Tuesday, September 16, 2014

NY Senate bill would provide citizenship benefits to illegal aliens

From the NY Post:

Illegal aliens in New York could score billions in Medicaid and college tuition money — along with driver’s licenses, voting rights and even the ability to run for office — if Democrats win control of the state Senate in November, The Post has learned.

A little-known bill, dubbed “New York is Home,” would offer the most sweeping amnesty available anywhere in the country to nearly 3 million noncitizens living in the Empire State.

It would bar police from releasing any information about them to the feds, unless it involves a criminal warrant unrelated to their immigration status.

Under the proposed legislation, undocumented immigrants could also apply for professional licenses and serve on juries.

The plan hinges on Democrats — who now control both the governorship and the state Assembly — wresting control of the Senate from Republicans, who oppose immigration amnesty.

GOP officials maintain that amnesty for illegal aliens would open the door to fraud and abuse and increase the risk of terrorism.

For example, the bill would let illegals vote in local and state elections, but they would be barred by federal law from voting for presidential or congressional candidates.


Anonymous said...

So who pays for all the benefits??????? Let me guess.....

Anonymous said...

This would kill the State!

Anonymous said...

liberalism is a mental disorder !
Need more proof ?

Anonymous said...

Let's all thank these stupid congressmen for turning ny into one big welfare state. We are already 300 billion dollars in debt! I'm just waiting for this entire state to go bankrupt. This is fuckin insanity. This means my american citizenship.means absolutely nothing! All congressmen can go fuck themselves for making citizenship not worth shit!

Anonymous said...

Hello Governor Astorino!

Anonymous said...

So what would be the benefit of being a citizen? You would have more rights and benefits as an illegal than as a US citizen.

How about they pass legislation that anytime any illegal is arrested for anything they automatically get deported instead of this sanctuary city crap.

Anonymous said...

This November, people! Let them know!

Anonymous said...

Of course the Democrats are the bill sponsors..they would count on the illegals to register and vote for them in future elections.

Anonymous said...

NY is bring sold down the river all for a democrat's vote. They must be stopped!

Anonymous said...

Remember this the next time your
Albany rep tells you they have no time for you or no money for your project.

Anonymous said...

We might be better off renouncing our citizenship in the state of New York. After all, it will soon mean nothing.

Anonymous said...

The fee for individuals to renounce U.S. citizenship is jumping to $2,350 as of Sept. 12—more than five times the current charge of $450.

Is this a tax deduction?

georgetheatheist said...

You, the CITIZEN, will die in the hallway of the hospital because there will be 10 ILLEGAL ALIENS on Medicaid ahead of you in the ER. Me? I always wanted to die lying on a gurney next to a vending machine.

Anonymous said...

Time to ban the ban the Democrat party. All it does is commit treason at every turn.

J.Crowley said...

Ah George, come lie down and expire with me in our comfortable hospital beds here in Virginia.

Anonymous said...

" I always wanted to die lying on a gurney next to a vending machine."

Make sure you have exact change.

Anonymous said...

No point in working and playing by the rules.....go on Medicaid, get food stamps, PA, section 8 or other housing assistance, free cell phones, etc etc. Do a little work for cash, get huge tax refunds, and life is a beach! Let the working man fund everything and get less than 50% of their earned income! screw 'em! This is America, give me your tired, poor and hungry. Suckers!

Anonymous said...

"No point in working and playing by the rules..."

People are sick and tired of this progressive gimme gimme gimme crap.

The senate changes hands the house stays the same and if the chief screw up tries to use his pen to legislate he'll be finding himself indicted.

The November reckoning is approaching.

Anonymous said...

This country is falling apart.

I'm glad my wife and I decided not to ever have children.

They will not have a home to live in, and they will have a life worse than ours was. I feel bad for any kids growing up here today.

Anonymous said...

Horrible horrible! The most ridiculous idea, these people have no brains or no souls. Why ruin this State???

Jaime Lannister said...

Why should anyone bother applying and waiting for a visa to enter the country? Then you have to wait five years and take an exam to become a citizen. Just sneak across the border or stowaway on a plane or boat and you'll have the same benefits as an actual citizen! Get convicted for a felony? Free plane ride back to the country you came from so you can enter illegally again!

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for any kids growing up here today.

Don't be. They walk around showing as much skin as possible dressed like they are going to the beach (women) or a prison riot (men), are tens of thousands in debt, drift from job to job, but hell, give them some cheese, a craft beer, and they are as happy as could be.

Just do not talk politics or anything serious or anything that requires more than 5 minutes of attention, and raise no topic about anyone famous before 1990.

Anonymous said...

Hear this democratic candidates running for state office. I will not vote for ANY of you. I'll vote for a piece of crap like Astorino before I vote for you amnesty assholes.

Anonymous said...

Why can't "US CITIZENS" vote on this issue? Since we have to pay for everything and everyone, we should at least have a vote on it. Why must we depend on all these liberal democrats to represent us, when they never have our best interests at heart? Term limit all of them. Kick them to the curb.

Anonymous said...

I guess that those Albany Democrats have to import some new voters.
Then you have those "alternate" Democrats.

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