Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Video tribute to Rego Park


Anonymous said...

How depressing, dark, and dirty! I'd never live there.

Anonymous said...

used to live there, it sucked

We're Queens - We Can't Have Nice Things said...

What a Third World Ghetto! Tribute! To what?

Over-development and overpopulation?


Anonymous said...

This is some sort of video showcasing the normalcy of a neighbirhood to attract hipsters to come and rob it of its culture ?

Anonymous said...

Please remove this video! It's terrible! What purpose is it serving? Every scene is spooky and grimy.

Anonymous said...

You call this a tribute? And what's with the repetitive soundtrack? Poor choice .

Anonymous said...

My heart is swelling with pride! Commenters above, you suck.

Anonymous said...

Not a bad first feature, George. I would have left out the soundtrack and used more natural background noise from the neighborhood. Maybe you could include some text frames too to explain what places are, where you're headed next.

georgetheatheist said...

I have wasted 3:27 of my life watching this dreck.

Anonymous said...

Why does everything look so dark and dirty? Even the people are scruffy looking.

Anonymous said...

Friggan depressive not the Rego park I remember but a scenes off the streets of Bangladesh via venders running Skype

Worst audio track ever !

JQ said...

here's a better video

Sons of Liberty said...

1. Should have used the whole song. Pefer the Tesla version!

2.The song refers to how old ultr-conservertives would not accept new long haired "liberals" although not all people with long hair are liberals. I believe the use of the song in this video is referring to how new 3rd world slummers wont accept American citizens and wont assimilate to American values. Although the the producer is probably a indoctrinated left wing liberal and cant see this reality.

3. Rego park is becoming as filthy as corona.

4.To those who will refute my critique, I am neither left or right, I am a Patriot! I will defend any color, race or creed who is also a Patriot!

Joe Moretti said...

Yes, the video is a tad bit dark, but the area as seen by the video is not hardly as bad as others are saying, but it looks pretty much like most places in Queens, a little crappy, no charm, not much character and pretty nondescript.

Boy, are the roads fucked up though.

I don't think Brooklyn has anything to worry about.

Queens Crapper said...

I really didn't think it was all that awful, either. The music was funny and had nothing to do with the video though.

Anonymous said...

Should have been filmed in daylight instead!

JQ said...

I gave this another chance and kind of get the repetitive soundtrack.

the people aren't "scruffy",they are just people.Also just kids.people that might be forced out soon by the scourge of hypergentrification or by immiment crime from the dregs that will sneak in with the desperate homeless families.
I find these people more appealing than the creeps and twigs that are trying to take over ridgewood and rockaway.

keep posting videos qc.

Anonymous said...

Any reason why you would want to slant this to make it look bad...You could go to Park Ave. and find negative about a positive slant on your next video. And get a better musical background.

Anonymous said...

That was not a tribute to Rego Park. It was a deliberate tearing down to a beautiful neighborhood!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This video sucks and doing more harm than good for Rego Park.

Goebbels said...

Rego park is an overcrowded third world hellhole. If you love living with Uzbekistanis, Hindus,Asians, Jews, and everyone but White Americans, you will be in diversity heaven.As for me, I thank God I was able to escape hell.

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