatically after paper ballots counted

"The election results are now final and can be found on the NY State Elections Site.

New York State Board of Elections 2014 Election Results Page

Total votes cast 14,898

Avella 7896 53%
Liu 7002 46%

So in other words Avella's lead INCREASED with the final votes counted." - anonymous

It went from +400 to +900? Wow.

I got a chuckle out of this:
I suppose he's improving ethics in government by endorsing the likes of John Liu?


Anonymous said...

Gianaris is still a big mystery to everyone in his district, and an even greater mystery is why he does so much in Albany he was a serious candidate for Lt. Governor.

Speaks volumes he is building his career on his constituents dime, but they being from Astoria no loss.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to know there are more sane people out there. Bad enough we are stuck with Liar Liar pants on fire Vallone. Tony is good guy and I look forward to great things from him.

Anonymous said...

Avella is the best for the office.

Anonymous said...

An Asian friend told me that Asians have no problem with corruption.

Wealthy elderly Asians will dress like beggars and go through our garbage to make an extra nickel.

They buy their children houses with dirty money and then go on food stamps.

Bloomturd was their hero - they have one measure of greatness - obscene wealth!

They adore Tommy Huang and John Liu - the more they cheat America the better!

And this came from an Asian!

Anonymous said...

"Tony is good guy..."

I the case of Avella and Liu, better the devil you know than the devil you don't. And don't fool yourself, no politician in a "good guy".

georgetheatheist said...

Gianaris . . the Mystery Man. Mystery Mike Gianaris. Just WHO is he? And WHAT does he do? He shows up at parades and ribbon-cuttings always lurking in the back. Then he says a few platitudes with a shit-eating grin at the microphone and tells the folks he's "a Greek". Then he hightails it out of there and disappears in the cloud of the ether . . until the next time. WHERE does he disappear to? Just WHO is he. WHERE does he come from. WHAT does he do?

Very, VERY mysterious. . . Mystery Mike Gianaris.

Anonymous said...

WHERE does he disappear to? Just WHO is he. WHERE does he come from. WHAT does he do?

Maybe he's ... Batman! Or, since he stresses how Greek he is, I guess it would be Batmannis.

Anonymous said...

Once spotted him eating in his car parked at a McDonalds on Astoria Blvd.

Anonymous said...

There's no fixing stupid.

Jerry Rotondi said...

I am no longer "grumpy" about my view of you...LOL...Mr. Liu. If you're reading this...which I expect you or one of your friends know the meaning of my cryptic remark. Bye bye Johnny and stay out of our hair.

Anonymous said...

No mystery here. Mike is probably the middleman in the Asian cash pipeline that buys our pols.

Mystery Man Mike said...

[So, my peeps can see me]

L'Shana Tovah!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gianaris...we never see him...and he also is rumored to be a gay homosexual

Anonymous said...

"Gianaris . . the Mystery Man. Mystery Mike Gianaris. Just WHO is he? And WHAT does he do? He shows up at parades and ribbon-cuttings always lurking in the back. Then he says a few platitudes with a shit-eating grin at the microphone and tells the folks he's "a Greek". Then he hightails it out of there and disappears in the cloud of the ether . . until the next time. WHERE does he disappear to? Just WHO is he. WHERE does he come from. WHAT does he do?

Very, VERY mysterious. . . Mystery Mike Gianaris."

You pretty much summed up what he does for the area - he does nothing, if you want to know about him, ask him where is his wife...

Anonymous said...

Gianaris was elected after his predecessor Onorato was pressured to retire following his vote against marriage equality.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 13:

Can you be a homsexual and not gay?

Anonymous said...

Liu did not concede the evening of the election because he has no class.

He was raised by a convicted bank thief so that's no surprise.

Bad family, bad apples in the entire barrel.

Johnny said...

All crooks.

Anonymous said...

After all these lost elections, Liu still can line up the suckers to give him campaign cash. That's his sole talent. I give him full credit for that.

Anonymous said...

When Liu did concede, he didn't even congratulate Avella.

Anonymous said...

That's because he has no class.


Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised by the increase in votes for Avella from the paper ballots. Most of those are from elderly Americans and service people overseas. My only surprise is that the Liu camp didn't find a way to have fake paper votes!

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