Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Chemical company hitting the road

From the Daily News:

A longtime chemical storage facility in Glendale may be headed out the door.

Independent Chemical Corporation is “fully committed to moving” by early 2015, its owners told state inspectors during a July checkup that resulted in unspecified violations.

The “minor” infractions have already been addressed, according to company president Jonathan Spielman, who declined to comment on the move.

The DEC could not immediately confirm his account.

Civic leaders had asked the DEC to look into the site in June after they found chemical barrels out in the open at the facility, which is next to the site of a proposed city homeless shelter.


Anonymous said...

“We did not want to hurt the business,” said Robert Holden of the Juniper Park Civic Association.

Then you shouldn't have used it as a pawn in your war against the homeless.

Anonymous said...

The business going is a good thing for both the safety of the neighborhood and the SCA purchase of the entire land area for a high school. This move may have killed the homeless shelter.

Anonymous said...

The SCA better use the same company that Samaritan Village used for the environmental statement.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous no. 2 said:
"The business going is a good thing for both the safety of the neighborhood and the SCA purchase of the entire land area for a high school. This move may have killed the homeless shelter."

HUH? How?

Queens Crapper said...

They mean this:

The council unanimously passed a resolution requesting the Dept. of Education, School Construction Authority, DHS and Mayor Bill de Blasio relocate the proposed Glendale shelter so that the Cooper Avenue site can be used for a public school.

At CEC 24’s last meeting, Mary Leas, director of external affairs at the SCA, said the agency is interested in the site as a school, but only if it can acquire two adjacent properties.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clarifying, Crappy...

Anonymous said...

45 jobs gone because some guy didn't like the idea of a homeless shelter...

Anonymous said...

If there's a school built there, you'll have a lot more than 45 jobs.

Anonymous said...

Allow me to rephrase. 45 people who had a good paying job they could get to and were qualified for are going to be out of work.

Now some other greedy union scum are going to get a plush teaching gig and that makes up for it? The school could have been put anywhere else and you would have gotten the same jobs there.

45 people are about to be out of work because of Holden. What a schmuck.

Queens Crapper said...

The company is moving to the Bronx, not Kansas, moron.

Anonymous said...

The company is moving to the Bronx because their facility in Glendale is in violation of the regulations for storing chemicals. It would be too expensive to make it legal so they are moving. Amazing that some idiots on this blog are blaming the whistle blowers.

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