Tuesday, September 9, 2014

This is why we end up with crap

The Queens Courier asked some random people in Bayside who they planned to vote for and the answers were sad, but not surprising. This is the mentality of the average voter: they're not engaged and they couldn't care less, which is why we end up with such crappy leadership.


Anonymous said...

Wow, the guy who said he was not sure he was a registered Democrat, but if he is, he will vote for the first person on the list...STUPID

Anonymous said...

The winner is whoever floods the media to get the name recognition anyway. Then when they get old or leave because of term limits their little turds with their names take office. Exhibit A: Mario and Andrew Cuomo. Who said the colonists left the monarchy in the old country?

Anonymous said...

Even though all politicians are corrupt, I still make it a point to vote.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't anyone noticed how STUPID the people in Flushing, Bayside and especially Whitestone are? And I'm not talking about the Vibrant and Diverse - I'm talking about White Americans!

Most of them have never even been to a museum! Ever!

One has to converse on the level of a ten-year-old with most of them. Just look at their architecture - that says it all!

They're a bunch of uneducated peasants - American-style.

Anonymous said...

“I’ll vote for John Liu. He has integrity.”

Euthanasia. The time has arrived.

Anonymous said...

You're far beyond the boundaries of credulous, stupid and naive if you think voting makes any substantial difference in how this will affect your life.

Youre better off doing a load of laundry then going out to vote.

Anonymous said...

"Youre better off doing a load of laundry then going out to vote."

As long as you didn't say, "Youre better off doing a load of laundry THAN going out to vote."

Anonymous said...

You're far beyond the boundaries of credulous, stupid and naive if you think voting makes any substantial difference in how this will affect your life.

Youre better off doing a load of laundry then going out to vote.

This is the kind of garbage a hack would write - THEY know how important elected office is with the RIGHT (not GOOD) people in.

What we need is a long term plan involving many people - starting with insisting the civics be taught in schools, and the elected officials fund programs - instead of dividing us by ethnic background, uniting us a communities.

We need symposiums and programs and lectures like the old Labor Lyceums 100 years ago that taught the grandparents of the current pricks in office the ropes of the American form of government.

Its about time that a city that prides itself in being the taste maker of the world move beyond the petty stupid bossism from 150 years ago.

Anonymous said...

When I was in 6th grade at PS 163 I took the Iowa reading tests and maxed it out. Nowadays you are lucky if you read at a 6th grade level when you enter College if you went to a public school in NYC.

Anonymous said...

Liu...because he has integrity?

OMG is that woman the number one most ignorant person on this planet?

Anonymous said...

the quality of life will only get worse in nyc/nys.

the tax and spenders always get elected by the uninformed citizens,because they believe the local media, which is owned by the corrupt politicians.

the dictatorship is obvious in nyc already.every freeloader is being supported by the capitalist among us.
when the capitalists leave ,the remaining Marxists will have no one to steal the revenue from and give it away to the freeloading voters.

Capt. John Smith ,Jamestown ,Va. 1607 ; YOU DON'T WORK ...YOU DON'T EAT!!!!!!

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