Friday, September 19, 2014

Spectacular restoration unveiled

Curbed has a look inside the restored Loew's Kings Theater in Brooklyn, and while it looks beautiful, I can't help but be sad knowing that the RKO Keith's will never be restored that way.


Anonymous said...


How beautiful. I only know the RKO Keith's as an abandoned theater - unfortunately it was closed long before I was a kid. Was it as breathtaking as this?

It is such a shame but we must fight to keep, preserve and restore our history.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Thank the administrations of Donald Manes, followed by his able accomplice Claire Shulman, for sandbagging efforts to fully landmark and preserve the RKO Keith's Flushing Theatre. If CB 7 was fully on board protecting the historic Keith's, we would not have the sad state of affairs that exist today. Hence the big difference between the corrupt, small time crooks of Queens with the grander borough of Brooklyn. Here we're cater to developers who destroy history in exchange for campaign contributions they bestow on our politicians.

Anonymous said...

True about the commune boards betrayal of the Keith's. They feigned caring but didn't really care. They were only going through the motions while kissing the asses of developers who came before the board seeking favors. Follow the buck Chuck Apelian serves his clients (developers) rather than his community. His partner Paul Vallone backs his plays.

Anonymous said...

That's Brooklyn and this is Queens...a borough of dumb hick farmers who don't know shit from Shilola when it comes to electing decent pols to represent them.

Anonymous said...

#1, Google RKO Keiths and check out the You Tube videos. It was awesome in it's day...but started to go downhill with the City itself in the 60's.

Anonymous said...

Tens of millions spent to revive an auditorium that will no doubt cater to gangsta/hip hop artists. I can assure you, Barbara S. and Neil D. will not be returning to the old neighborhood to do a benefit concert there.

Anonymous said...

Queens theaters become condos.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 6: You never know. It was just on the news that Neil D. is going to do a concert in Brooklyn at an unspecified location. Could be the Loews Kings.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter who and what performs at the Kings. The point being that it was saved unlike the Keith's which was plundered by greedy politicians who went along with Manes script and enabled Tommy Huang to destroy it in exchange for his political campaign contributions to them. CB 7 just sat around with their thumbs up their asses, taking their cues from Claire Shulman and the great Democratic Party dictatorship of Queens. Amen. Rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Dummy....the Keith's was in fine shape in the 1960s. What were you smoking or drinking that led you to see otherwise?

Anonymous said...

Now that the great inv-Asian has secured Flushing as a colony, it don't really matter anymore. Does it? Forget it Jake it's Chinatown!

Jerry Rotondi said...

The Kings is one of 5 great "wonder theaters" built by Loews which are still standing....Paradise (Bronx) 175th Street (Manhattan) Valencia (Quueens) Jersey (Jersey City). The Loews Jersey is mostly restored and has been offering programs for years. That is where I now go to get the movie palace experience. Shame on all of you who allowed the Keith's to become what it is now. There is no need to name names for you all know who you are. Enjoy your legacy to Queens. The name of the Keith's will be remembered long after your names will be forgotten.

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